FCT- others experiences


Senior Member
East Midlands
Just wondering where I can find more info on others experiences with FCT? It would help me to know more.

Jenbooks I appreciate your words of caution.

Froufox sounds like you've heard a few FCT stories. Awful about your friend being bedbound by it. Are you prepared to give the practioner's initials or more info privately? Mine's PW.

As for avoiding EMFs, I know I'm often badly effected by them, so I do a good amount of self limiting.... Though with Winter on the way finding an EMF free way to entertain myself for 2 days will be trickier. And there's no way my body would cope with the FCT diet, but my practitioner is ok with that.

With the amount of metals I was kicking out, there is surely a danger that some will be redistributed rather than excreted. But I am feeling significantly improved. ...Nothing like Mike was in a similar period of time, but a whole host of things would have to change before I could have the sort of treatment that he he's having.... or yourself or Joey. But great to have these inspiring stories, and to know so much is possible.

Health and Good Luck to everyone


Senior Member
Hi again Willow,

I saw PW too, are you in the Midlands? Have you visited the FCT forums?


I found someone there with lyme/cfs who had done really well under Dr Y. I was also in touch with someone else in the UK by email last yr who had lyme too, not sure if he had CFS tho.. he told me he had really improved doing FCT, though he had also taken some herbs too... the Buhner ones I think. Also PW got better after having CFS for 10yrs didnt she, partly due to FCT.

Have you read this.. more relevant for lyme but still very interesting..


I'm quite sensitive to EMFs too, I still use the FCT EMF drops sometimes when I've had a lot of exposure and they definitely help to reduce the symptoms somewhat.

I think that might have been the problem with my friend.. she possibly just had too much redistribution of the metals.

I'm really glad you are doing so well, I hope it continues. I agree that a lot of healing is possible, my experience over the past week really demonstrated that to me and has given me a lot more hope.

Take care.


Senior Member
East Midlands
Yeah, hi again Froufox,

Yip I'm in the Midlands.

Thanks I've visited the FCT forum, which is useful but would be more so if more active. Could also do with a bit more candour, in my opinion, but guess that's true for other treatment specific forums too.

Thanks for those stories. I had a few emails with a parent treating her children, one with Autism, and herself. They had been seeing Dr Y for 2 yrs, all doing well.

Funny you've had the EMF drops. I never have, despite my sensitivity.

Some things work for others of my symptoms immediately. The liver, lymph, kidney trio releases something that feels like significant cell stress, the emotional centre if I'm a grouchy, shocked etc, hypothalamus for temp control etc. And the neuron remedy may have saved my sanity.

You're right PW told me her story, but I think my symptoms are very different to hers were. Perhaps I do quite well on FCT because my energy isn't at homebound levels. It's sensory and other cerebral issues that keep me close to home. But I understand shifting toxins and safely elminating them requires lots of energy... and i have to say I've been struggling more with energy in the last few weeks. Beef, beef and more beef seems the answer for me.

Your friend saw PW too? I like PW and we have a connection, but she doesn't grasp how rapidly I react to these remedies. It really is tough luck if someone gets the 'wrong' remedy, one drop and that's it, good or bad.

So pleased you are doing so well. That is one huge change in energy levels... and great news for powering more improvements and sustaining them.


Senior Member
Hi Willow,

Yes its a shame the FCT board isnt more active...as you say its quite specialised so I guess there just arent that many practitioners around doing it.

I noticed some drops worked almost instantly too, eg the EMF drops, adrenal, and some of the brain remedies eg brain, or temporal lobe. Although they never took away my symptoms completely there was a definite lessening in their severity.

My friend saw a different FCT practitioner as she lives in another part of the country.

It sounds like your body is working really hard to detox...I'm glad the beef is helping!! :) It was mostly at the beginning of FCT, after the first treatment, that I experienced quite profound fatigue that I could hardly get out of bed. But after that passed I didnt experience anything nearly as half as bad during subsequent rounds. But I did used to feel like my head was going to explode sometimes if I went anywhere near my computer, mobile phone, or tv whilst I was on the drops! :eek:

Thanks for the kind words, take care.