There is a member of this Phoenix Rising forum,
Ian, who knows a lot about jaw bone infections.
Another member of these forums who goes by the name of Ian had what it sounds like you have.. with infection going into his bone which had been eatten away. He's now recovered from his CFS after having this treated properly, it turned out that this issue was causing all his health issue. I strongly suggest to read his posts on this and the treatment he had and which you probably too need. You may not have CFS but rather this.
Thank you Hip and Tania, I have been speaking with Ian for the last year or so, since I was diagnosed with maxillary osteomyelitis by an advanced scan test called scintigraphy. I didn't mention it in this thread because it was a very long story, but Ian has been more than kind and helpful, he's been amazing helping me. I sent him this scintigraphy plus the many other tests I later took (MRI, HD CT scan, X-rays...) and he studied all of them image by image and even sent them to his dentist, Dr.Munro-Hall, and returned the images with marks and comments. Both Ian and Munro believe I have many osteonechrosis in the upper and lower jawbones. But I have to go step by step, so first I pulled these two teeth and I'll keep doing studies to see what happens.
The problem is that I had my two upper canines root canaled when I was 16. Now I am 47, and they have been hurting for the past 30 years. In the past 20 (yes, 20 years) I have been having terrible pain in the sinuses and upper teeth, with turbinates hypertrophy (nose absolutely swollen inside with no room for passing the air), plus deviated septum from a fight when I was 20 that left my nose a bit sunk in the left nostril, so doctors don't have a clue on what is causing so much pain, sinusitis symptoms and respiratory difficulties. I have really heard a hundred theories. Some ENTs suggested to operate and cut the turbinates and correct the deviated septum, but most of them say it is not justified. Another one said I have to do plastic surgery to change the shape of my nose which is the cause of the obstrution and inflammation and pain. And of course, others say it is anxiety related or CFS related or Chemical Sensitivity related. It isn't clear that the dental or maxillary infections are the cause of the nasal problems, that is what I was expecting to see after pulling these teeth and cleaning the huge infection, but after 4 days it doesn't improve.
And the even more confusing situation was that when that scintigraphy diagnosed me with full maxillary osteomyelitis, my Internist told me to rush to hospital for months of intravenous antibiotics. So I went to hospital with a big suitcase ready for everything (even losing all my teeth and even the jawbone itself) but the maxillary surgeon examined me and said that the scintigraphy is not conclusive and sent me home recommending another root canal. The Internist disagreed and I took an MRI which also detected maxillary bone marrow edemas, so I was visiting surgeon after surgeon, waiting long to see the most prestigious ones in Spain, and they all said I didn't have osteomyelitis or osteonechrosis, and that all those indications and ideas of Ian and Dr.Munro-Hall were wrong. That I just needed yet another root canal next to the canine. Ian says they are the wrong ones, that they know nothing of this field, that they are not even trained to see the bone infections in the different types of scans or -x-rays.
Finally, when I decided to do that root canal, the endodontist took an x-ray and said I HAD osteomyelitis in the bone surrounding the upper right canine. He said I had to pull and clean. The infection grew a lot and became clear to anyone. So when I finally pulled it and the one next to it, this huge infection with the shape of a steak and around 2 cm (one inch?) came out. The dentist showed it to me, he said it was a huge granuloma, and that the bone will be clean now, no more osteomyelitis. However, I first of all took a sample of the infection to a lab to be anylized, and second I will keep repeating the scintigraphy and scans because I don't tust them. The other (upper left) canine is still there and still hurts (30 years root canal). The sinuses and teeth pain has got even worse. I can breath better from the right nostril now, but not much much better. The left is totally blocked and the pain is horrible yet.
A very very long story, even summarized ... and full of medical mistakes.
I will go step by step until the scans don't show osteomyelitis or anything like that.