Sorry Tomk This is what is getting me hot under the collar.In 25 years it is the worst study I,ve ever seen. Not ONE criterea for an RCT has been met! They can even adjust a patients self reports to adjust for" completeness "according to predetermined criterea.You cant even tell whether ant treatment is better than a cup of tea and a chat - oh and by the way patients have been allocated into groups based on the severity of their DEPRESSION Let me guess the milder depressed ones got CBT and or standard treatment and the pacing group were so depressed that they could barely cross a room!
nclusion criteria
1. Both participant and clinician agree that randomisation is acceptable.
2. The participant has given written informed consent.
3. The participant meets operationalised Oxford research diagnostic criteria for CFS [2].
4. The participant's Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire score is 6 or more [27].
5. The participant's SF-36 physical function sub-scale score [28] is 65 or less.
6. The participant is aged at least 18 years old.
Exclusion criteria
1. All potential participants will be screened for medical exclusions, by history and physical examination [1,2,4,29]. Appropriate investigations [4,29] will be undertaken by either the referring doctor or the centre doctors (checked by the research nurse) in the six months before baseline screening. Patients with a relevant alternative medical diagnosis will be excluded [2]. Investigations will be those recommended by the Royal Colleges' Report on CFS/ME and the CMO's working group report [4,29].
2. The research nurse (RN) will use a standardised psychiatric interview (the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV – SCID) [30], under supervision by a participating centre PI or nominated deputy, to exclude those who are at significant risk of self-harm and those with psychiatric exclusions listed in the Oxford diagnostic criteria for CFS [2].
3. Patients who are considered by the RN, in discussion with their centre leader, to be unable to do one or more of the trial therapies or to complete all trial measures or for whom participation in the PACE trial would be inappropriate to their clinical needs (e.g. someone with significant post-traumatic stress disorder or borderline personality disorder).
4. Patients who have previously attended a PACE centre specialist fatigue clinic and received a course of treatment, from a specialist, considered to be similar to SSMC or any of the supplementary therapies of APT, CBT, or GET as delivered in the trial will be excluded from taking part in the trial.
Screening/Baseline Procedures