Dr. Chia's treatments


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Regarding Epivir (lamivudine): one of the people in China with the new Chinese "HIV-like" virus posted a comment on my website saying that patients in China with this new Chinese virus find that lamivudine works really well. Lamivudine can cross the blood-brain barrier, so this should be good for targeting viral infections in the brain and CNS.

Note that in spite of its name, this Chinese virus has been shown to be unrelated to HIV, and by its symptoms, I think it could well be an enterovirus. The virus I caught shows strong symptomatic similarity to the Chinese virus, and so it may be the same virus. Dr Chia actually read my website and said that my symptoms that I listed on this site are very typical of enterovirus.

Did you manage to find a good cheap supplier of lamivudine, heapsreal? And have you experienced any side effects from lamivudine?

This wasnt me but a few links i found on people using Epivir. So know personal experience with it sorry.