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Dr. Amy Yasko's Methylation Cycle Support Program


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I was forwarded an email from Dr. Yasko about this.

"As part of my goal of paying it forward and providing information at no cost, I am sharing this link to http://knowyourgenetics.com that includes up to date information to consider when supporting your Methylation Cycle. The link to http://knowyourgenetics.com is a free service that offers suggestions that may be applicable regardless of what genetic test you have run. Please feel free to use this site and have open access to the information. However, as always when implementing any supplement program please work with and defer to your doctor.

Again, this program is applicable regardless of the test you have run to get your nutrigenomic results. The Methylation Pathway Analysis (MPA) program focuses on 30 SNPs which I have found to be central in promoting and supporting a healthy methylation cycle."

"For those of you who have previously run the test through HHI and already received an MPA you can input your data to receive an updated MPA. This link also helps to make the ordering process easier as it includes a master supplement list. Even if you have not run the Nutrigenomic test that I have designed, in most cases, regardless of the test you have run to get your nutrigenomic results, if the SNPs are the same this program may aid in your ability to better understand how best to support a healthy methylation cycle.

Recall that every cell in your body contains identical DNA, which is why blood, saliva, hair, fingernails can be used to evaluate your personal DNA. There are approximately 25,000 genes in the human body that code for proteins, but it is not practical to look at all 25,000 genes. While every cell in the body contains the information about your total genetic profile, tests that look at genetics choose specific genes to evaluate and look for changes or mutations. I personally believe in only looking for changes in the DNA in well-defined nutritional pathways where it is clear how to add natural supplements to bypass imbalances. I feel that whether you have a test that gives you 30 or 1000 or 5000 markers this is still only a fraction of the total number of genes in your body and frankly having more markers is not the issue. The real question is whether the information that you have is in a pathway that has been characterized so you know what to do to help restore your body to health. The nutritional pathway that this program focuses on is something I call “The Methylation Cycle”. The methylation cycle is a well-defined nutritional pathway in the body. When you look at the suggested nutritional support, you are working to increase the ability of the entire Methylation Cycle to run properly, keeping in mind that it has been functioning to some degree in spite of any mutations in particular genes. Nutrigenomics is just one aspect of the factors that determine your health. I see complex health conditions as multifactorial in nature. That means that while your nutrigenomics are a piece of the puzzle they are not the whole picture. The environmental burden of toxins you are exposed to, along with infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungal infections, yeast) and the stress on your system all impact your overall health.

AGAIN, the link to http://knowyourgenetics.com is a free service that offers suggestions that may be applicable regardless of what genetic test you have run. Please feel free to use this site and have open access to the information. However, as always when implementing any supplement program please work with and defer to your own doctor."

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Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Thanks for this. Unfortunately she's still committed to HydroxyB12. Reviewing my profile, I'm even more grateful for the interactive intelligence we have here at Phoenix Rising. cheers, ahmo


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@Critterina, no fee to get the results. I uploaded my 23andme raw data, got back a couple charts similar format to the methylation cycle chart. Grouped in stages, each stage w/ lists of suggested supps. It personalizes a program for you, so you don't have to research each SNP. cheers, ahmo


Senior Member
London, UK
Thanks @minkeygirl this is amazing. Ok I uploaded my results and an enormous list of supplements came up. Surely it can't mean I need to take ALL of them. So which ones? And in what order?
I'm sure it's just my brain fog/ADHD at work again but it seems quite hard to make head or tail of it!
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