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Dr. Derek Enlander: New trial using methylation supplements


Senior Member
Dr. Enlander, of the New York CFS Association, posted this on Facebook today:

Treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome using methylation cycle supplements in a double-blind study. Federal Clinical Trial Identifier:NCT01893619

We have received research funds for a double-blind treatment study for ME CFS. There is no charge for this study it is FREE.
Patients randomly and blindly (except to the investigator) will be given treatment or PLACEBO (blank medicine) . The treatment is weekly injection and oral capsules. The results will be compared at intervals of three months. Patients should not have been treated during the past six months.

contact Dr Enlander if you are interested in this research trial at denlander@aol.com.

Clinical Trials


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Interesting! Do you know if you have to come into his office for this? I'd guess so....

Also, it would be very interesting to know what the supplements and injections are, dosing etc. If you get any more information, please post!



Senior Member
Sth Australia
im wondering how this will go as patients seem to have different methylation issues if ive understood the stuff ive read in the past and peoples experiences here, it often seems to have to be tailored to the individual (I remember how Fredds and Richs programs were different and some did certainly better on one of them then the other).

I certainly do think methylation protocols help many of us if we work out the best for us.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Did the people is Rich and dr. Nathan's study have to all take the same thing? It did have some success. To be most successful, I think most people have to customize the protocol to their own needs. I doubt that would be acceptable is a study.


Senior Member
Cornwall England
How can you post a study without revealing the treatment? Seems odd. Anyone know if this is an officially registered clinical trial? I can't remember what the website is where you can find out :oops:


Senior Member
Cornwall England

Thanks Johnny :)

Irish doctor says chronic fatigue syndrome can be cured

[Link embedded is to previous PR thread from Nov 2010 with discussion and original newspaper article:]

'Enlander initially designed an injection that he has been treating patients with, and more recently he began supplementing the injection with a substance called immunoprop, an immune system adjuvant.

“The treatments act on the immune system because we believe that ME, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, is an immune system dysfunction,” said Enlander, adding that to date 65% of his patients “actually recover from the treatment.

Hmm... Look's like Enlander was misquoted in that article. Wonder why he's now looking at only Immunoprop when on his website he seems to use a cocktail of supplements? Well I guess he is putting the company's claims to the test which can only be a good thing in my book. This will only be an observational study though won't it (Karnovsky) not a look into what exactly this 'drug' might be doing and why. And double-blinded but no controls with 100 patients assessed using Fukuda and CCC. Look forward to hearing the results.


Senior Member
The notice says weekly injections and oral tablets.

I would assume that the injection contains his usual :
Magnesium sulphate methyl cyanocobalomin
Folic acid
trace elements

This is from his "CFS Handbook".

The tablets are probably Immunoprop and Immunoplus.

I would imagine that it is impossible to customize these in a trial.


Senior Member
Cornwall England
Thanks Nielk. Strange the full cocktail isn't mentioned in the clinical trail info. Maybe you don't have to. I haven't really looked to compare. Anyway, look forward to the results. I would encourage anyone who has taken this particular supplement or the cocktail to enroll and anyone else who can - these kind of things will help in the long run.


Senior Member
I have taken this protocol in the past and stopped. Just last week I went back on it. In the past it did not seem to do mu h for me but when I stopped I felt worse. I we t back on it because my lab results came back showing a decline.

The problem though with taking part in the trial is that one doesn't know if they Are getting the real thing. Then again it is free.

It will be interesting to see the results.


Dr.Enlander isn't a man of many words, if you want to know more contact him. He's always happy to answer my questions.

I've been on this protocol since January. It is not a protocol that will give you results in a few weeks. I have been injecting every day and faithfully take the supplements and am now seeing results. My NK went up from 4 to 90. My T reverse went down from 45 to 27 without the use of thyroid medications. It takes persistence to stick with it even though you do not see direct results. Plus not all patients get results. The blogs and forums I trail show many who stopped because it 'did nothing'. Whether this is because they stopped too early or just are not a good responder I don't know.

Btw, I'm not a patient of dr Enlander.