Edward Shorter to give talk on CFS at NIH


Highly Vexatious
Did I detect a touch of hysteria in his voice with respect to fetishes and bdsm, or is that the way he usually talks? He needs to chill out. One of my avatars in Second Life used to wear a leather catsuit - apparently it was based on some fantasy series I'd never heard of - then she'd go over to the adult sims to take gothicky pics. My, did people become very well behaved in her presence. Which meant they didn't get in her way, barring a guy who wanted to be told what to do, so I think she told him to stand in a corner or something, and he did. :)

Old Bones

Senior Member

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
Perhaps they need to give him an audience in order to thoroughly understand his POV to effectively overcome objections and win over the hearts and minds of the enemy. Not saying I believe that, the whole damn thing makes me sick!
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Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
The ME/cfs Interest Group has invited people who (from their reputations) gave helpful, thorough presentations.
( I don't know if when this page was last updated - it lists the most recent presentation as September)
"Speakers to date include:

June 15th, 2016: Anthony Komaroff, M.D.: An Overview of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

July 18th, 2016: Leonard Jason, Ph.D.: Diagnostic Challenges and Case Definitions for CFS and ME

August 24th, 2016: Daniel Peterson, M.D.: CFS/ME: Perspectives from a Local Epidemic 1984-2016

September 21st, 2016: Staci Stevens, M.A. and Mark Van Ness, Ph.D.: Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in ME/CFS"

Where and how Shorter fits in with these presenters is beyond me...
Where are you finding this list?


Highly Vexatious
I would be interested to know when his visit was arranged since there seems to be a fightback going on right now from the BPS crowd. Could of course be more rooted in the fact there's more research coming out on the other side of the Atlantic and he's feeling threatened by it, in case things said or written in the past come back to bite him.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA


Senior Member
I didn't know CFS existed for the first 2 years before my dx, I didn't think anything was wrong with me, I never played the illness role, I never stopped my life or focused on my illness, I have no bias or aversion to psychiatric diagnosis and I never interacted with a CFS activist forum until this year (by some miracle, guys, I haven't become dramatically worse since coming to PR) and yet I have to read a flippant, offensive and discriminatory piece of shit that defines my illness with demonstrable falsehoods. One might call them false illness beliefs about me. And this guy is invited by the NIH SEP? We're fucked.


Senior Member
The Netherlands
LOL. What is he thinking? That when you officially recognize ME/CFS as a biological disease defined by exertion intolerance suddenly entire populations will start thinking they have it? That human species will go extinct because everyone will stay in bed all day because they will get the false illness belief any exertion is bad for everyone? :nervous::nervous:
Better to just pretend the entire disease doesn't exist? :thumbsup:

Seriously, why on earth is the NIH inviting this man? He know nothing about CFS and he's obviously a lunatic.


Senior Member
Thank you.

Aside from Maureen Hanson's tweet, have you seen the planned ES presentation listed anywhere official, like on the sig page, because I can't find it anywhere?

Good question. I have not seen it anywhere else.
I would like to know who the other upcoming speakers are.

The original info can be found here https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fXrdrB5bxTQJ:https://irp.nih.gov/news-and-events/events &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us - source - Jennie Spotila's post.
though it is not solely a list of ME/cfs Special Interest Group meetings and does not seem to list meetings beyond next Wednesday (9 November).
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Senior Member
This should be upsetting, but I'm mostly beyond the stage of caring and just find it ludicrous.

I have long felt that shit in this community is so bad that we should dispense with soft measures and throw our bodies on the tracks. I tried to convince other advocates of that years ago and got nowhere.

It's nuts that this is happening, but it's more nuts that we and our advocates can absorb these insults for so long without deciding that enough is enough. At what point do we decide that petitions and letters aren't enough? Clearly never.