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Early stages of covid - what to do?

Not sure if it would be as effective when dealing with the actual virus, but there's a good article by Dr. Nancy Klimas called "To Vaccinate or Not with ME/CFS" around how to mitigate relapse with the covid vaccine. Her recommendation of taking anti-histamine medication helped reduce my response to the vaccinations despite having relapses with vaccines in the past. I would probably consult a GP if possible first though. Hope your wife makes a speedy recovery.

Husband of

Senior Member
Never heard of artemisia tea, just looked it up and it sounds similar to green tea? I did buy green tea extract, and bought a liposomal c with zinc and vit d. Plus a pre an probiotic mix but that was more for me because I have a vague memory of there being a correlation between sugar eating bacteria and development of long COVID, so I'm going to try limit sugar and take pre and probiotics. We'd be screwed if both of us had MECFS

will see if i Can get some nac.

have cetirizine so will get wife to take it

seems like you are taking some immune boosters at the same time as immune reducers, but a there a logic in it?
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Senior Member
Hi all,

my wife (who has MECFS) has just caught COVID, early stages

any advice?

--immediately take 50.000 IU of Vitamin D. and continue this every day for the next 2 weeks.--
according to https://vitamindwiki.com/Take+lots+of+Vitamin+D+at+first+signs+of+COVID
BEWARE: this is a suggestion by them for normal "HEALTHY" people to handle covid. this is not a normal Vitamin D treatment plan and us CFS folks can crash from such high doses.

I threw in everything I knew could make some sense. NAC, Artemisia Tea, liquid Zinc, VitC, Cetirizine, Ivermectin,
hot Elderberry juice etc.
Artemisia Tea seemed to help the most.
+selen and vitamin A.

these nutritions are beneficial too. but Vitamin D regulates the immune response. it makes the difference between a cold and hospital.
not saying you are going to hospital - just saying that the very few people who land in hospital probably wouldnt have if they had good vitamin D levels.

there is lot of informations about this on vitamindwiki dot com.

also this is my personal experience / opinion and controversial:
when i got sick with 2020 corona i did not restrain sugar but i instead took more. every few hours a few grams.
i couldnt eat much besides raw bread, water and glucose.
i had nasty corona for like one day, the next day was much better and the 2nd day afterwards i would say i was ok. followed a week of mild cold symptoms. only my stomach couldnt tolerate meat and very fatty things for like 2 month.

when i had corona i didnt take anything besides vitamin D but only once 5000 IU as i am very sensitive to it. a bit of vitamin C and zink.
i never do anything to lower my fever, i had like 38 to 39C which isnt too high anyways.
also i did not take the antibiotics.

i just watched a video about vitamin D and corona.
with a blood serum value of 50ng/ml 25-OHD the mortality of corona becomes statistically ZERO.
its german though:

increased mortality below 20ng/ml and below 6ng/ml:

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Senior Member
England, UK
I had Covid 3 weeks ago. I'm in the UK and not eligible to get Paxlovid, so just needed to ride it out. Wasn't too bad, really. I was sick for a week, the worst symptom was a sore throat like I'd swallowed razor blades. I couldn't eat at all, but I wasn't hungry, either. I don't believe in suppressing a fever so just let mine rip - went up to 103'F. I forgot to take any of my supplements during the week as I was so brain-fogged and tired! I had no progression to my chest, thankfully. I began to recover and quickly felt better, but had lingering post-nasal drip (now gone). I have not been vaccinated. I noticed that my gut has taken awhile to go back to normal, I couldn't eat much at all and have had to build up slowly to normal levels. Oh, and I also completely lost my taste/smell right at the end of the illness, but that's mainly come back now. I have been off anti-histamines (cetirizine) for some time prior to this (after around 20 yrs of taking them daily) and have not needed them since having Covid.

I don't know if taking any extra supplements would have made a difference, possibly would. If you can make sure your wife is taking them when needed, that's the main thing!


Senior Member
Never heard of artemisia tea, just looked it up and it sounds similar to green tea? I did buy green tea extract, and bought a liposomal c with zinc and vit d.

There was a post on Reddit were someone was commenting on a Japanese Green Tea organization as fomenting snake oil sales with their encouragement to use green tea. Green tea is rich with catechins.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
immediately take 50.000 IU of Vitamin D.
and continue this every day for the next 2 weeks.

Did you mean 50000? Because I see later you said you could only take 5,000.

I haven't had a chance to watch the video. However I wanted to say, when I did 50000 IU of Vitamin D to trial the Coimbra protocol a few years ago, after just 3 days my teeth became loose and my gums began to bleed.

I really think such high doses can create other nutritional deficiencies in our bodies that need to be addressed as well because the Vitamin D is speeding things up which uses things up.

