emergency report from China


Senior Member
Sorry things aren't improving for you, altho its good to know yr still keeping us informed.

I'm glad the anxiety has calmed down, whichever way things go for you I hope you can at least find a comfortable place to be.


Senior Member
I have not been following this thread as it is very long. However, I remember the first day hanchuchu contacted this forum and I think it is wonderful that the members here have been so supportive. Why couldn't there be a mystery illness in China? One that the government does not want to address and might even try to cover up? Isn 't this the same thing that has been going on with regard to CFS for 25 years! Yes, I think the new poster should have been much more gentle and it irritated me as well. Hanchuchu, I am so sorry you are not doing well and wish there was something more this forum could do to help you. I wish you the best. Take care,

Hello again.

I don't think it is useful to argue the existence of the virus. Some scientist have admitted we have foreign invaders in the body after reading our medical report. Unfortunately, they just don't initiate the study. We are waiting for dealth...

At least five top research centers in the world acknowledged the occurance of such a horrible event in China, but none of them takes real action. Pasteur Shanghai has studied the virus for almost half a year and they cannot even find a clue. I don't know what's the next move. I am still surviving, but death is approaching day by day. My skin has become kind of dark, although some medicine improved other syptoms.

I think I have get rid of anxiety and accepted the fact very calmly. The reduce of anxiety did bring some benefit , at least I don't want to kill other people... ha ha


Senior Member
I don't think I will die soon, at least I can survive for another two years.

I believe UCSF must have reached some agreement with the Chinese CDC for the potentical study, but I don't trust the CDC and they will never give the blood to UCSF.

One professor in Peking University (the best in China) has denied the CDC's comment and said that he tried to study this in cooperation with Standford University, but he was stopped, due to pressure.

One professor in Hong Kong University said the infected did have contracted something and he will seek the assistance from Chinese CDC. The funny thing is the CDC concluded we are "fear of aids", and how could they offer assistance to this professor?!

All the work CDC has done is to silence us and stop others from studying the virus...They don't care the life and death of us...

I don't post as often as previously is because I need to take more time to get rest and have a more clean mind instead of full of different info in my brain.


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
The funny thing is the CDC concluded we are "fear of aids"

All the work [Chinese] CDC has done is to silence us and stop others from studying the virus...They don't care the life and death of us...

Sound familiar?


We have one infected with this virus for more than 10 years, so it has a long history.

I just want to say that the situation is not so scary as you imagined. I believe no problem with your uncle or his daughter. This virus is very infectious, but if without very close physical contact, it cannot be passed. No need to worry about your neighbor. If you have dinner at the same table or do talking too closely, it is possible to be exposed.

Please relax.

Hanchuchu say relax

I think jz2k2 should be given the benefit of the doubt in the interpretation on his statement "There is no 'mystery-HIV' illness spreading in China".

After all, I for one am very grateful that he did join this forum on the same day he made his post, in order to provided that very valuable bit of information about the corticosteroid nasal spray resolving the majority of the issues.

Although I am sure there a new virus (possibly a new enterovirus variant) going around causing these symptoms in China and everywhere else, it is not, as many in China believe, some new HIV stain or some other retrovirus that now can pass via saliva. Retroviruses only transmit via blood, as far as I am aware. So this fact needs to be made known to those in China. And here in the West too: as I know a few people here that I think caught this virus, and were very scared it was some new HIV mutation, and took lots and lots of repeated HIV tests, just of out that fear. However, as mentioned, much of this fear and anxiety is actually caused by the biochemistry and inflammation of the viral infection itself.

Well, we don't know for sure if a new retrovirus can't be passed by saliva, as Prof. John Coffin said at the last CFSAC meeting. A few retroviruses and retrovirus-like viruses have been associated with ME; retroviral causation makes a lot of theoretical sense and at least some cases have appeared in clusters and are thus passed by saliva [if caused by a virus], so it's a possibility.


Senior Member

Sorry to hear you are infected. I don't think you are the first one in Japan. Japanese usually visited prostitutes in China during their trip to China. I am doing my best to save all the people, tirelessly contact research centers. I don't count on the government at all.

