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In this thread on prohealth(old)there saying KDM uses Quercetin as an anti-Enteroviral agent


I felt better on a Gut Repair formula years ago and I think the reason why is because it had lots of Quercetin in it

Can some one "tagg" Sushi as she seems to know re KDM, as I haven't been able to figure out this forum function. The brand name would be helpfull dose etc
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
In this thread on prohealth(old)there saying KDM uses Quercetin as an anti-Enteroviral agent


I felt better on a Gut Repair formula years ago and I think the reason why is because it had lots of Quercetin in it

Can some one "tagg" Sushi as she seems to know re KDM, as I haven't been able to figure out this forum function. The brand name would be helpfull dose etc

Hi end,

That post is about 6 years old. KDM does prescribe a lot of things for the gut (depending on the results of individual's gut tests) but he has never prescribed Quercetin for me. The "downside" of Quercetin is that it slows down the phase one detox in the liver. Well, if yours is too fast, that would be a plus! ;)

But mine is too slow anyways so Quercetin would make it worse.



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I have a question for anyone that might be able to answer. I tried a few times to get the ARUP enterovirus test, and had a hell of a time getting it done. Labcorp just would not run things through there, no matter how my doctor specified the order. They did run what I guess is the regular old Labcorp panel, and did have the following positive results:Enterovirus Antibodies Profile

Coxsackie B-1 Ab 1:16 High
Coxsackie B-5 1:8 High

negative on all the rest. Now, at the time (some months ago), I'd been in contact with the person running the enterovirus research site, and she'd said if I had the tests done, she'd let me know if my results were within the range or profile of people that meet some kind of threshold that Dr. Chia might consider to be a candidate for treatment. But when I got the results, she never replied.

I'm not able to travel to see Dr Chia himself, but my doctor has a basic understanding of Dr Chia's enterovirus hypothesis and treatment. And he'd support me if I tried Equilibrant.

On the other hand, I also have quite a bit of biofilm and a protozoa variant on the Fry tests, as well has high mycotoxin tests and a positive bartonella culture. I've been sick for years, previously very healthy though.

Does anyone have any idea how to narrow down what might be the primary source of what is making a person so sick? I mean, I do understand the concept of the multi-systemic and multi-cause set of reasons for how and why we get so sick. On the other hand, I don't know how a person is supposed to sort out this mess. Every doctor--and many of them are good doctors--have their own beliefs about what cause these intractable chronic illness. And I tend to think most of them might be on to something. On the other hand, I have trouble believing that ALL of these things are in play and are what have made me so ill.

Any ideas? (thanks)



Sorry I can't be of much help but, Dr Dietrict Klighardt seems to suggest treating from "largest to smallest" as in pathogen size

I will try and find the specific link and post it here


Hi end,

That post is about 6 years old. KDM does prescribe a lot of things for the gut (depending on the results of individual's gut tests) but he has never prescribed Quercetin for me. The "downside" of Quercetin is that it slows down the phase one detox in the liver. Well, if yours is too fast, that would be a plus! ;)

But mine is too slow anyways so Quercetin would make it worse.


Thanks Sushi. Dr Chia also recommends a product called Gene Eden http://www.buy-gene-eden.com/Q&A.php which as a major component of its formulae is QUERCETIN!!!!

Clinical Study on Gene Eden http://www.buy-gene-eden.com/index.php

Things are beginning to fall into place...
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I have had cfs for 20months I have been on equilibriant for a year and all the other natural supplements that Dr.Klimas/Rey prescribe. I have tried on the last 10 months equilibriant 3X. I could never handle the side effects, like everyone else "hit by truck" effect. Surprisingly in the last 4 weeks I have been able to go from 1 pill to now 2 pills without any major side effects. Supposedly this could be correlated with a better functioning immune system/life style etc... Furthermore when I tested for cocksackie in the past thru the blood it was negative. I sent a stomach biopsy to Dr.Chia who found cocksackie in my stomach. Now I retested for cocksackie thru blood last week. Dr.Rey called me saying my cocksackie lvls where high and to increase equilibriant... go figure?! btw ever since I have been able to handle equilibriant... I would say stomach inflamation bloating went away by 30%. Anyone have any insight on this?!

I know this is a quite old thread. I just started equilibrant--and it's been rough. Very intense flu symptoms, first fevers in years, etc. What I noticed was the comment about stomach bloating. My abdomen swells up hugely, it's one of my main symptoms. It's even been CAT scanned 2x when swollen, and no one can find the cause. It just happens, stays that way for anywhere from a few hours to a few days. It's very intense. It doesn't seem to be related to diet or anything else I can figure. However, since I started the Equilibrant, there has been a definite lessening. Im miserable in 10 other ways, so it's been hard to notice, but I saw the comment and wanted to see if anyone else had any thoughts.



Senior Member
You are very lucky to have these intense flu symptoms in response to oxymatrine: Dr Chia found that individuals who experience these strong symptoms that eventually benefit from oxymatrine, once they pass through the fever period. So hang in there, if you can.
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I have the same issue regarding severe stomach bloating. So bad that I feel short of breath. Like you it is not related to food intolerances/allergy and even just water bloats me for extended periods of time. Drinking fluids away from meals and food combining help a little. Good luck with the Equilibriant! your reaction sounds typical...


