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Early Day Motion (271) on the NICE guideline tabled by Stephen Timms MP:

Our MP Ruth Cadbury just confirmed she's signed. Here's her response:

Thank you for contacting me recently about NICE guidelines for Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and the related Early Day Motion 271.

I sympathise profoundly with anyone affected by ME. It is a highly complex condition and I believe it is vital that patients are given the treatment and care that takes account of their particular needs. I pay tribute to the work undertaken by groups such as the #MEAction network, and charities including Action for ME and the ME Association, which provide vital support and advice to people living with the condition.

The independent National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) issued clinical guidelines on ME and CFS in 2007. This guidance sets out best practice in the diagnosis, care, treatment and support of people with ME and CFS.

I appreciate the disappointment that was felt when NICE reviewed its clinical guidance for ME and CFS earlier this year and proposed not to update it. Indeed, a related online petition calling for current guidelines to be improved has been signed by more than 15,000 people.

A consultation on the proposals closed on 24 July 2017 and NICE expects to publish its final review decision in October 2017, which I will follow closely. I hope NICE carefully reviews the submissions from stakeholders ahead of issuing its formal decision.

I have now signed EDM 271 and appreciate that ME is a serious condition and that there are concerns that it remains poorly understood. I agree that local and national Government, as well as public services, need to take this into account and improve our knowledge and treatment of ME.

Thank you once again for contacting me and for sharing your views, which I will continue to bear in mind.

Yours sincerely,

Ruth Cadbury MP
Member of Parliament for Brentford and Isleworth


Senior Member
I understand the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on ME has been discontinued.

It didn't seem to achieve a lot, perhaps because this charities onboard had such different ideas on what to do.

Any thoughts @charles shepherd ?
Pretty certain this has been posted by CS on the MEA site explaining the background and that the Forward ME group are taking part in the APPG on disability. sorry too fuzzy to search for links