No one from the NIH is doing the keynote address.
Who has died?
The govenor of Nevada... apparently he was responsible for securing a chunk of their funding..... for their shiny new building
the concern is over how the comittee will actually recieve these letters. dealing with these issues this way is considered out of the ordinary. It simply will not make sense to them and will reflect negatively on those we are trying to support....
i dont think anybody is overjoyed that she is not speaking... i dont want to give off the impression that i don't want her speaking.... she is better than half the clowns at the conference....
the issues is entirely one of perception however... and this will be perceived as meddling on our part...
yes the conference will have some other people on the other side of the isle... switzer ... what ?!?? ... but these things have to happen...
the scientists are going to have to listen to the procedures of each group... the group with the best science will one day shine out....the science WILL speak for itself....
HIV took three years to be verified, and the people that verified it called it a different virus and tried to take credit for it... but the genetic sequences don't lie and the original authors eventually got credit...
to a patient group , like us, waiting that long is an enternity in hell.... but understand most scientists are not sick, and have never experienced this hell first hand. i get how upset you are. the thought of waiting years for this, is beyond the scope of my patience too
but there are issues of perception here... every group has its "own" way of doing things..... and we will alienate them from our demands if we focus on this particular issue....
its like this.... they go into these conferences feeling like the community chose these scientists for speaking... if we force them to listen to somebody we want them to hear... thats not going to make her the "expert" in their mind... their very embedded ... for better or worse... in the procedures and deliberations of these committees.... to override that on the whim of people that are not scientists is going to make them discount anything she would say... they would know she had been placed there by outside entities....
also.... rusceitti might be the expert on CFS... but as far as gammaretrovirus it seems he and his wife have just about more eperience than everybody else.... i saw that "bootlegged" version of his speech to the emory med students and he is a fascinating scientists to watch.... his work is ingenius in my opinion... and i gathered from that vid that it was he and his wife that were so good at finding the right sequences and what not that made the pcr so good in their experiments (that appeared in the Science paper).... they probably did snub dear judy...and they are kinda jersk for it.... but they picked him up... and its possible they just wanted to focus on somebody with 3lite ^irus ski||s for gamma retroviruses ....
think about it like this... if your the committee and you know there are going to be people there that found the virus and some that didn't (speaking at the conference)... you want the virus guy showing the newbies how to do the RIGHT pcr.... so if you can only stick a few people into the conference that found the virus the right way... you might pick him... and a cfs specialist from a different group.... to have a little diversity.... it does snub her... but if switzer is also speaking... they might just want to contrast his results/methods with Ruscetti and his wife's methods... that would be VERY useful to us and the researchers... it would show where Switzer made his mistakes.... i get the feeling the CFS patient selection thing is going to be something they look at later down the road... right now it looks to me they are more focused on finding the virus ....
one day they will be far enough down the research road that they will be able to look back and say "yeah we should have been looking at CFS patients, with the right CFS definition long agol" but that has to come after they are sure they can accurately define the virus....this isn't a conference on sick people... its a conference on viruses that make people sick....
from what i gather from watching ruscetti... they actually had identical results to the CDC and other failed experiments when they used the ENV protein... the same one the other experimenters used.... all he has to do is put up his little slide on the reliability of the different sequences they used to find the virus and they will see that they duplicated the cdc/fail experiments... and then devised a better solution.
Ruscetti and his wife have been playing ... apparently... with MLV's for literally decades... Judy and others really focused on HIV, and HTLV ... which are somewhat different... different mutation patterns... different cells infected ... different immune mechanisms to mutate around....
Judy's experience on viruses seems more broad... i get the feeling ruscetti had been playing in the gammaretrovirus sand box for about 30 years...
i'm not saying she deserves this treatment or lack of treatment.
i'm more concerned about the funding issue....
she wouldn't come out and say it.... but they seem "concerned" over that more than anything right now....
it seemed... and i could be wrong... that dr. mikovitz actually knew him on some level... and that their relationship was in part responsible for the newer building'/equipment..... they wouldn't say that explicitly.... but from what i gathered she did know him, and it seems that was the impetus for the funding....
we need to focus on programming the new gov. bEFORE he takes office, that this is STILL a priority for the state....
We need people in Nevada to help with this... its going to have to be his constituency.