I think the issues with my teeth meant for me, I was creating a vitamin C deficiency. I still take 50000 iu once per week, sometimes twice but always with Vitamin C (as well as K2).

Anyway, just something for people to keep in mind.
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Senior Member
Did you mean 50000? Because I see later you said you could only take 5,000.

I haven't had a chance to watch the video. However I wanted to say, when I did 50000 IU of Vitamin D to trial the Coimbra protocol a few years ago, after just 3 days my teeth became loose and my gums began to bleed.

I really think such high doses can create other nutritional deficiencies in our bodies that need to be addressed as well because the Vitamin D is speeding things up which uses things up.

I think the issues with my teeth meant for me, I was creating a vitamin C deficiency. I still take that amount once per week, sometimes twice but always with Vitamin C (as well as K2).

Anyway, just something for people to keep in mind.

if you were healthy i would say 50.000 . but i tolerated vitamin D during my sickness less and less. some do fine some crash on it. i cannot say what your safe level is to not crash.
i took in 2020 the 5000 ie.

source for 50k vs covid is: https://vitamindwiki.com/Take+lots+of+Vitamin+D+at+first+signs+of+COVID

regarding your gums. some do indeed need enough calcium within their food. high dose vitamin D can induce calcium deficiency in those. its paradox. in that cases it mobilizes the calcium from bones when the bowels do not get it from food.
usually they say not to take calcium rich diet when doing high dose vitamin D. but also some leach calcium from the bones when on high VD and too less in food.
even some fix their side effects when taking calcium supplements with high V.D.

in your case i would stop or lower the VD to a few 100 IU and first fix supply of calcium. maybe some cheese or whatever you tolerate. i eat 100g hard cheese a day.

but this arent my general VD recommendations for chronic ill anyways. i was just responding to first line covid treatment.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
first fix supply of calcium. maybe some cheese or whatever you tolerate. i eat 100g hard cheese a day.

I do eat goat's cheese, fairly often as goat's cheese together with gluten free rice crackers is an easy meal for me.

I don't think it was the calcium though. I really think I became very Vitamin C deficient creating the beginnings of scurvy for me. Loose teeth is a sign of scurvy and mine were very loose.

Now as long as I make sure to take the Vitamin C with the Vitamin D (and K2), I'm fine. No more loose teeth. :)
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Senior Member
I don't think it was the calcium though. I really think I became very Vitamin C deficient creating the beginnings of scurvy for me. Loose teeth is a sign of scurvy and mine were very loose.

C also ionizes calcium. can also lead to more excretion of calcium via urine. so if C didnt make it worse, you probably are right.
if C fixed it. it was C i guess.

but good tip, i will also take my C now when playing with D again.


Senior Member
Never heard of artemisia tea, just looked it up and it sounds similar to green tea? I did buy green tea extract, and bought a liposomal c with zinc and vit d. Plus a pre an probiotic mix but that was more for me because I have a vague memory of there being a correlation between sugar eating bacteria and development of long COVID, so I'm going to try limit sugar and take pre and probiotics. We'd be screwed if both of us had MECFS

will see if i Can get some nac.

have cetirizine so will get wife to take it

seems like you are taking some immune boosters at the same time as immune reducers, but a there a logic in it?

There are tinctures of Artemisia too if you cant get hold of Tea. The tinctures contain often a alcohol tough.
There are also capsules with Artemisia Annua. Or look for „Artemisinin“.

Husband of

Senior Member
There was a post on Reddit were someone was commenting on a Japanese Green Tea organization as fomenting snake oil sales with their encouragement to use green tea. Green tea is rich with catechins.
My reasoning was this article

and also I'm a fan of green tea extract after it saved my mother in law from a rare disease (cardiac amyloidosis) when she was given 6 months to live 6 years ago and is now in much better health than she was then. Not that its effect in clearing amyloid deposits from the heart has any relevance to its use for COVID or anything else of course.

Husband of

Senior Member
There are tinctures of Artemisia too if you cant get hold of Tea. The tinctures contain often a alcohol tough.
There are also capsules with Artemisia Annua. Or look for „Artemisinin“.
Apart from the lack of caffeine, is there much difference between green tea and artemisia?


Senior Member
Apart from the lack of caffeine, is there much difference between green tea and artemisia?
Yes two entirely different plants.
they both contain many tannins but apart form that… they are not the same. Artemisia is known and used in many african countries as „the malaria drug for the poor“ it works against malaria, HHV6, and PROBABLY other pathogens. I live near a Dr who is such a fan of it that he gives it to his whole family when they come down with flu or similar.


Senior Member
New Mexico
Tons of Vit. C and Zinc. Lomatium and Mullein are good for the lungs. LOTS of thyme tea. Goldenseal and Lemon Balm
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