Dr. success using higher doses of GCMAF


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I have fingerprints. I often get weird shriveled fingertips tho. What specifically does no moons indicate though?

Sorry, don't know the reason why our moons disappear, just know it is a common thing that "means" something. Someone here probably knows though! The shriveled fingertips (like your hands have been in water) is also common. I also don't know the relationship between that and fading of fingerprints or even if there is one--just know both are common.



Senior Member
I got tired this week but worked a 85 hour week which I am sure caused this. I am going to try very hard to take the yogurt every day at 5pm. It really helps when I take it but I don't take it enough times during the work week. I am now up to .9 GCMAF and am taking .6 heppapressin when I take my GCMAF shot and then .15 per day Monday-Friday. I find that this shot of heppapressin REALLY helps a lot during the week. I worked too much this week and got tired on Thursday and Friday but will try taking the yogurt each day to see if that moves things along more quickly.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
How/where does one get yogurt w MAF in it???? Where can I order it?

Hi Inester,

If you are a patient of Dr. Enlander you can buy it from him ready made. He has developed his own kind that is probably slightly different from the one developed by Dr. Ruggiero. If you want to use the one developed by Dr. R, you need to see a doctor in Vienna or have a session with her by Skype, and then order the ingredients and make it yourself.

Dr. Cheney was doing some trainings for his patients on how to make it, but I believe you have to be one of his patients. Somewhere in one of the MAF 315 threads you will find the contact information for the Dr. in Vienna.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
Sorry, don't know the reason why our moons disappear, just know it is a common thing that "means" something. Someone here probably knows though! The shriveled fingertips (like your hands have been in water) is also common. I also don't know the relationship between that and fading of fingerprints or even if there is one--just know both are common.



I've made some observations lately, and after reading the interview with Dr. Ian Lipkin, it made some things clear to me.
Before the interview, I read one report where they stated that disappearing lunulas was associated with cell apoptosis. Now, in the interview, Dr. Lipkin states that (...) platelets are chewed up by antibodies(...).

Since I was on Gc-Maf, my lunulas became stable, but since beginning of this year, I'm re-experiencing the beginning of my illness all over again. One of that is disappearance of my lunulas and fingerprints. My interpretation is that possibly, the virus is re-activated and appears back in the blood. The body tries to fight back by producing large amounts of antibodies. These antibodies chew up the platelets(my bloodwork showed a huge decline in platelets which was also present in the beginning of my illness). By then, I didn't understand what it might mean. Dr. Lipkin might have supplied the answer to that.

This is all speculation of course, but I'm convinced that disappearing lunulas is associated with cell-apoptosis.

Best regards,


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Thanks for the explanation, Overstressed.

I hope you find a way to return to the "better health" you had before. We can do without lunalas and fingerprints, but not without health!

Best wishes,


Senior Member
I am thinking of trying GcMAF- I have a question you guys may be able to help me with.
I have VDR Taq ++ and VDR fok +-

Does any one know if the GcMAF reduces your 125 D levels as part of the mechanism of how it works?
The reason i ask is that I did really well on Marshal protocol for 3 years- and then it just seemd to no longer provide relief and i got sick again.

It reckon that I respond well to benicar ( I started on it agaiin 2 days ago- in desperation) and after being off it for 2 1/2 years (whcih have been hell) I am now feeling better - not fixed- just noticably better.

I suspect I do well on anything that reeduces my 125 D and was interested in whetehr this would result if I took GcMAF.

Any ideas here?



Senior Member
Hi Suzanne, I think some people reported that their vit D, both 25D and 1,25D normalised whilst on GcMAF ie went up when it was previously low, or came down after it was toohigh. The only thing that I can tell you about mine was that 1,25D was actually over the range after being on GcMAF for 3 months.... result 69 (ref 25.1- 66.1). However I dont know what my levels were pre GcMAF and I wasnt tested afterwards either, and I dont know what my 25D was. I found GcMAF quite hard to tolerate, so this may all tie in with the increase in inflammation that I experienced whilst on GcMAF, maybe partly to do with vit D dysregulation too. Also I cant tolerate vit D in supplements....it gives me too much inflammation.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I am thinking of trying GcMAF- I have a question you guys may be able to help me with.
I have VDR Taq ++ and VDR fok +-

Does any one know if the GcMAF reduces your 125 D levels as part of the mechanism of how it works?
The reason i ask is that I did really well on Marshal protocol for 3 years- and then it just seemd to no longer provide relief and i got sick again.