The only way out for you is that you should visit the best lab in Japan and tell what happened in China. The virus is of a crazy infectious nature. So take measures to protect your family and won't share dinner with them.

We are fighting hard, but without any real response from the authority and the research centers.

Write me email if you want to contact me.


Senior Member

I also have very similar symptoms to you and Han, which may be from the same virus or pathogen. It seems that this virus is infecting people all over the world.

What we have discovered is that many of the symptoms can be treated with supplements that reduce brain inflammation.

This virus seems to create high states of inflammation - and in some ways, the inflammation is worse than the virus.

The recommended supplements to reduce brain inflammation are:

Alpha lipoic acid α-リポ酸 500 mg
Curcumin クルクミン 1000 mg
Propolis プロポリス 1000 mg

These are all very safe, natural supplements, and are available in vitamin stores. You should take the stated doses 2 to 3 times each day, with food.

These supplements will start to work within 2 days. You will notice that when your brain inflammation is lowered, you feel much better mentally: the anxiety will disappear, and the depression / anhedonia will slowly improve, and your energy levels may improve.

This treatment will not eliminate the virus, but it will make you feel much better.

If you can find the time, it would be a good idea to start a blog about this virus in the Japanese language, so that there is a greater awareness of this virus in your country. You have described the symptoms very accurately and very well, so I think you would be good at writing a short, one-page blog. The more we can make people aware of this virus, the more seriously it will be taken by government authorities.

In English this virus is often called the New HIV/AIDS-Like Virus China.

We are in the process of setting up a new web site for this New HIV/AIDS-Like Virus China.

My own blog is here (though I am not 100% certain that my own virus is the same as the Chinese virus).



Senior Member
Hi Maruo

If you treat the severe anxiety, anhedonia (loss of pleasure) and depression, the illness is much easier to bear.

As I said, I believe anxiety, depression, etc results from the brain inflammation (caused by the infection).

Taking curcumin 1000 mg, alpha lipoic acid 500 mg and propolis 1000 mg twice daily with food can dramatically reduce brain inflammation. For more information on the link between brain inflammation and anxiety / depression, see here: Sickness Syndrome. More info in Sickness Syndrome is found here: www.sicksyndrome.com

You can also treat anxiety with SSRI drugs from your doctor. But be careful with SSRI drugs, as occasionally SSRIs can increase suicidal thoughts.

There are also many safe natural anxiety treatments:

The natural anti-anxiety supplements I found useful are: inositol (10 to 15 grams daily), vitamin B1 (100 mg), vitamin B6 (50 mg), vitamin B5 (1 gram), L-tyrosine (500 mg); taurine (1000 mg), L-carnitine (500 mg), picamilon (100 mg), arginine pyroglutamate (2 grams -this one is very good), theanine (200 mg).

Some anti-anxiety herbs include: ashwagandha, Bacopa monniera, chamomile (especially the apigenin extract of chamomile), lavender, passionflower.

Holy basil can dramatically improve anxiety in some people. Holy basil lowers cortisol (high cortisol is another cause of states), and holy basil also lowers brain inflammation even more.

The antihistamines cetirizine and loratadine will reduce anxiety symptoms. Dose is 10 mg daily.

But first try the anti-inflammatory treatment, as this will probably be the most effective.



Thank you for a quick answer.
I will try them.
But I think that it approaches by the death. Dizziness and the convulsion are cruel now.

from maruo


Senior Member

I start a blog in Japanese about the New HIV/AIDS-Like Virus China.


Please access your acquaintance's Japanese and access this blog.

Your cooperation is necessary !


How many Chinese is dead in this virus?
It wants to report by my blog and teach, please.

The physical condition has deteriorated and it is painful.

from maruo JAPAN

Hi, sorry for the late reply. I don't know how many people died from this disease, because it was not admitted by the authority and no statistics is collected. To be honest, you need to clam down for a while. The anxiety will kill you as well.

Here are some things you need to do:

1. take medicine to supress the inflammation and anxiety

2. take medicine which helps blood circulation

3. email or phone research centers and tell them what happened in china and you may have contracted the same virus. I have emails with several scientists, if the research centers in Japan need these email exchanges, let me know.

