Feeling poisoned

Sometimes I feel poisoned, but it feels more like I'm lacking something instead of having something extra there. Poisoned is a great way to describe it though. It really feels like it's some out of control, abnormal thing that my body is not coping with.

Sometimes I think it's from built up old toxins being released, that is what chiropractors and massage therapists say.

I think some of the problem is latent viruses getting reactivated or maybe if they are dying off (Herx reaction).


Senior Member
"hypertoxic feeling throughout the body" is how I used to describe it to doctors. This was an unbearable symptom for me in the first 5 years. Could actually feel it circulating in my blood vessels and going all around my body. It made me feel ill at ease all the time. I was in a bad way, back then, traumatized by insomnia as well and on and on....

Don't get it now, was in the severe years.


Senior Member
taniaaust1, you made a very interesting comment regarding the sinus connection to the toxic feeling. I had some pretty foul stuff coming out of my sinuses in those toxic years. And as my sinuses have improved, so did the toxic feeling dissipate. Could have been the toxins from the sinus bacteria as you remarked.


Senior Member
planet earth
Saunas are helpful from the poisoned feeling from heavy detox, especially if one is taking meds or abx or whatever. I get some excellent relief from saunas if I can drag myself in and foot the monthly bill for a gym membership. It might not sound like much, but one should try it once to see if it helps. Kind of instant relief.

They even sell them for home use, but no idea if they are worth the money.

rosie26 you can tag people with an @ sign (taniaaust1) sign in front of their name to get their attention, otherwise they may miss your comment.

NAC used to be great for me, but can't take it anymore because of GI pain and brain frog. Trying to track down what changed.


Senior Member
Jarod, when I click on the name a little box comes up, what do I click on then ?

edit. Perhaps I made the mistake of not clicking into the comment first and then clicking on name.
i google "cfs poisoned" and here i am. this feeling is especially strong during the night that wakes me up + making me feel dizzy. i can even localize poisoned area and that is back of my head. this is my far worst symptom and if i could get rid off it or reduce would be great.


Senior Member
Wow, good to see people can get rid of it over time :)

Unfortunately no clear remedy but I will have a close look at the supplements and medications mentioned!

I have a very high load of Cpn and doctor is in negotation with Infectolab to see which treatment is best. He's willing to give long term AB if necessary.

Apparently some people also suffer from MCS, chemical taste in the mouth (I have an alcohol taste in the morning in particular), bad reactions to supplements in general, ... so obviously there are similarities!

At this moment I use Alkala N to neutralize metabolic acidosis as well as neural therapy. Works very well indeed.

Thanks for your input till now. I appreciate!

Hi Marlene,

Yes today we are all being poisoned by an invisible force called electromagnetic radiation and fields (EMR and EMF).

Many sufferers experience a metallic/chemical taste in the mouth, which is normally due to amalgam fillings, metal-based ceramic fillings, dental caps and root canals. It an electrosis affect within the mouth and volataic and galvanic process of saliva and metals in the mouth and the electro motive force called EMR and EMF. The metals are leeched out of the dental implants and are absorbed by the body causing a breakdown of our immune system, and our sensitivities.

When you have bad reactions to supplements could e due to antioxidant detox and your body is trying to cleanse the metals out of body. Most times the metals are released back into the blood and ends up sitting on the brain and lungs, but are not being excreted because of the lack of hydration and not doing to detox slowly.

I find a broccoli supplement a good form to combat acidic, but while any of those metal implants in mouth it will be to no avail, until they are all removed and replaced with safe implants by a holistic dentist as there are specific safety precautions needed during the removal of such.


Senior Member
Question to all posters who believe they are being poisoned.

Do you all use wireless computer, mobile phones, DECT phones, and Wi Fi communcations?


Senior Member
@ wifi

I banned them all for some years but you cannot avoid the neighbours ;)

Yes Marlene, we can ban as much as we like, but the next-door neighbour gets you, and besides that your visiting friends and family who don't accept your suffering just won't turn their phones off.


Senior Member
I have been known to say I feel all toxic, I have that weird burning feeling too in my body, interesting that glutamine helped you with that beaverfury.


Senior Member
Hi K,

Do you suffer from tiredness, weakness, restlessness, forgetfulness, brain fog, headaches/migraines, and sleeplessness?


Senior Member
I have been known to say I feel all toxic, I have that weird burning feeling too in my body, interesting that glutamine helped you with that beaverfury.
Hi A, when you say that you have a burning feeling, do you have it over your face, arms, legs and feet?


Senior Member
Hi K,

Do you suffer from tiredness, weakness, restlessness, forgetfulness, brain fog, headaches/migraines, and sleeplessness?

Hello wifi, do you mean me?

I guess I could say I have those symptoms except for the headaches and sleeplessness. Why do you ask? Thanks