Sorry to find myself following you around again Barb.

I have no intention to pick on you, honest, we just happen to be really interested in all the same subjects but with very strong and differing views on them. Nothing personal.
If you look in my post above, I specifically refer to the PACE study with CBT/GET. Yes I get that it's different here in the states and know how that puts patients in the UK in a bind. A horrific bind.But that still wouldn't make me turn to a doctor like Myhill.
I'm not sure I want to be drawn into a debate other than to state that I believe her medical views leave a lot to be desired, just as I would all alternative practicioners. Yes, all.
She's not an alternative practitioner, she's a registered general practitioner. I've seen lots of alternative practitioners too and there's a big difference. She diverges from orthodoxy on a number of points, so she is 'alternative' in the sense that she doesn't always agree with the orthodoxy. By that definition, anybody in the UK who offers anything other than CBT/GET is "alternative".
I've cited a few examples and I think we will just have to agree to disagree.
You've cited a few examples of quotes from her website. Whereas I've been treated by one of her colleagues and followed some of her protocols and she's the only one of many GPs, in 18 years, who's actually helped me. I also personally know several people who have been treated by her - one of whom was completely sceptical throughout but made an almost complete recovery having been sick since childhood - and they were all helped and speak very highly of her.
So I'm talking from personal experience of how good she is as a doctor, whereas you're talking from a purely theoretical basis of comparing what she says with what the books say. And I do understand that her views differ from what the books say, and I don't believe the books are a reliable source on those subjects, for well-researched and rational reasons: I simply don't trust the science in areas where industrial giants have a documented financial interest in the research into the effects of their products on human health. That science is systematically biased in very obvious ways (you only have to look at the funders of the Science Media Centre to see how utterly corrupted and unreliable those areas of modern science have become), and if she chooses to be sceptical about it and dig deeper, then good for her.
ETA There is a thread on Bad Science which explains why many of her treatments are inaccurate and some even dangerous. It's actually pretty tame and you might be surprised to find the thread very informative. Myhill
I read all that ages ago, and mostly it just reinforces my views of her approach. It
doesn't explain why her treatments are "inaccurate", it sets out areas where her views diverge from the orthodox interpretation of the science, which I think is an important distinction. What jumps out to me on that thread is how it's a series of "here's what she said", "here's what the book says", "therefore, obviously, she's wrong". (Never a pause for thought on that point...just a complete lack of scepticism). As if she doesn't know what the book says, and just happens to have read some other books and formed a different opinion as to who to trust.
To me it's striking on that thread how often snippets of quotes aimed at a general audience are picked apart on a technicality when the point she is making is quite valid and is just being communicated in a way that's easier to understand. Other things that are striking for me are things like the "cot death" argument - that's striking to me because I actually formulated the hypothesis of cot death being caused by a combination of fungi and flame retardants on mattresses quite independently and based purely on my own experience over decades figuring out what caused me certain problems sleeping (or trying to sleep) and what knocked me out for 14 hours at a stretch. I then read up and researched some historical stats on flame retardant usage and the stats on cot death incidence and the matches are really striking: you can put the two graphs side by side and it's "OMG". She's the first practitioner I've heard explicitly repeating my theory though. On stuff like that, I don't mind if her interpretation differs from the official scientific view because I already suspect she's right in what she's saying. And I know there's scientific evidence on her side, and differing industry-backed scientific evidence on the other side...
We are dealing here with a "Science" that is fatally skewed by industrial interests on the one hand, and an expert in environmental medicine on the other. If the scientific evidence on such matters could be trusted as if it really were objective and unbiased, it would be a completely different matter. I don't think Dr Myhill is perfect by any means - I suspect history will show she was dead wrong on some points, but dead right on others and the truth lies somewhere in between. But whenever I do visit BS (holding my nose and ducking in as long as I can bear it) I find the implicit and unquestioning trust in what mainstream medical science has to say on matters of environmental health just mindboggling stupid and naive. These are people who can't see a single thing wrong with the PACE trial even if you take them through it all. The idea that these people, who seem to blindly follow whatever industrial science tells them about how their own products affect human health, call themselves "sceptics", is the worst joke of all. What on earth is 'sceptical' about doubting everything
except what the boss says? What is 'sceptical' about already knowing all the answers because you've got a big book that tells you what's true, and treating anyone who has a different point of view with automatic (and vicious) contempt? Can't get my head round that one...I guess 'sceptic' is intended ironically in such cases...
But I suppose you're right on agreeing to differ, because we've been round these kind of arguments before and neither of us have changed our I say, please don't take it personally, these subjects just tend to wind me up...