Senior Member
I couldn't agree more with Hip re: my experience with equilibrant. Slower is better. When I first started taking it, it relaxed my whole body, including my stomach: bloating and constipation went away. I could feel gurgling in it- like it was returning to normal. I just figured it was stimulating my immune system to kill the entero-virus- which lives primarily in the stomach and s.i..


Senior Member
I started Equilibrant yesterday. 1 pill in the evening.
Felt immediate improvement in some of my symptoms (myalgias, headaches and fatigue).
Before starting I was having scarying headaches in my forehead. It has helped with those too.
7 hours after the pill I think I needed another one because my symptoms started to come back again.
12 hours after the first pill I felt side effects, mainly increased fatigue and sleepiness, did not experience flu-like symptoms.
Today I tried 2 pills one in AM the other one in PM. I think I'll stay at two for a while....
I have never heard a pattern of response like this one.
Thanks for sharing your views on my response to E.
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Senior Member
I started Equilibrant yesterday. 1 pill in the evening.
Felt immediate improvement in some of my symptoms (myalgias, headaches and fatigue).
Before starting I was having scarying headaches in the front of my face. It has helped with those too.
7 hours after the pill I think I needed another one because my symptoms started to come back again.
12 hours after the first pill I felt side effects, mainly increased fatigue and sleepiness, did not experience flu-like symptoms.
Today I tried 2 pills one in AM the other one in PM. I think I'll stay at two for a while....
I have never heard a pattern of response like this one.
Thanks for your sharing your views on my response to E.
I wouldn't expect a positive response quite that quickly. It is not a med/supplement that has an immediate effect. As I understand it, you need to take a consistent dose for a couple weeks and then see how you're doing. If you feel it's helping and want to increase, then increase by 1/2 to 1 tab and give your system time to settle before you increase again. Start low and go slow is usually good advice for any med or supplement with ME.

If, however, you have a bad response immediately, that would be reason to stop taking it as you may be having a risky idiosyncratic response.


Senior Member
Um I felt immediate response with equilibrant. Unfortunately I developed crazy side effects a few weeks later. It really had a powerful effect on me right away.


Senior Member
My pattern of response and a doubt.

After a week on equilibrant, I have experienced a bad day the next one of dosage increase, followed by a good 1/2 day (evident decrease in symptoms), then followed by a return of much of the symptoms but slightly less severe, feeling as my body was in need of additional dose of E in order to effectively combating the virus.
I started on 1 daily pill last Thursday, 2 on Friday, 2 on Saturday (bad day), 3 splitted on Sunday, 2-1 on Mo, Tu. Today I am planning to go to 2-2. Sunday and Tuesday I had the best 1/2 days in years.
On bad days (the next day after increase) side effects have been tolerable.
I have complemented with Selenium in order to keep a 400 mcg Se dose I was intaking before starting E. It helps with symptoms too.

My doubt regards L-Glutamine intake. I started on it in order to help fixing likely leaky-gut problem, under my GP suggestion. Increased headaches and forehead pain in new areas and aggravated neuro-cognitive symptoms since my last crash in mid-April, make me think that the virus is already in my brain, having a party. After the GABA test I think I have a leaky BBB too, which is consistent with this hypothesis. Since L-Glutamine also helps with leaky BBB and I want Equilibrant to reach the viruses already in my brain, does it make sense to continue L-Glutamine or this may weaken E effectiveness in reaching my brain? Thanks!



Senior Member
My doubt regards L-Glutamine intake. I started on it in order to help fixing likely leaky-gut problem, under my GP suggestion. Increased headaches and forehead pain in new areas and aggravated neuro-cognitive symptoms since my last crash in mid-April, make me think that the virus is already in my brain, having a party. After the GABA test I think I have a leaky BBB too, which is consistent with this hypothesis. Since L-Glutamine also helps with leaky BBB and I want Equilibrant to reach the viruses already in my brain, does it make sense to continue L-Glutamine or this may weaken E effectiveness in reaching my brain? Thanks!


In my experience, glutamine by itself had no effect on equilibrant. In fact, equilibrant is one of the few herbals that worked regardless of what I took or ate. For example, most herbs work best on an empty stomach but I could eat a giant meal and the equilibrant would kick in regardless.

It works I think by activating TH1 response. I did find however eating an extremely anti-inflammatory diet and limiting caffeine while I was on it helped prevent side effects. Unfortunately for me though, it was just too strong. That is just my experience, for whatever its worth.

One interesting thing about equilibrant: I have horrible back muscle pain because I have SEVERE scoliosis. I also have chronically clogged ears. After a month (worked up to 3 pills a day) BOTH went away completely on equilibrant!!! Can't tell you how awesome that was!!! It sucks so bad that I can't take it! :-(

However now I realize it would have been better for me to take 1/16th of a pill everyday for a year than to go up that fast. Got too trigger-happy with it and paid dearly for it!

In my experience, homemade chicken broth first thing in morning on empty stomach with a mostly liquid diet through the day best for fixing leaky gut.

@Sinclair : I wish you all the best with equilibrant!