• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Education, advocacy and awareness



Being an occupational therapist with 15 or so years experience with ME/CFS, I figure how would I be able to combine the two to help with either somehow contributing to promoting unity in the ME/CFS community, or education to the medical community.
So I got the inspiration to write a blog. Not necessarily to tell my story, or to be a one stop shop, but to compliment the information available here and WPI and anywhere else. So if people want to use any of the info there to share with family, friends or doctors, take it and use it. Post it here or anywhere you feel it may be relevant or helpful.


If anyone has any ideas of what they would like to see in there, or if they want to contribute or do a collaborative piece, let me know.



Senior Member
hi, sorry i can't get your link to work
Being an occupational therapist with 15 or so years experience with ME/CFS, I figure how would I be able to combine the two to help with either somehow contributing to promoting unity in the ME/CFS community, or education to the medical community.
So I got the inspiration to write a blog. Not necessarily to tell my story, or to be a one stop shop, but to compliment the information available here and WPI and anywhere else. So if people want to use any of the info there to share with family, friends or doctors, take it and use it. Post it here or anywhere you feel it may be relevant or helpful.


If anyone has any ideas of what they would like to see in there, or if they want to contribute or do a collaborative piece, let me know.



Senior Member
Hi Emma Kate, I wanted you to know that your blog is making a difference. My sister, who know little about CFS found your blog on the internet and pointed it out to me. She liked your list of of signs and symptoms but was really impressed with your definition of the two.

"A symptom is the subjective experience of the individual, things that are not measurable but that the patient reports, such as pain, dizziness or tiredness.
A sign is the objective, observable or measurable evidence of disease, which can be observed by a clinician, such as pulse, temperature or blood pressure."

Thanks for all you do as you are appreciated.


Thank-you - but I couldn't do it without all the feedback and support I get from others. Feel free to share the blog, or the information within it, it's all referenced.

I am looking for more peopel to do 'collaborations' with - so if anyone has anything to write up and post anything to get this knowledge out there to friends, family, physicians, researchers, politicians.

It's one small drop, but if we all do the little bits that we are able, we can and will raise awareness.