Robin Teejkay valcyte study
I saw Dr. Montoya for a year from Aug 2006 to July 2007. At that time, he recommended IV antivirals and told me he would be in contact with a local doctor, but wouldn't treat me at Stanford.
Anyway, the valcyte study was just in the funding stage at that time. They definitely didn't get $30 million

I think it was between $1 and $2 million from Roche, the patent-holder of valgancyclovir.
I did meet a patient who improved greatly on valcyte. She had seen over 20 doctors and been in the ER 7 times after being ill around a year. She was at 85-90% pre-illness functionality and it was all due to valcyte.
In my case, I'd been sick 9 years already and had some bacterial stuff as well as CMV, HHV-6 and EBV. Dr. Montoya didn't want me taking doxycycline and is sure he told me that, but I don't think he did. I wasn't in the study, and my first 2 appts were with residents, with a short appearance by Dr. M.
Also, he told me that his small efficacy study of around 12 people was 75% effective, with people going back to normal life. This is from memory, and I erased all my old posts and have no other records, but I think this is right. Maybe someone else knows.
Another doctor who has used valcyte for many years is Dr. Lerner. He was convincing that it was helpful in many cases, though he tried hard to treat bacterial infections as well because those could keep you from improving.
Overall, my improvement was very welcome. I was on valcyte a total of 22 months, 10.5 under Montoya and 11 under Lerner. When I started, I had chest and back pain and breathing difficulty. After about 4 months, that resolved. Dr. Lerner found that I have some heart issues which he has correlated to smoldering viral infections of the heart.
Though I'm only a 4 on his scale (and Cort's), I've had brief times of being better, and I am infinitely better than when I could not lie down to sleep. I think the infection is still in my heart as my chest aches sometimes, but I couldn't stay on valcyte.
My impression was that Dr. Montoya's original cohort improved much faster than the group of patients in the trial. I hope there will be more investigation, and someone mentioned that many of these doctors are in touch now and sharing information. There is a poster on PH named gasolo who is able to work. Some others said they got well and left the board, so who knows how they are now.
In some cases, especially for those of us with CMV, I think valcyte is a treatment option. I really wonder if I would have survived without it. Not a cure for some of us, though.
Still looking,