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FM Wellness Project debuts


Phoenix Rising Founder
From Prohealth

Free Online Fibromyalgia Wellness Project Is Up & Running SIGN UP NOW

October 3, 2009

Dr. William Collinge, PhD, MPH, has issued the following invitation to fibromyalgia patients across the U.S. Dr. Collinge has been developing techniques for FM and ME/CFS healing & wellness for more than 20 years, beginning with a program to support Dr. Daniel Petersons CFS patients in Incline Village, Nevada. He says this unique, personalized program really helped participants in the pilot test, and aims to enroll more than 2,200 patients overall in the months ahead.

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to announce that the Fibromyalgia Wellness Project (www.fmwellness.org) is now up and running and ready to receive participants.

This is a research project sponsored by the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin diseases, National Institutes of Health. Its purpose is to evaluate a new web-based self-management program that aims to help people with FM discover ways to reduce symptoms and improve health through a completely personalized self-monitoring approach that takes no more than 5 to 10 minutes per day.

In using this program you will create your own personal database of symptom patterns and self-management strategies that will be analyzed by the project's proprietary analytical methods.

After sufficient use (depending on how frequently you use it - we recommend at least four times per week), the program will provide you with personalized feedback about strategies that lead to reduced symptoms for you.

The feedback you receive will be derived from your own personal inputs over time, which is why your on-going participation over several weeks is needed.

This allows you to experiment with different strategies and lifestyle changes (e.g., bed times, meal times, self-help practices, exercise, stresses, herbs, supplements, medications, and more) to find out what works best for you.

Please go to www.fmwellness.org to learn about the project and sign up.

We will be continuing to upgrade and refine the site in the coming months. I hope you find the project beneficial, and welcome your participation.

Best regards,
William Collinge, PhD, MPH
Principal Investigator
The Fibromyalgia Wellness Project
It sounds like a good process but the web site is the most confusing hunk of junk I have ever seen. I am usually very computer/web savvy but this site really is not public friendly. They really need to redesign the web site if they want people to participate.
It sounds like a good process but the web site is the most confusing hunk of junk I have ever seen. I am usually very computer/web savvy but this site really is not public friendly. They really need to redesign the web site if they want people to participate.

Okay, I take that comment back. It is semi confusing. I have been adding info daily. I have about 25-30 profiles and still don't have any data to look at. Maybe one day.:confused: