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Facebook Timeline Covers for ME/CFS Awareness?


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
So far I'm blessedly free from Facebook Timeline, but when it is finally inflicted upon me, I was thinking it would be nice to have a cover picture that promotes ME/CFS awareness. It would be good to have one for ME/CFS Awareness Day, too. I have NO IDEA how to create such a thing, and my foggy brain doesn't seem willing to absorb technological knowledge anymore, but it occurred to me that maybe some of the tech-savvy and/or visually creative people on this forum might like to make that a project. (In other words, I've had a brilliant idea that I'm hoping someone else with execute. :D)


Senior Member
A great idea! There may be pictures available already for public domain use. One publicizing the 20th Anniversary of May 12th would be nice. Could include all the chronic immunological and neurological illnesses.


Senior Member
The FB group page -" Pay it forward for ME" has a beautiful banner.


Bundle of purpliness
Yes, this is a great idea and for someone graphics-savvy, not a very time consuming thing to do, to create the timeline cover(s), especially if the covers were kept relatively simple. (e.g. single colour background, text, simple image/pattern)

However, who would decide what information would be included in the covers? Symptom list? Quotes from ME/CFS doctors? History? Statistics? Significant research/physical findings?

How would people find these timeline covers on Facebook? Presumably a page would be set up with the awareness cover(s) as photos/pictures for people to use... but how would interested people find this page? Is there enough time to organise a project like this?

It would definitely be worthwhile if enough people used these covers throughout the month of May, to raise awareness...

Anyone with ideas, please feel free to PM me.


Senior Member
It's just a picture that when loaded on the new timeline version, becomes a banner. Anyone looking at your FB account would see it,
If we agree on the wording, I can try to make it up - post it here and anyone can copy it and import it for their FB page cover. We would all have the same cover.
I think the less words with the most punch, the better. Any ideas?


Senior Member
May 3.jpg

What do you think?


Senior Member
Oops - you are right. Also, I didn't mention CFS. I couldn't decide if I should.


Senior Member
Maybe, along with CFIDS too?

Have you considered using differently-coloured text to differentiate better between the different phrases, as you're not using capitals or punctuation? Although I'd put MS and AIDS in capitals, it looks odd otherwise. Anyway, first line in white, next line in black, next four lines in white, next two in black, last line in white? And maybe find a slightly different picture for the background, one where it's all a bit darker (although you could do that with image editing) so that it will contrast with the white better, and less pixelated? But this is just fine-tuning, I really like the general idea. Tell you what, do you mind if I fiddle with it a bit to see if I can show you what I mean?


Senior Member
Maybe, along with CFIDS too?

Have you considered using differently-coloured text to differentiate better between the different phrases, as you're not using capitals or punctuation? Although I'd put MS and AIDS in capitals, it looks odd otherwise. Anyway, first line in white, next line in black, next four lines in white, next two in black, last line in white? And maybe find a slightly different picture for the background, one where it's all a bit darker (although you could do that with image editing) so that it will contrast with the white better, and less pixelated? But this is just fine-tuning, I really like the general idea. Tell you what, do you mind if I fiddle with it a bit to see if I can show you what I mean?

Please do. You have great ideas. Thank you!


Senior Member
First attempt, with a random font that Gimp was already using. I went for changing the spacing instead of faffing around with font colours, it looked better, and I didn't even try to mess around with the bit on the left. The main thing was picking a clearer map, following your example of using a relatively simple one with different colours for continents, and then darkening it so that the white showed up nicely. I think this is definitely something we can work with. I like doing the text without capitals and in white, it seems to point up the theme of invisibility. Although the yellow against "AIDS" is perhaps not the best for contrast? The map was just nicked off Google Image, hopefully copyright won't be an issue.

world-map-896 2.jpg


Senior Member
It looks great Calathea.

The only problem is (and the reason I know this is because I tried loading it on my timeline banner), the left bottom side of the picture gets covered by the profile picture.
That's just the way this new fb timeline page is designed. Also, the whole writing will have to be lifted up a bit, to be in view. It's like the picture gets stretched out and you have to navigate it to fit it in. If you have a timeline page yet, you can try it out and see what I mean.
Thanks so much for your help. Do you think that the name chronic fatigue syndrome should be spelled out? I hate the name and don't like to use it but, here in the States most people never heard of ME.


Senior Member
Will it work if I just add that bit you had to the left, with the blue ribbon and the eyes?

It will help. Actually the eyes get all covered up with the profile picture which is fine. You can still see the ribbon on top. You still have to either make the font a little smaller or no double spacing of the text and it should start on top. You actually don't see the bottom like 1/8th of the picture. I you look at the text on my picture - that about comes out perfect as far as the size visible.


Senior Member
Here are a few more I've been playing with. I keep changing the saturation of the background, I'm not sure whether I prefer the black or the white text. It's a pity I couldn't find a non-pixelated version of the map you used, that was a nice one.

world-map-896 8.jpg

world-map-896 5.jpg

world-map-896 6.jpg

Incidentally, we should do a general one, not just for May!


Senior Member
I think I like the white font. It's easier on the eyes.
I think you are right, we could do a general one too.

Anyone else have any ideas? comments?
Thanks Calathea.
With your permission, I would load the second one you made on my timeline page already.


Senior Member
Hang on, it's been revised yet again! I tried changing the colour of the sea, and it suddenly improved immensely. Here are a couple, I wasn't sure whether to go for size 16 or 17 for the font. How do you think it's looking now, any more tweaking needed? I think we've done rather a nice job between us. You had all the big ideas, of course, I just came in at the end and did the easy stuff!

world-map-896 11.jpg

world-map-896 12.jpg


Senior Member
I personally like the second one with the smaller font. It's classier. It looks GREAT!

Thank you :)


Senior Member
I tried loading it to see how it fits but, I get a message saying it has to be at least 399 pixel wide.