It reckon that I respond well to benicar ( I started on it agaiin 2 days ago- in desperation) and after being off it for 2 1/2 years (whcih have been hell) I am now feeling better - not fixed- just noticably better.

I suspect I do well on anything that reeduces my 125 D and was interested in whetehr this would result if I took GcMAF.

Any ideas here?


Both my Vit D 25 and 1,25 normalized on GcMAF. Many have high 1,25 and this does lower for some (don't know the percentages) while on GcMAF. I was told to check both of these every 2 weeks for the first month and then monthly after that.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
Both my Vit D 25 and 1,25 normalized on GcMAF. Many have high 1,25 and this does lower for some (don't know the percentages) while on GcMAF. I was told to check both of these every 2 weeks for the first month and then monthly after that.

Best wishes,
I have found a dr in Perth, West Australia that knows about GcMAF and required testing and treatment for ME. I have received my first vial and had initial run of tests- including vit 25D and 1,25 D. Plus various immune markers C3 and c4 that were low for me-and whie cell count- at least this time I have some decent base line data. The 'new' dr s going to get me a nagalese test, too.
I will start my first dose on friday and I am thinking of taking .05 for my first dose and even though this seems ridiculously low, I reckon it is easier to titrate the dose after a week if I am doing ok. I have a history of severe reactions to medications and protocols, so better to start slow.
BTW, is it neccessary to take a supplement to try and keep inflammation under check?
Als, I read somewhere that it would be a good idea to do fungal tratment before GcMAF, but I never seem to get ahead with fungal treatment- any views on this?
And, lastly, I am not intending to supplment vit D with GcMAF as it causing me to itch and feel nauseaus- hopefully this wil not compromise the gcMAF.

Any thoughts?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I have found a dr in Perth, West Australia that knows about GcMAF and required testing and treatment for ME. I have received my first vial and had initial run of tests- including vit 25D and 1,25 D. Plus various immune markers C3 and c4 that were low for me-and whie cell count- at least this time I have some decent base line data. The 'new' dr s going to get me a nagalese test, too.
I will start my first dose on friday and I am thinking of taking .05 for my first dose and even though this seems ridiculously low, I reckon it is easier to titrate the dose after a week if I am doing ok. I have a history of severe reactions to medications and protocols, so better to start slow.
BTW, is it neccessary to take a supplement to try and keep inflammation under check?
Als, I read somewhere that it would be a good idea to do fungal tratment before GcMAF, but I never seem to get ahead with fungal treatment- any views on this?
And, lastly, I am not intending to supplment vit D with GcMAF as it causing me to itch and feel nauseaus- hopefully this wil not compromise the gcMAF.

Any thoughts?

Hi Suzanne,

I'm glad you found a Dr. who is knowledgeable about GcMAF--best wishes taking it!

When you say your dose of .05 I'd guess that is ml. What matters is how many nannograms that is. That is how doses are calculated.

Taking GcMAF can have ups and downs. Why not catch me on chat or PM me and we can discuss it more?

Inflammation is a common problem, so you should discuss ways to deal with that with your doctor.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
I wanted to let everyone know that I started going to Dr. Enlander in February of 2012. He recommended going to 100ng of GCMAF slowly over time along with other things. After reviewing my bloodwork, I asked him what percentage chance I had of becoming 100% well and no longer needed medicine and he said 100%. I was shocked. He has had many patients (CFS up to 14 years) who respond to GCMAF take the higher doses of GCMAF and recover to the point of complete remission. I didn't believe him until I saw the results. I went from 40ng to 80 ng over the course of a month and a half. I have almost completely recovered and am averaging around 70 hours a week now which is where I was before I got sick.

