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Find a Methylation Practitioner


Senior Member
Ben Lynch has started a series of training seminars for methylation. Last October, 240 practitioners attended. There is a followup seminar coming up in March. The list below consists of people who have attended his seminar.

Ben Lynch MTHFR.net Practitioner List

There is also a list of practitioners at MTHFRsupport.com. They have a rating system in place, so presumably there is a better chance these are good practitioners.

MTHFRsupport.com Practitioner List

Then there is the list at MTHFRease.com which has been submitted by patients:

Of course, you will still want to do due diligence to make sure the person you choose is going to be right for you and do a good job.


Senior Member
Yes, thanks for posting these. There have been numerous times that I end up logging onto Phoenix Rising just to look up a link I'd seen you post. Today I used one to start trying to find a new practitioner.


NPeden, Monterey, CA
Not sure now about naturopaths....I have been through two now. The first knew little about methylation and the second was one I hired who is a Bastyr graduate listed on Lynch's site and he has been less than helpful even though I have a lot to deal with.

He was very good prescribing passion flower tincture for my MAO A; my psych was very impressed.

But I am having my amalgams out and he is less than knowledgeable about chelation and I will be depending on the web more and using him less. I also have a new "functional med" MD who takes my insurance now and I am talking on the phone tomorrow with a nutritionist who like me is c677t for MTHFR. (But I bet she doesn't have the mental mutations I have...)

I was trained to the phd level in a philosophy that believes we co create reality so I like have a doc to turn to only I want one who is a) knowledgeable and 2) covered by insurance. With naturopath's that's hard to find.