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Fluoridation Linked to ADHD, Hypothyroid - newsweek article


Senior Member


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
You can get a home filter to remove flouride, but it isn't one of the ordinary cheaper ones. It has to be reverse osmosis or distillation.

Yep, I have been looking into this, but am very confused about the particular merits of RO vs Distillation. I rent and would like a free standing filter, but can't find anything to meet my needs, as you need water pressure for RO, and distillation is said to be unhealthy. Also the cost appears to be very high.

I currently boil my water, with Vit C, to break down chloramins, but as someone noted, this will concentrate the fluoride (not by much I expect).
Best book ever. Serious research went into that. Thanks for bringing it up.

True, he spent decades of research in the Library of Congress under the supervision of Ezra Pound. His other books are also very interesting - Secrets of the Federal Reserve, The World Order, Curse of Canaan......

In fact, there are not many authors you can trust on these subject matters.


Senior Member
It's like the only book on the true history of the AMA. Amazing. Works hand in hand with American Cancer Society etc foundations to buy up and destroy cures. Eventually they won'T be able to keep up with the cures and world wide demand. Funny how the ama was started by two quacks.


Senior Member
This man's work sounded interesting until I saw this:

"His October, 1952 article "Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation" was mentioned in a report by the House Un-American Activities Committee.[21] In it, he espoused anti-Semitic views and expressed the belief that America owes a debt to Hitler.[22] The article first appeared in The National Renaissance, journal of the National Renaissance Party.[12]

In a tract called The Secret Holocaust, Mullins stated that the accepted account of the Holocaust is implausible, calling it a cover story for Jewish-led Soviet massacres of Christians and anti-communists.[23] In particular, Mullins argues that by the mid-1960s, in order to divert the world's attention away from this putative mass slaughter, "the Jews" had cooked up the story of the Holocaust, using "photographs of the bodies of their German victims, which are exhibited today in gruesome 'museums' in Germany as exhibits of dead Jews"[24] as evidence for their claims.[23]"

It's hard to take seriously the thoughts of someone who is an ardent denier of such a grossly true segment of world history.


Senior Member
It's hard to take seriously the thoughts of someone who is an ardent denier of such a grossly true segment of world history.
It also brings into question his ability to objectively evaluate evidence. It strongly suggests that he can't distinguish between opinion and fact, and that he is willing to ignore evidence that doesn't fit his pet theory. Not someone to trust on any matter or research, historical or scientific.
This man's work sounded interesting until I saw this:

"His October, 1952 article "Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation" was mentioned in a report by the House Un-American Activities Committee.[21] In it, he espoused anti-Semitic views and expressed the belief that America owes a debt to Hitler.[22] The article first appeared in The National Renaissance, journal of the National Renaissance Party.[12]

In a tract called The Secret Holocaust, Mullins stated that the accepted account of the Holocaust is implausible, calling it a cover story for Jewish-led Soviet massacres of Christians and anti-communists.[23] In particular, Mullins argues that by the mid-1960s, in order to divert the world's attention away from this putative mass slaughter, "the Jews" had cooked up the story of the Holocaust, using "photographs of the bodies of their German victims, which are exhibited today in gruesome 'museums' in Germany as exhibits of dead Jews"[24] as evidence for their claims.[23]"

It's hard to take seriously the thoughts of someone who is an ardent denier of such a grossly true segment of world history.

This is a rather huge topic to get into, but you shouldn't assume that everything written in your history books is full of truth. Check out other authors such as Anthony Sutton and you will find some interesting information about WW1 and WW2....read about the Rothschilds and the American financiers who funded the Nazis. Maybe read The World Order by Eustace Mullins. There is much to read on the subject and you might realise that much of what you thought you knew is wrong or a half-truth. You will find that Mullins is correct about fluoridation, this is an old topic and you can find similar information elsewhere.

Even Stanley Kubrick tried to expose a little about 'the elite' with his film Eyes Wide Shut. For years I never knew what that film was really about....to the uninitiated the truth is hidden in plain sight. The truth is right in front of you, but you have your 'eyes wide shut'.

There are also a pair of statues in the UK depicting the same masked figures that are shown in the film during the ritual scene. The statues are located in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire - it's because of the Rothschild family. Below is a picture of the statues, one of the masked figures in the film and the ritual scene. I got a bit off-topic but it might interest you.


EWS Statue and Film Clip.jpg

Ritual scene.jpg
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Senior Member
Woah Nellie, @Katherine, I think you have misread my comment and made presumptions about what I "assume" or how open my eyes are.

I have been researching these topics for years, avoid fluoride like the plague (from the vantage of both research and direct experience) and am aware of certain aspects of the so-called financial elite.

However this has nothing whatsoever to do with the racism and absurdity of denying this horrific world event. I personally choose not to read further in a book by a man whose own eyes are "wide shut" regarding the mass murder of millions of people. This is not to say some of what he writes about lacks truth value; just that I don't prefer to be in the atmosphere of that kind of hate and nonsensical denial. My own grandfather was a respected and decorated european journalist during WWII who was captured by the Nazis and later escaped. His experience was not a fabrication and it is a derangement of the thinking faculties to pretend the entire wartime record is a fabrication.


Senior Member
No doubt his views on Jews are backwards but he has a very good history of the ama and medicine in there. Yeah i don't agree with some of his views but he researched the he'll out of that book. I'm not sure that book I mentioned even contains the antisemitic. If it weren't for that view I'm sure he would have gotten better recognition for the honest research he did. You'd have to read the book to see how far he traced back the medical societies to appreciate it.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
@ebethc @RustyJ
Big Berkey filters have optional flouride filter. They're gravity-fed, stand on the benchtop. I love mine. I clean the ceramic filters about every 3 months, now 2 years old; the flouride I replaced after about a year, as they recommend.

These look good. They also filter out chloramins, so no more boiling. I am on the verge of spending...:)


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I learned to clean the ceramic filters in a previous water filter. My Berkey vendor suggests yearly replacement. You need a clean green scrubby, save it just for the filters, and scrub just hard enough to remove the colored coating which has collected. This gives you a very long life for the ceramic filters.;)


Senior Member
It's like the only book on the true history of the AMA. Amazing. Works hand in hand with American Cancer Society etc foundations to buy up and destroy cures. Eventually they won'T be able to keep up with the cures and world wide demand. Funny how the ama was started by two quacks.

How can we ever help anyone when you have to deal with institutions like these? I know there are a ton of mainstream allopath's who want to help but are bound by their dogmatic educations, and won't dare to stray outside of the boundries.
Check out other authors such as Anthony Sutton and you will find some interesting information about WW1 and WW2....read about the Rothschilds and the American financiers who funded the Nazis.

I recommend to take a look on what MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER has said about this financing allegations. there is a lot more to know and it is not as simple as Anthony Sutton & Co are telling…
It's hard to take seriously the thoughts of someone who is an ardent denier of such a grossly true segment of world history.

there is a controversial but worth watching documentary about this called "One Third of the H."


PR activist
Damage from fluoride occurs mainly when there is iodine deficiency. So one way of combating fluidization is to supplement iodine.