Dr. success using higher doses of GCMAF

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Hello! I take now GcMaf from Saisei-Mirai Clinic.

1500 ng/week
I am very pleased with the result. I have more energy, better health.

In combination with ozone or with bioresonance therapy I can work as before.

I started taking GcMaf First Immune in May 2014 with small doses, but I always needed more and more.

GcMaf First Immune- is very unstable. Twice I bought a vial and it was very different in quality.
I immediately felt that I was missing this protein -my symptoms worse.

After High Dose GcMAF Saisei-Mirai - I live as a normal person (almost)
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This is the post from GcMaf Europe

Their website initially looked like a copy and paraphrase of ours, with the same picture on it we had two years earlier, so we wish to state we have no connection whatsoever with Saisei-Mirai in Japan or their “Second Generation” GcMAF.
In our opinion their “second generation” phrase is a clever sales ploy, but misleading. Our bodies have been making the same GcMAF for some thousands of years, and there is no “Second Generation” in GcMAF.

A participant asked us to test this Saisei-Mirai substance, because on its arrival it was yellow in appearance. This was unexpected, as the GcMAF produced by ourselves and by the research scientists for 20 years now is a clear colourless liquid.

The participant was initially led to believe the “Second generation” would cost about €70 for 6 x 0.5ml vials, but actually paid an invoice for over €700 euros.

He was also led to believe by their published document “GcMAF: our next generation immunotherapy” that their definition of “Second Generation GcMAF” was that the diseased patient’s own blood was used to make it.

But no blood was asked of him; the yellow coloured substance simply arrived.

So by the Japanese company’s own definition, it seems their “Second Generation” GcMAF is not second generation.

We find this paper very odd: diseased blood is unable to make GcMAF, as any nagalase enzyme has removed the essential components required to make it.

GcMAF is a highly conserved molecule and is the same regardless of who it comes from, meaning that there is no advantage to using your own blood as the starting point. Do they know what they are doing?

Is this the reason they state in their paper they treated only 137 people last year against our nearly 3,000?

We have a capable, well equipped laboratory. On examination of the material using analytical techniques including Western blot, electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, and Total Protein Quantification, the results showed very high levels of immunoglobulin IgG, which are parts of blood that we and GcMAF research scientists both ensure are excluded to make GcMAF pure and sterile.

So in our view its a half generation substance, because they’ve done much less than half the job. Electrophoresis results indicate it is mainly whole blood centrifuged (ie serum).

On their website the Japanese company appear to be unsure of the amount of GcMAF in their yellow substance, and therefore give a range. It gave us the same problem: there are too many blood constituents remaining for an exact quantity to be directly measured.

In our opinion this makes Japanese GcMAF unsuitable for people where the quantity must be accurately determined: eg autistic children, who often start on a 1ng dose, or CFS/ME, XMRV Lime disease, HIV or AIDS, where small, known doses are required to ensure dormant viruses are not made aggressive.

The Japanese company say in emails it is difficult to test their GcMAF and therefore don’t test every batch as we do. We agree: the presence of other substances make all tests much more difficult, and testing GcMAF is a time consuming, highly specialised and expensive process.

Despite this, every batch of our GcMAF produced by our laboratory is tested before being made available.

The definition of GcMAF has been laid out by Dr Yamamoto, scores of other scientists who have made it, and the two production companies that properly tested it: Ourselves and Jim Tassano.

GcMAF is the result of a 22 step production process and ends up as a clear liquid which is properly activity assayed.

In our opinion Saisei Mirai “GcMAF” does not meet these criteria, and does not meet the definition for GcMAF. All healthy serum should contain some GcMAF. The proper name for their product is therefore Serum.

Of the seven companies who have purported to manufacture GcMAF, only two have ever published internal and independent live cell assay tests: Jim Tassano in California and ourselves.

The only way to test that GcMAF is active is with live macrophage and live cancer cell lines. In the laboratory tests we do on our GcMAF batches, we photograph through microscopes as newly activated macrophages eat cancer cells, and in the absence of macrophages, our GcMAF turns the cancer cells back into healthy cells. That is how we know a batch is active.

