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EBV cure at www.ebva.co.uk??


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
I've been slinging emails back and forth with Dr Ellis who claims to treat/cure EBV as well as CFIDS.

However, still have not come to a conclusion as whether to try it or not
as I've spent too much money in the past on baseless claims.

So has anyone tried this?

By the way it's my first post.

Hello all, I am 22 years old and developed CFS between ages 2-4 by way of a flu that never went away.


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
Yes, it's a treatment consisting of herbal blends. He claims to fully treat it.

He says he had EBV chronically himself due to an immune defect.

Furthermore, there is a CFIDS section on the site which has other treatments specifically for CFS.

There are positive testimonials also, but cannot comment on their legitimacy.


Senior Member
Check out this thread: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...ing-with-chronic-lyme-dise.27050/#post-413450

The herbalist is Steven Buhner and he seems legit to me. I've bought two of his ebooks and have started on his herbal antiviral protocol for EBV. So I'd be interested in comparing his protocol with Dr. Ellis'.

He also has one for bacterial infections. And he doesn't sell the herbal treatments but provides sources for buying them and formulas for making your own, and even information for growing some of them.
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Senior Member
Check out this thread: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...ing-with-chronic-lyme-dise.27050/#post-413450

The herbalist is Steven Bruhman and he seems legit to me. I've bought two of his ebooks and have started on his herbal antiviral protocol for EBV. So I'd be interested in comparing his protocol with Dr. Ellis'.

He also has one for bacterial infections. And he doesn't sell the herbal treatments but provides sources for buying them and formulas for making your own, and even information for growing some of them.

FYI his name is Buhner, and he is a well-known herbalist, with many who have done very well on his protocols.
He will answer specific questions on his website as well, which is nice.


Senior Member
It turns out that Dr. Ellis is a doctor of nuclear physics and is heavily into various spiritual aspects of things. He even has an herbal treatment for "negative thoughts." Unfortunately, he doesn't say what's in any of his stuff and it's pretty expensive -- $600-$1000 for 7 weeks of treatment, depending on what he/you decide you need.

He has various disclaimers, too, such as if you've been chronically ill a long time, his treatments won't work; if you've ever had certain infections, don't even try his stuff (he says).

He's too mysterious for me. I'll stick with Buhner. (Thanks leela, for correcting my misspelling of his name.)


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
It turns out that Dr. Ellis is a doctor of nuclear physics and is heavily into various spiritual aspects of things. He even has an herbal treatment for "negative thoughts." Unfortunately, he doesn't say what's in any of his stuff and it's pretty expensive -- $600-$1000 for 7 weeks of treatment, depending on what he/you decide you need.

He has various disclaimers, too, such as if you've been chronically ill a long time, his treatments won't work; if you've ever had certain infections, don't even try his stuff (he says).

He's too mysterious for me. I'll stick with Buhner. (Thanks leela, for correcting my misspelling of his name.)

Yes quite the story there. Nuclear physician turns to spiritual healer.

Well I never usually consider anythinga "healer" offers, but the testimonials encourage wishful thinking.

Any other options then Iquitos, for a guy whos had CFS since age 2-4?

Cognitive dysfunction since that age makes it difficult to even dream of the C word (cure, if you didn't figure it out ).


Senior Member
Yes quite the story there. Nuclear physician turns to spiritual healer.

Well I never usually consider anythinga "healer" offers, but the testimonials encourage wishful thinking.

Any other options then Iquitos, for a guy whos had CFS since age 2-4?

Cognitive dysfunction since that age makes it difficult to even dream of the C word (cure, if you didn't figure it out ).

Jon, I don't want to discourage you from trying his protocol if you can afford it. Since you are closer to him geographically, his treatments might be cheaper and easier to get than what I and Chilove are trying, which is the herbal EBV/CFS protocol of herbalist Steven Buhner. You can read a sample of the ebook on Amazon.

Herbal Antivirals: Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections

I get the impression Dr. Ellis is sincere. I just prefer knowing what's in what I'm taking. And Buhner explains everything so well, especially the synergy of the herbs, some of which are synergistic with antiviral/antibiotic drugs. His idea that our microbes are acting synergistically, too, is one I've had for a long time. I think that's why hitting the problem with one drug at a time doesn't work in the long run.

Maybe by the weekend I'll start a thread about what Chilove and I are doing. Don't have the stamina right now.


Senior Member
Here is the Buhner website so you can see a bit what he's all about, including Q&As with patients.
This might help you know better what is practicable/possible for you in your location, or for clarifying with the other doctor
what strategies he's using.

It might cost nearly as much as Dr Ellis' fee to have weekly acupuncture/chinese herb treatments, at least in the US, so that might not be so entirely outlandish, if he knows his stuff.

I sympathise with your quandary, I go through it all the time. I just recently had a very expensive initial consult only to discover the protocol was way too complicated and long-term for me to engage in right now.


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
Jon, I don't want to discourage you from trying his protocol if you can afford it. Since you are closer to him geographically, his treatments might be cheaper and easier to get than what I and Chilove are trying, which is the herbal EBV/CFS protocol of herbalist Steven Buhner. You can read a sample of the ebook on Amazon.

Herbal Antivirals: Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections

I get the impression Dr. Ellis is sincere. I just prefer knowing what's in what I'm taking. And Buhner explains everything so well, especially the synergy of the herbs, some of which are synergistic with antiviral/antibiotic drugs. His idea that our microbes are acting synergistically, too, is one I've had for a long time. I think that's why hitting the problem with one drug at a time doesn't work in the long run.

Maybe by the weekend I'll start a thread about what Chilove and I are doing. Don't have the stamina right now.

No that's fine I just thought I'd ask on here before spending more of my budget on treatments which never do anything for me.

I'll look further into Buhner anyway so thanks.

In case you guys are interested, there's a guy on here claiming to have cured, yes cured, CFS through antibiotics.

Thanks for your info on buhner.
Check out this thread: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...ing-with-chronic-lyme-dise.27050/#post-413450

The herbalist is Steven Buhner and he seems legit to me. I've bought two of his ebooks and have started on his herbal antiviral protocol for EBV. So I'd be interested in comparing his protocol with Dr. Ellis'.

He also has one for bacterial infections. And he doesn't sell the herbal treatments but provides sources for buying them and formulas for making your own, and even information for growing some of them.
.....Has anyone tried Ellis..