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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Senior Member
I think this is an excellent Idea but cringe at the words "aids like illness". I don't think I want to tell all my friends and family I have an aids like illness. The limited understanding of our illness might cause otheres to think I have aids. I just couldn't put that on my facebook page. I also am not sure that people will be able to read it as the picture is very small once put on facebook. You might try and put on your page to check and might put less information on the logo so it is easy to read? Again....I do think it is a great idea.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Without text is better.

"sick with unknown illness" isn't exactly correct. It is known, just very little is known about it.

It's illness of unknown cause.

Also, it isn't exactly correct to say "No funds for research." If that were true, there would be no research. It might be correct to say, "very little public money for research."

And "no disability pensions given" isn't true. Some with ME / CFS do receive disability.

And "no health care" would certainly be false. Many doctors are providing health care.



Senior Member
Without text is better.

"sick with unknown illness" isn't exactly correct. It is known, just very little is known about it.

It's illness of unknown cause.

Also, it isn't exactly correct to say "No funds for research." If that were true, there would be no research. It might be correct to say, "very little public money for research."

And "no disability pensions given" isn't true. Some with ME / CFS do receive disability.

And "no health care" would certainly be false. Many doctors are providing health care.


For many (starting by me) there is no health care or disability pension while the research in my country is unexistant from public funds.

Never mind. Cancelled.