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EMF and Sleep


Senior Member
Does anyone have any experience with emf affecting their sleep (or anything else for that matter)? Out of desperation, I unplugged the internet router last night and actually slept pretty well. I've seen plenty of research to say that it shouldn't matter, but I've also seen plenty of research the past 2 years on Covid-19 that's dead wrong (not getting into that here), so I don't really know. Anyone have any thoughts or experience, or some research showing that emf does effect sleep?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I take EMF seriously....having experienced "feeling it' entering my body during episodes of extra vulnerable and run down. Something is going on.

Its hard to show these effects unless you could figure out a way to blind an experiment. If you could find some way to random turn on or turn off the EMF without YOU Knowing you did so.

And then you would need a way to "quantify" how well you slept. Which is largely subjective unless you have some nifty monitoring device.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
If you had a cooperative partner, maybe one could have a note pad and random numbers and then on random nights, your partner turns it on or off. (makes note) .

After a few weeks of that, you compare the results to when it was or was not turned on.


Senior Member
I take EMF seriously....having experienced "feeling it' entering my body during episodes of extra vulnerable and run down. Something is going on.

Its hard to show these effects unless you could figure out a way to blind an experiment. If you could find some way to random turn on or turn off the EMF without YOU Knowing you did so.

And then you would need a way to "quantify" how well you slept. Which is largely subjective unless you have some nifty monitoring device.
Gotcha. Well, I'll keep up the experiment and even if it's placebo for me, I'll take it!

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
For a long time I did not want to own any Blue Tooths or whatever it is thats sending signals all over the place.

Then I got weakened. I hate looking at wires.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
placebo for me

yeah, I'll take a placebo 50% improvement, any day!

(I think I am going to start turning off the switch on the wall, when I go to bed, (different room))

I turn off the TV etc but the power strip is on...still. Maybe I'll turn that off, TOO!


Senior Member
I do hope that you come up with a good blinded experiment ... and let us know the results. Turning the router off--and believing that it makes a difference--and getting a better sleep is not trustworthy evidence.

Depending on your situation, you might need to check your ambient EMF. If you're in an apartment building and all your neighbours have their routers, cell phones and other EMF sources on, turning yours off won't make much difference.


Senior Member
EMF is not neutral to a human body, but not everyone is sensitive to it. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is officially recognized in Sweden for example, there are studies showing how EMF can impact our bodies. I like the idea of the experiment. Trust your body and how you feel, what works for you is the most important. I think EHS it is a lot like CFS, not many people believe it can be problematic.


Senior Member
Thanks all for the replies. I did not sleep well last night regardless of turning all sources of emf in my house off. I will be continuing the experiment though.