4. blog it and find some other people who may get infected as well. I don't think you are the first one. If you can use facebook, please use it to tell other people the situation in China.
Send emails to me if you get some feedbacks from some labs or scientists.

You don't have to worry you will die soon. After one year, you will feel much better. Some syptoms of mine are improved, some are still there. But I start to feel much better when I get rid of anxiety. Just learn to be at peace with it. I know exactly what you are feeling now.

Hip, please also use facebook to circulate this news as well since you have access to the websit. Unfortunately, in China, it was blocked.


Senior Member
Victoria, Australia
To Hanchuchu

Hanchuchu, you said a few days ago in your post that "My skin has become kind of dark"......

I am wondering if you have ever been tested for Addison's Disease. Darkening skin, extreme fatigue back pain etc are prime symptoms of Addison's Disease (adrenal insufficiency) and it does cause death.

Please do some research on this disease and get tested if you have not been tested already!


Senior Member
Hanchuchu, you said a few days ago in your post that "My skin has become kind of dark"......
I am wondering if you have ever been tested for Addison's Disease. Darkening skin, extreme fatigue back pain etc are prime symptoms of Addison's Disease (adrenal insufficiency) and it does cause death.

Addison's Disease is a very good suggestion and diagnosis Francelle - many thanks.

Addison's Disease is a condition of low cortisol, often due to damaged adrenals glands (which produce the hormone cortisol). Many infectious agents can damage the adrenals glands, including:

Mycobacteria (Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, Mycobacterium tuberculosis),
Bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Group A Streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Pasteurella multocida),
Viruses (cytomegalovirus),
Fungii (Pneumocyslis carinii, Histoplasma capsulatum).

See here for more info.

So perhaps this mystery HIV-like virus is attacking the adrenals glands and causing low cortisol??

Low cortisol levels can cause many mental symptoms: irritability, less tolerance of people (quick to anger), easily frustrated, increased fears, constant high anxiety, emotionally hypersensitivity, poor memory, poor memory retrieval, and depression. These are all common symptoms caused by this mystery HIV-like virus.

Low cortisol levels are often found in chronic fatigue syndrome patients.

Low cortisol causes increased inflammatory processes in the whole body - and constant inflammation is a common symptom of this mystery HIV-like virus.

Low cortisol can also cause: cold hands and feet, muscle weakness, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea.

"Another major symptom associated with low adrenal cortisol levels is pigmentation changes in the skin. Patches of dark skin, which can mimic tanning, can develop anywhere on the body. A clue to this dark pigmentation is that the dark patches occur in places not exposed to sunlight."

More info on low cortisol symptoms: Symptoms of low cortisol
Eighteen Overlooked Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal gland damage can also lead to low aldosterone. Low aldosterone hormone can cause hearing loss, frequent urination, sweating, a feeling of thirst, craving for salt.

You can test your cortisol levels with a Cortisol / DHEA Saliva Test.

Very low dose (5mg) hydrocortisone tablets can be used to increase cortisol levels, but his needs to be done via your doctor.


Senior Member
thanks for the advice

Hi, I don't think it is addison's disease, but will get it tested later.

Thanks for the advice, anyway.

I don't think the Chinese infected can make any progress, most of them are coward. Only several people dare to fight against the PRC CDC.

I think I will leave them alone. I will go to Hong Kong for further test.


Senior Member
Hi hanchuchu,

I am not sure if this is linked to what is happening in China and Japan but it mentions using an experimental bone marrow transplant using stem cells to treat a woman in Australia who was found to be suffering from a new disease which is previously unknown, and as yet unnamed, condition in which her immune system's signalling processes were not working as they should.
They haven't got a name for it other than 'T-cell signalling defect'

Aussie doctors identify new disease


Senior Member
For Maruo

Hi, Maruo.

I think you need to put me in contact with the scientist you visited. Possibly I can help you to persuade them to take your blood for research. In addition, I have many materials for their reference.

No matter how hard you are experiencing now, you need to calm down. As I said, anxiety will cause many problems for you and taking it easy will help you health condition.

Please check your CD4 and CD8 and liver function on a regular basis.

I don't understand how the researcher is so reluctant to do the research. HKU has admitted it is a real disease, but they have not put the study into action. Things are complicated.