I've found FDA publications and advisories to often be replete with dodgy writing, advice and information, that's all to frequently lacking in transparency. Below is a snippet from the above linked article. It says it
has not reviewed data, but doesn't say whether or not there's data available that supports the use of ivermectin for COVID-19. And where to go to review that data (if there is any).
"The FDA has not reviewed data to support use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or to prevent COVID-19; however, some initial research is underway. Taking a drug for an unapproved use can be very dangerous. This is true of ivermectin, too."
The messge often seems to be something like, "trust us,
and don't do anything without our consent and approval, even though we often don't have any relevant information for you to consider". -- BTW, I've read a number of articles that give ample information and reason for a person to have legitimate interest into whether ivermectin could prove to be invaluable in the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.