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Flu vaccine poll

How long does it take you to recover from the flu vaccine?

  • 1-2 weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4-8 weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8+ weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 16+ weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi all,

Just a poll to see how long it takes people to recover from the flu vaccine.

I'm in my 4th week and am not where I was pre flu jab yet, I was feeling pretty good the day before I got it to be honest. But the flu vaccines side effects and reduction of function isn't as severe as it was with my first and second covid jabs.

Anyway just wanted to canvas and find out how bad the flu vaccine leaves you all.

I would strongly suggest that pwME take important supplements such as vitamin D and C. There is a wealth of evidence (from just 2020/2021 alone) to show how they greatly reduce your chances of getting an upper respiratory tract infection. Never mind all the other natural supplements such as zinc, quercetin, NAC and melatonin that will enhance your immune system.


Senior Member
My response was for Covid. Is that considered a flu? I've never bothered with regular flu shots, since I've never had a problem with a regular flu virus. I've only had a flu a couple of times in my life, and they gave me mild symptoms for a day or so.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi wishful,

No this is a flu vaccine poll only. Nothing related to covid :)

Flu knocked me out for a few months as a kid. Hollucinations due to lack of oxygen, severe asthma and then steroids for the lung infection.
After the flu vaccines I never had any bad reaction whatsoever. However, I probably won't get it this year, as I plan to get the Covid booster and don't want to strain my body any further than necessary with all those vaccinations within only 9 months or so. Because the Covid jabs took me 2 months each to recover from.


Senior Member
I wont be getting it this year, because my GP no longer considers there is anything wrong with me, has stopped signing prescription and is no longer offering me a flu jab, nor can I get appointments. Honestly I am not in any shape to go get the jab anyway so unless they bring it to me it wouldn't be possible but the prejudice from my GP has ramped up in the past weeks as I attempt to fight for my right to treatment and smash the new guidance at them so there is zero chance they help me take it.


Senior Member
Northern California
Hi, @godlovesatrier

Honestly, it's hard for me to discern between feeling extra lousy from the exertion of going to the medical center to get the flu shot, or if the vaccine perhaps stirred up my immune system a bit. Or maybe it's both?

I think of myself as being fairly in tune with my body, but just not sure this time around.

In the survey above, I chose 3 days, but it was actually 4. I spent 4 days in bed or on sofa, before I was able to resume some of the activities of daily living, like tossing the trash, getting the mail, or handle an incoming grocery delivery.

So, a fairly icky 4 days, but worth it to me for at least some protection for whatever strain of the flu comes around this year.
I wont be getting it this year, because my GP no longer considers there is anything wrong with me, has stopped signing prescription and is no longer offering me a flu jab, nor can I get appointments. Honestly I am not in any shape to go get the jab anyway so unless they bring it to me it wouldn't be possible but the prejudice from my GP has ramped up in the past weeks as I attempt to fight for my right to treatment and smash the new guidance at them so there is zero chance they help me take it.
That is outrageous behaviour. GP's such as this are breaking their hippocratic oath to do no harm.


Senior Member
That is outrageous behaviour. GP's such as this are breaking their hippocratic oath to do no harm.

They don't take that oath anymore. Given the NHS's history of ME mistreatment in many ways I am lucky, I haven't been stuck in a mental ward and tortured into even worse condition. Seeing doctors in the UK for ME remains dangerous. I have successfully moved GP as of Friday and prescriptions are getting signed but given my experience I am still not comfortable talking to them about anything else unless I know precisely what I want from them. I know what they can do so unless I want a particular diagnostic test or a particular drug I wont be pursuing doctor interactions for a diagnosis ever again until the NHS has a clear way for it to go well and has a way to protect me from a bad one.