I didn't want to wait until I was 100% well to get the word out about this new dosing schedule since I am almost there now. Dr. Enlander takes patients gradually at the pace they can tolerate it up to 100 ng and then slowly brings them down as they no longer need the medicine. I found that at the higher levels, not only do I not feel tired anymore but my reaction to the GCMAF shots has changed. I am no longer in bed every weekend all weekend once I take the shot. Now, I work on the weekend and clean the house like crazy and go on long trips and have tons of energy all weekend which is very different for me. I have been on 25 GCMAF from December 2010 to January 2012 and was in bed every weekend completely knocked out by the shot. Before the higher doses, some weekends I could go somewhere before 4pm on Saturday (I take it on Friday night) but had to come home by 5pm since by 6pm I was in bed or on the sofa until Sunday night at 8pm. Ironically, the higher doses make me feel even better when I take the shot. Now, the first weekend of the higher doses of .7, I couldn't lift my head off of my pillow but after that one weekend, it was amazing. I am now up to 80 ng now and find that I don't react at all to it other than getting more energy.

I have heard that GCMAF doesn't work for everyone but for those that it works for, it seems that this may be a solution. In April 2010, 5 months after I got sick (one day after the swine flu went away) I had to use a wheel chair to get around in public. There were days I couldn't walk across the room and when it came time to pull together my tax information, I had to ask my husband the name of the company I worked for. I thought I was going to die since the pain was so bad. However, I went on Dr. Cheney's protcol and got 1/3 better. Then I went on GCMAF on the normal dose along with the Cheney protocol and got another 1/3 better. Now the higher doses of GCMAF are getting me the other 1/3 of the way there to completely home. I am also following Dr. Enlander's other protocol of MAF 878 (several days a week - but supposed to do it 7 days a week) Heppapressin with other stuff in it shot once a week, Cheney's B12 and magnesium and Taurine shots daily (extra if I overdo it) and other stuff like occasional artesunate if I travel and get in very late at night and have meetings early (maybe once a week) and other things in Dr. Enlander's protcol. This week I worked all but 4-5 hours a day (20 hour days) for Sunday-Wednesday and was weak for the first time in a month on Thursday and Friday but that was stupid to work till 1am and then start again at 5:30am for several days straight- just dumb of me.

I didn't believe Dr. Enlander when he told me I would be 100% well and there was a 100% chance of it. However, now that several months have passed under his care and protocol, I realize that he is right. I am becoming 100% well very rapidly. For those that tolerate GCMAF, this may be the way to go and maybe it makes sense to have your doctor talk to Dr. Enlander. I have found him to be 100% dedicated to this illness and its victims - Innocent lives disrupted without hope. I would like to be able to donate to Dr. Enlander and his research once I am well.

I haven't been on this website for 3 months but wanted to report back that I am now almost 100% symptom free. I have worked a 80-95 hour week for the past 3 months and now have no relapses for all nighters and stuff like that. I have trouble with intensive exercise still but am exercising regularly otherwise. I have now been on the GCMAF at 100 for 2 months. I expect to be symptom free and be able to exercise as intensely as I want and to start going off of it slowly after another 8 months so we will see. Other than the high doses of GCMAF, I am also taking Heppapressin from Dr. Endlander and can say that I find it extremely helpful along with the GCMAF.


Fine, thank you
Thanks for coming back to report, Cindy - I often wonder if people who do well on something just disappear into their new lives and so we don't get to hear the successes. Congratulations on your recovery - I'm so pleased for you! :balloons:

I'm also on hepapressin and started MAF 878 a couple of weeks ago (no GcMAF) so very early days for me, especially since I've been ill for 26 years but I'm hopeful, and it's a huge boost to read an account like yours.


Senior Member
Thanks for coming back to report, Cindy - I often wonder if people who do well on something just disappear into their new lives and so we don't get to hear the successes. Congratulations on your recovery - I'm so pleased for you! :balloons:

I'm also on hepapressin and started MAF 878 a couple of weeks ago (no GcMAF) so very early days for me, especially since I've been ill for 26 years but I'm hopeful, and it's a huge boost to read an account like yours.

I agree. It is important to make sure people know what got you well. I find the hepapressin to very helpful. I didn't get it once for 2 weeks 7 weeks ago and it had a huge effect on my recovery - I started to go downhill rather quickly without it.
rome italy
CindyWillis! that is so great news!! I'm happy for you! and for all of us because it give us hope! :)
thank you very much for letting us know how you are felling! :)