Drug treatment comparison hhv6 [Study] Jan 31st 2022


Senior Member
United Kingdom

This to me looks very exciting.

A comparative study of valaciclovir, valganciclovir, and artesunate efficacy in reactivated HHV-6 and HHV-7 infections associated with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis


The study aimed to compare the efficacy of valaciclovir, valganciclovir, and artesunate in treating chronic reactivated HHV-6 and HHV-7 associated with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). From 255 patients with reactivated HHV-6 and HHV-7 infections (blood leukocyte PCR) in 192 cases, valaciclovir, valganciclovir, or artesunate were administered at a dose of 3,000, 900, and 100 mg per day, respectively, for 3 months (study group). The control group consisted of similar 63 ME/CFS patients not taking any antiviral drugs. The significance of differences was evaluated by Student's T-test and the non-parametric criterion – the number of Z-signs. Negative PCR results in HHV6 and HHV-7 treated with valaciclovir was achieved in 26% and 23% (first), 34%, and 28% (second), 37% and 34% of cases (third month), respectively (p<0.05; Z<Z0.05). The same results with valganciclovir were obtained in 35% and 33% (first), 44% and 39% (second), 48% and 45% (third month), but with artesunate – in 44% and 41% (first), 57% and 53% (second), 68% and 63% of cases (third month), respectively (p<0.05; Z<Z0.05). Artesunate is more effective than valganciclovir and valacyclovir in ME/CFS patients with reactivated HHV-6 and HHV-7 infections.
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Tagging @Learner1 @Pyrrhus

Definitely going to get me some aresunate now, I am sure I took it in 2019 but not sure I ever took it in the right form or for long enough.
Jose Montoya, M.D. used a similar protocol, apparently with some success on ME/CFS patients. Unfortunately, my daughter was not one of his success stories, perhaps because she most likely didn't have a viral onset.