FDA and NIH confirm WPI XMRV findings (report of leaked presentation)


Senior Member
Its bl**dy 1.30am here in the UK, typical the news had to hit now!!

I was just thinking 'Bed... or stay up all night clicking refresh?'

I think I might log off now, listen to some music, and relax before sleep.

I'm not going to miss 'the cure'! Take care all.


Senior Member
Yea, all I saw was a constant battle to make it though the day ahead. I never even consider what had caused the disease, until the last 5 years or so. Put it down to bad body wiring, immune system won't switch off.


Senior Member
Maybe now with so many potential carriers the Pharmas will be breaking their necks to get some meds out quick. Same for a vaccine.

IF this pans out as true, there should be life-time prison terms for all those involved in keeping the Retrovirus study of DeFreitas in the mid 1980s from being funded and research on the Retroviruses stopped. Three decades of horribly sick and dead people. Prison for Reeves, Weasel, and all the others before them.
Farmington, NY
IF this pans out as true, there should be life-time prison terms for all those involved in keeping the Retrovirus study of DeFreitas in the mid 1980s from being funded and research on the Retroviruses stopped. Three decades of horribly sick and dead people. Prison for Reeves, Weasel, and all the others before them.

That's what I think, too! They've committed atrocious crimes against humanity and should be punished accordingly.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Notice Johnson's source said it is in print now. So maybe within two or three days. Doesn't matter, it's out now. Thanks to the Internet, we don't have to wait for printing presses.

So, whose samples do we think are included? Klimas, Bateman, Cheney? (Gosh, hadn't talked about Cheney for a while.)

My bets are on Klimas. Do I have any takers?



Phoenix Rising Founder
What exciting stuff. We won't know for sure until the paper is published but boy you can but get excited about this. Hopefully that paper will be published soon.

Even though they don't give the exact figures on prevalence of CFS they do say an "extremely strong association" which has to mean, I believe, that it's present in a large percentage of CFS patients relative to controls. I don't know how else you can interpret that - if Alter's lecture is correct then they found it in a lot of CFS patients! If they found it in a similar proportion of healthy controls to the WPI then you'd think they'd find it in a similar proportion of CFS patients.

WOW! I think in my heart of hearts I never really thought this would work out- things like this just don't happen in CFS......they really don't or haven't.......Maybe they are now... It certainly is encouraging.

The key is seeing it in black and white on the paper of a top Medical Journal authored by top researchers in the FDA and the NIH. Those people cross their t's and dot their i's; you can take that paper to the bank! I would think, if I'm not getting too excited that if they report that then.....its all over- controversy ended........move onto the next stage....the money pours in, they start looking at cause, the treatment trials start.......its a whole new ballgame.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama

Now, CBS, you do real good, but give me some credit. I already put up his Wikipedia page. I get to put up new / important information so rarely.

I usually just comment on what others find.



Senior Member
Any chance this "leak" was leaked on purpose to soften the blow to the public, break them in, so to speak?



Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Well, the ORTHO reporters would have to say how it is they got the copy.

I would guess someone at the conference told and the reporters had to get some document or other source before putting it out.



Senior Member
Ok, I just have to say. This news has gone viral.
Bwa ha ha ha.

That's hilarious, Tina!
I'm so excited by this news. I'm getting married in a year and I really want to dance at my wedding.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Will you be getting comments from the scientists that had such derogatory comments against the WPI study?

"Oh, NIH, FDA, you can't trust their studies. I bet they have contamination."

LOL LOL LOL That would be classic. It's like being in a car on the train tracks and the train just keeps coming and coming and you can't make it stop.

LOL. Have ERV and Wessely commented yet? That should be entertaining! And for the bystander, even if you're such a humanitarian that you think you kind of ought to try to save their lives (even though you know you should probably just leave them to it and nobody would thank you for saving them), there's nothing you could do anyway because they've locked the doors from the inside and they're trying to deal with the situation by all holding hands and chanting "there Is No Train. there Is No Train."

There is evidence, apparently, that the technique is sometimes effective for those furthest away from the train, but that evidence is not yet considered conclusive, and it might just prove to be a poor choice for anyone sitting on the railway line, in the long term...:D


Senior Member
Hate to rain on the parade, but this is the key statement:

"...The association with CFS is very strong, but causality not proved...."

All the study or studies say is that people with CFS have a higher chance of being infected with XMRV. That could be the equivalent of saying people with CFS have a higher chance of having long toenails. Nothing yet has proved that XMRV causes CFS, or that XMRV is even dangerous in any way except possibly being implicated in prostate cancer. So perhaps this study or study to be released (?) by NIH/FDA will be a small step forward, but there still is no evidence that XMRV causes CFS or any of the symptoms.


Senior Member
North West, England, UK
It is actually a very emotional moment, and maybe one that will go down in history. You made a great analogy, Tina…Watergate…All it takes is a couple of unassuming journalists to take the bate and run with. I wonder if they know what they have achieved? It is ironic that in a quiet corner of Europe (Zagreb), Dutch journalists uncovered the story of the millennium!!!

You couldn’t write it!!!