I too STRONLY support this issue and suggest that others fight it as well
Dr. Mikovits should have been the key-note speaker for this conference. I just assumed she would be given that she is the true expert in XMRV. I know there are others who are well informed in XMRV, but let's face it, it is Mikovits that really knows this stuff and how to find it.
And I do believe that someone, somehow got to these conference people and made sure that Mikovits was not on the speakers roster but instead, on some "no value" committee. This was deliberate and meant to keep XMRV, CFIDS, WPI out of the spotlight. And also, where the heck are the reps from FDA and NIH? Didn't they do studies on XMRV as well? Further, why is Switzer from the CDC, of the failed - "we did not find XMRV study" - on this speakers roster? Again, his place was to damage XMRV research. Since the CDC did not find XMRV using their assays, why then is HE speaking on this topic? Why not Mikovits, the person who developed painstakingly the current protocols to find this virus?
Yet again, the government health organizations have gotten into this area and are trying to damage XMRV research and credibility. This is a waste of a conference and one that will damage and discredit XMRV and further Retrovirus research. And that's what they are trying to do. Pure and simple. Look at the line up.
I ran a 800 person conference with people coming from all over the world. We made sure that we went to the very highest levels of authority, power, knowledge to get the key note speaker. From the very top, when they would come back with a no, we then moved sideways or downwards to the next person with the throw weight until we got the very best we could. The key note speaker is the authority, anyone less suggests that the organization running the conference has no real credibility OR they do not want a first class key note speaker -- odd, but for whatever reasons.
This is not a case of over-reacting or hysteria as some have suggested. This is yet another attempt to damage XMRV and Retrovirus research and credibility. No X-files thinking here, but come on, you bring in the best not the ones that can't or didn't or won't - llike Switzer. This is some sort of placating game. Hey, we did a conference and nothing of value came of it. And another blow to XMRV/Retrovirus research is given.
So, I have made it a point to email DHHS, NIH, the conference people as well as the media on this one. I hate it but the fact is that we have to fight on every single front on every single issue no matter how "small" some of us may think it is. In this case, I do NOT think this is a small issue. Rather, another nail in the coffin for more research and so I have been aggressive (not nasty, but forthcoming) in my emails.
The problem with CFIDS is that we did not have the media interest and public viewing of the disease or the retrovirus(es) that were/have been discovered. Part of this was our own fault for not fighting and instead being too timid and intimidated. That can NOT continue. We can not go another 30 years with the CDC and other health orgs (here, in the UK, Canada, etc) covering up CFIDS/XMRV/Retroviruses. The numbers of carriers and sick are just too large now. What will happen in the next 30 years to all those carriers and sick? The numbers will be astonomical. More young children will be sick and their lives lost to a virus that should have been dealt with back in the mid 1980s.
I have no intentions of just laying here and letting this cover-up continue. I will be damned before I watch my own niece and nephew walk the same road that both my father and I have walked. With my family there is a strong "genetic" component to CFIDS and FM - and Connective Tissue Disorder (and POTS). So for these little guys I fight. And I will keep fighting every time "they" play games with us. No more. It's war on every level and on every front. It is that serious now. And NOW more than ever.