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Early Day Motion (271) on the NICE guideline tabled by Stephen Timms MP:

Jo Best

Senior Member
Re. my post below, I saw on Twitter this morning that Ed Lewisohn has relaunched his petition (have to create a new one under the rules of the government petition site). A few MPs supprted his first petition.
Here's the new link: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/200066
Here's a PR thread for the new petition: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...y-for-the-treatment-of-m-e.54329/#post-902863
Another resource when emailing MPs could be the petition that closed early because of the general election.
It garnered almost 11,000 signatures in about 6 weeks and that's just UK residents or British citizens.

The government's stock response (posted on the petition site) was that NICE would be issuing a decision whether to update CG53, and NICE published its provisional decsion and surveillance review shortly after. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/190618


Senior Member
Up to 30 MPs today.

I was wondering whether anyone on here works with any of the UK charities that would be able to put the word out directly to local support groups about getting in touch with their MPs?

At the moment we're relying on people reading directly on ME Action or here.


Senior Member
4 DUP MPs have signed so far, which is nearly half their MPs, that's pretty good going. Well done, Northern Ireland! Of course, 100% of Green Party MPs have signed too (i.e. Caroline Lucas). Well done to her constituents for getting a party leader to sign. Well done everyone who's got their MP to sign. Hopefully some of these people might be willing to ask questions in parliament whether there's a debate or not.


Dolores Abernathy
Up to 30 MPs of all parties...could do with more Conservative MPs...will approach the 2 in my town next week




Dolores Abernathy


Dolores Abernathy
Some background on Sarah Reed, who is organising the EDM

Sarah has been a patient for some time. Her husband is the former Labour MP for Loughborough. She knows lots of MPs from all parties & is familiar with parliamentary procedure.

She has the social skills to make her point without ranting or putting people off by being too intense.

She is on Twitter too.


Senior Member
Some background on Sarah Reed, who is organising the EDM

Sarah has been a patient for some time. Her husband is the former Labour MP for Loughborough. She knows lots of MPs from all parties & is familiar with parliamentary procedure.

She has the social skills to make her point without ranting or putting people off by being too intense.

She is on Twitter too.

That's great to hear. Are you in touch with her? Might it be worth reaching out to see if a few of us can cover bases that she won't have the time to do / would need help with?


Dolores Abernathy
That's great to hear. Are you in touch with her? Might it be worth reaching out to see if a few of us can cover bases that she won't have the time to do / would need help with?

Yes, been chatting to Sarah about the EDM. The main thing is getting more MPs to sign the motion. So tell your friends in different parts of the UK.

SNP MPs have been told to sign by their party leadership.

You can contact her via her ME Action email



Senior Member
I've just been told that a national newspaper is looking to cover this story, so it is worth getting as many MPs to sign as possible.
that would be great looks like no extra signatures today - maybe all Commons business is on hold until the MPs return from the party conferences - hopefully Stephen Timms and others will be able to have a few conversations with their party colleagues and there will be a flurry of signatures after that
I was disappointed by my MP and there isnt a single MP in my region - East Midlands- who has signed up.


Senior Member
A friend of mine wrote on my behalf to Diane Abbott (his MP). I believe that ministers or shadow ministers are not able to sign EDMs so she hasn't done so - but has confirmed her attendance at the parliamentary screening of Unrest.

My own MP also got back to me today, and said she will put two questions directly to the Dept of Health.


Senior Member
Swansea, UK
that would be great looks like no extra signatures today - maybe all Commons business is on hold until the MPs return from the party conferences - hopefully Stephen Timms and others will be able to have a few conversations with their party colleagues and there will be a flurry of signatures after that
I was disappointed by my MP and there isnt a single MP in my region - East Midlands- who has signed up.

Yes, I imagine there won't be m/any added until the Conference season is over. Though it is a good time to try to generate support.


Dolores Abernathy
I understand the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on ME has been discontinued.

It didn't seem to achieve a lot, perhaps because this charities onboard had such different ideas on what to do.

Any thoughts @charles shepherd ?


Senior Member
Apologies for using this for rolling updates but I figured it might be helpful for people to hear.

A friend of mine who works in Parliament is raising awarensss of the Unrest screening among his contacts. He hopes to at least get a few MPs and other staff to attend.

No more signatures it seems but I imagine it'll pick up again in a fortnight or so.


Senior Member
Apologies for using this for rolling updates but I figured it might be helpful for people to hear.

A friend of mine who works in Parliament is raising awarensss of the Unrest screening among his contacts. He hopes to at least get a few MPs and other staff to attend.

No more signatures it seems but I imagine it'll pick up again in a fortnight or so.

Great to get the updates. Thank you.