This is such a strange symptom... I think for me though I figured it out. My brain fog is so bad that if I am home off work I do absolutely nothing. My brain is empty and I just lie on the couch existing. With my brain fog when I go to work on a Monday it feels like that last day I worked could have been in another lifetime, even though it was just 2 days ago. Its such a weird thing but going to work forces me to use my memory and do things, to have normal experiences so I remain kind of OK. But within a couple of days not working those experiences feel so distant they don't even feel a part of me... Its so friggin strange!
Apologies if what I have written makes no sense
It makes sense. I lie outside in the sun listening to the birds. Also, I watch old movies and color in a coloring book. It's kind of a paradox that we need peace and stillness but then our brains need stimulation at the same time. It's just finding the right rest and level of stimulation, I think. Old movies are calming but not enough stimulation but coloring is enough stimulation without being too taxing to the brain. It uses a different part of the brain that maybe doesn't get used as often.