Without those live cell tests, you are paying for an unproven substance. In one company’s case their “GcMAF” exhibited the properties of cheap liquid vitamin D. One product was causing infections around the injection site, clear evidence it is not sterile and contains bacteria. (Our GcMAF is sterile and tested by the Government’s Health Protection Agency.) Another company, who had been selling “GcMAF” at €1000 a shot, unusually closed down when their customers, who wasted tens of thousands of euros each, showed that it was inactive.

It goes without saying that if there are no internal, and external independent live cell tests, that product is probably inactive and should be avoided."

But i should point out that some of the GcMAF in Japan is I beleive made from individual blood donors, and hence individual lots may vary in their strength.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
This better form of GCMAF is what motivated me to do the higher doses. People are taking way higher doses of GcMAF for cancer. I did some research into it for my parents. My parents have cancer and one is on a clinical trial of immune drugs at extremely high doses with virtually no side effects. It might make sense for me to at least try the new form of GcMAF as an experiment to see what it is like. I thought I remember that it was stronger or that it is being delivered in stronger doses for cancer so will need to only take the amount that I would need to take versus a cancer patient. I am curious and will let you know if I try it.
Hi Cindy
a member of my family has advanced stage 3 cancer.
Could you update me on how your parents are going, that is are they on GcMAF??



Senior Member
@CindyWillis I wonder if you are going to need gcmaf forever or are you going to recover and stabilize and not need it anymore ?

If not, I wonder if a two pronged approach might work to permanently recover. I was thinking that since gcmaf boost macrophage activity to eat viruses and you are dependent on gc maf, then that means your viral replication rate is high, I know that glutathione levels influence replication sets, so if you are low, replication is stimulated, and if high, it inhibits replication. have you checked your glutathione levels or take precursors ? Because I wonder if taking glutathione to lower your viral replication you should be able to eventually taper off gcmaf and keep viral low.
Hi! Here are my sensations:

GcMaf First Immune in MAY
1. dense clear liquid (Very Dense!)
2. during injection burn sensation, (often get the bruise on the skin)
3. taste --neutral
4. More energy, the temperature rises on day 3 after the injection to 36.7
5. After a few weeks -- low energy

GcMaf First Immune in JULY

1. Transparent liquid, not dense. Liquid as water.
2. during injection - NOT sensation, NOT bruise
3. taste --salt.
4. Less energy, there are times facial paralysis when there is insufficient doses

The second vial (July) very slightly "holds" 3 days, even at the higher dose.

GcMaf Saisei-Mirai in September still..
1. Light yellow, dense liquid
2. during injection - NOT sensation, but often get the bruise on the skin
3. taste - salt.
4.Stable energy without additional incentives. The temperature is not increased and not decreased. I'm starting to forget about the disease!


Senior Member
Thanks Olena,

For describing what happens with the injections of GC-Maf

Glad to hear that you are " starting to forget about the disease"

It sounds as if change the manufacturer / brand of the GCMAF you got a better result in the end,
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Senior Member
it makes me wonderif the Saisei-Mirai is working or not. no temperature rise would make you think it doesnt have the activity that the others do, but if it is giving you energy it would seem to be working, I would like to know if it lowers nagalase for sure

Hi! Here are my sensations:

GcMaf First Immune in MAY
1. dense clear liquid (Very Dense!)
2. during injection burn sensation, (often get the bruise on the skin)
3. taste --neutral
4. More energy, the temperature rises on day 3 after the injection to 36.7
5. After a few weeks -- low energy

GcMaf First Immune in JULY

1. Transparent liquid, not dense. Liquid as water.
2. during injection - NOT sensation, NOT bruise
3. taste --salt.
4. Less energy, there are times facial paralysis when there is insufficient doses

The second vial (July) very slightly "holds" 3 days, even at the higher dose.

GcMaf Saisei-Mirai in September still..
1. Light yellow, dense liquid
2. during injection - NOT sensation, but often get the bruise on the skin
3. taste - salt.
4.Stable energy without additional incentives. The temperature is not increased and not decreased. I'm starting to forget about the disease!


Senior Member
Hi Cindy
a member of my family has advanced stage 3 cancer.
Could you update me on how your parents are going, that is are they on GcMAF??

My mom is on PD1 and Yervoy (clinical trial) and has seen a 44% reduction in 6 weeks in her tumor (stage 4). These are another form of immune enhancers other than GCMAF. My dad is on the yogurt while he does his chemo and his test results improved with the yogurt. The official ones come out shortly to see how much improvement. Once he finishes chemo, we are considering GCMAF as an option unless there is a clinical trial that he goes into.


