I appreciate your reply.
This is what so frustrating about this whole situation. Dr. Marrs says B6 prevents it, while Yasko and others say the
exact opposite. And since I've been unable to tolerate B6 (I used to get 'stocking-glove' neuropathy, but in the last 8-9 months, stronger myoclonic-like jerks in my feet in bed --
QA's been shown to induce convulsions) it makes me wonder if that's due to B6 causing increased levels of QA.
It's even more frustrating because it seems like 99% of studies done (especially on humans) from any nutritional perspective are typically pre-1975 and thus the full papers are extremely difficult to pull up. But I've seen a case study with 2 siblings where QA
excretion decreased when they were given B6, and then the opposite in an older study.
Of course I can't find Yasko's paper when I need it, but here's
@aquariusgirl 's post which quotes it:
"I’ve noted that in certain instances, the use of high dose B6 or P5P is not always helpful, and may cause overstimulatory or OCD type behaviors. While kynurenic acid is a calming neurotransmitter, it’s converted by B6 or P5P into quinolinic acid, which is an excitotoxin that can aggravate the nervous system."
But then again, if niacin lowers quinolinate levels, then why don't I just take it and shut the ____ up? Well, I've tried it off and on for a couple months, but it seems to increase histamine levels, and so I end up w/watery eyes, strained eyesight, and (sorry) more frustration.
Would be really interested to hear from others with elevated quinolinic on their OAT.
Did niacin help? Did B6? Or did B6 make things worse?
Do you suffer from b6/p5p intolerance symptoms and have high quinolinic?
Anyway, thanks
@Hip. I've tried cucurmin but it's really constipating for me. Maybe could try a tiny dose.