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Dr. Chia's Oxymatrine protocol - 3 great months, then crashed


Senior Member
San Francisco, CA
Hi out there! Anyone else experience a crash after about 3 months? I saw a HUGE uptick in strength and stamina after about a month on Oxymatrine. Then I had 2 solid, life altering months. And now I'm back to pre-oxymatrine fatigue. Possibly worse.

The same thing happened to me with Xifaxan.

Any ideas? Anyone else have the same thing happen to them? Any advice is welcome. :)


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I can only think of generic things. 1. Did you increase your activity or stress? 2. Did Dr. Chia test you to see if this crash is an auto-immune response?


Senior Member
San Francisco, CA
Thanks Andrew! No increased stress, but I did increase activity. However it wasn't increased to the point of exert, then crash. I was always within my "envelope" as they say. Until the past few weeks... I'm technically being prescribed Oxymatrine by Dr. Montoya, just following Dr. Chia's protocol. Not sure about the "auto-immune response" as you mentioned. What kind of testing would that consist of?


Senior Member
Hey Annie,

Sorry to hear about the crash. So frustrating and so hard to know exactly why? hard to know if the crash was related to the Equilibrant/Valcyte. In my experience, a lot of things might need to be treated at the same time. In the past, some meds have helped me get on top of things for a while and then when I up my activity level it is as though the pool a resources my body has to draw upon is depleted again. Right now I'm trending strongly in the right direction (thanks in part to both Valcyte and Equilibrant) but I'm under no illusions that the underlying issues have been resolved and too much exertion could put me right back to where I was prior to Valcyte and Equilibrant.

For me, the real challenge is to keep my absolute level of energy expenditure (as opposed to a level perceived as relatively close in terms of my own EFFORT/HR) at (or even close to) my positive response to these meds. There's just too damn much I've been missing out on. However, by increasing my absolute level of energy expenditure, I may be missing an opportunity to really consolidate my gains and to give my immune system to get on top of things rather than to simply keep up with my greatly diminished expectations.

The bottom line is that for all the good they can do, these meds don't fix the underlying immune issues that allow these infections to take hold.

Best wishes,



Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I don't know what the tests would be. I only know that Oxymatrine can cause autoimmune problems. I suggest you contact Montoya.


Senior Member
Did you change your oxymatrine supplier or dosge, or change when and how you took the oxymatrine?

I know someone who got no benefits from oxymatrine until they crushed the tablets into fine powder, for better absorption (see here). So how you take it be important.