Senior Member
@CindyWillis I wonder if you are going to need gcmaf forever or are you going to recover and stabilize and not need it anymore ?

If not, I wonder if a two pronged approach might work to permanently recover. I was thinking that since gcmaf boost macrophage activity to eat viruses and you are dependent on gc maf, then that means your viral replication rate is high, I know that glutathione levels influence replication sets, so if you are low, replication is stimulated, and if high, it inhibits replication. have you checked your glutathione levels or take precursors ? Because I wonder if taking glutathione to lower your viral replication you should be able to eventually taper off gcmaf and keep viral low.

Interesting. I will talk to my doctor about that idea. Thanks!


Senior Member
This better form of GCMAF is what motivated me to do the higher doses. People are taking way higher doses of GcMAF for cancer. I did some research into it for my parents. My parents have cancer and one is on a clinical trial of immune drugs at extremely high doses with virtually no side effects. It might make sense for me to at least try the new form of GcMAF as an experiment to see what it is like. I thought I remember that it was stronger or that it is being delivered in stronger doses for cancer so will need to only take the amount that I would need to take versus a cancer patient. I am curious and will let you know if I try it.

I got the new form of GCMAF from GCMAF.eu over the holidays and found that it works exceptionally well. Previously, I had been taking 1.5 MG GCMAF from Dr De Meirleir's GCMAF. First I took .5 of the new from GCMAF.eu and 1.0 of the old. Then the next week 1.0 from the new and .5 from the old. Then 1.4 from the new. It is much stronger so I took 1.4 last week and it was too strong so I took 1.3 this week which was still very strong. I will either move to 1.2 next week or keep the 1.3 amount. Due to the effectiveness of it, I need to take less and the price is lower so it costs less for that reason as well. It also works better for my husband as well. He is able to lift weights again and it picking up a fair amount of muscle through more intense exercise. It comes out to about $85 per 1MG shot cheaper with the 10% volume discount. I will definitely stick with the new GCMAF from GCMAF.eu for now since it works better and costs less.


Senior Member
Is it true gcmaf works on cAMP if so I maybe a candidate how much is it and how much is the yoghurt form thanks


Senior Member
Hi! Here are my sensations:

GcMaf First Immune in MAY
1. dense clear liquid (Very Dense!)
2. during injection burn sensation, (often get the bruise on the skin)
3. taste --neutral
4. More energy, the temperature rises on day 3 after the injection to 36.7
5. After a few weeks -- low energy

GcMaf First Immune in JULY

1. Transparent liquid, not dense. Liquid as water.
2. during injection - NOT sensation, NOT bruise
3. taste --salt.
4. Less energy, there are times facial paralysis when there is insufficient doses

The second vial (July) very slightly "holds" 3 days, even at the higher dose.

GcMaf Saisei-Mirai in September still..
1. Light yellow, dense liquid
2. during injection - NOT sensation, but often get the bruise on the skin
3. taste - salt.
4.Stable energy without additional incentives. The temperature is not increased and not decreased. I'm starting to forget about the disease!

@Olena, are you still on Saisei-Mirai's GCmaf? How are you feeling at the moment, any side effects?
Have you tested your nagalase levels yet?
The course treatment "GcMaf 2" ---is continuing 6 months at a high dose.

Then there is a reduction in dose.
I did not give nagalase test, but I was still 88% of T-lymphocytes, it is more the norm.

I have Brucellosis (bioresonance positive test), before the start - macrophages decreased to 1% (must be minimum of 5%).
Now I have a normal macrophages.

But TNK cells and NK cells are still low.

I feel good, I work full-time (14 hours)
I plan to stay on supporting therapy.

I have many symptoms of Lyme, but the test is negative.
Now I plan to do repeated tests.


Senior Member
It's tempting...I may show some of this to my doc in the next few months. But I'm also tempted to try the yogurt and see if it makes any difference, before graduating to actual gcmaf. However, it's a hassle to obtain the maf878 in US, isn't it?


Senior Member
I don't see why we couldn't use coconut milk. I have made kefir with coconut milk and starters I get in the health food store.. You can make coconut yogurt with them, ,too.