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Dosage of Cycloferon


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Would you share the before and after NK cell function difference in test numbers ?

Reference ranges i have which could be different to other labs are
Nk activity (13.8 - 34.8). Nk Bright cell (5 - 10)
I have 3 tests of NK activity 6, 2,1 and corresponding bright cell function 1, .93,1, so quite low, plus I was taking famvir at these times.
On cycloferon and famvir NK activity 51.91 and corresponding Bright cell function 1.95. So i had a big jump in NK activity. The NK bright cell activity was very minor change.

My nk number are within normal range. Lab normal ranges are .07-.6. Many nk number tests varying between .21 and .31. On immunovir my numbers were .37, so there was an increase in nk numbers on immunovir but from memory i was only on immunovir for a couple of months at most. Maybe if i was on it longer these could have changed but also nk function was unknown then and may have had a bigger impact on nk function. During that trial of immunovir i didnt feel any improvements. I have used other brands and felt a difference from them.

I did do some before and after nk numbers testing while using AHCC mushroom extract but had no changes in these labs.

I hope that helps.


Senior Member
Reference ranges i have which could be different to other labs are
Nk activity (13.8 - 34.8). Nk Bright cell (5 - 10)
I have 3 tests of NK activity 6, 2,1 and corresponding bright cell function 1, .93,1, so quite low, plus I was taking famvir at these times.
On cycloferon and famvir NK activity 51.91 and corresponding Bright cell function 1.95. So i had a big jump in NK activity. The NK bright cell activity was very minor change.

My nk number are within normal range. Lab normal ranges are .07-.6. Many nk number tests varying between .21 and .31. On immunovir my numbers were .37, so there was an increase in nk numbers on immunovir but from memory i was only on immunovir for a couple of months at most. Maybe if i was on it longer these could have changed but also nk function was unknown then and may have had a bigger impact on nk function. During that trial of immunovir i didnt feel any improvements. I have used other brands and felt a difference from them.

I did do some before and after nk numbers testing while using AHCC mushroom extract but had no changes in these labs.

I hope that helps.
Thank you !
Wow that’s quite a jump for sure!
How about now ? You normalized ?
My test is this one.
I would love to see it change.


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I had asked you about cycloferon in another thread, but decided to post a follow up here since it is more on topic. "LEO" code still works for a discount :thumbsup:

I ordered injectable cycloferon from cosmicnootropic and it arrived within the week. I'm quite sensitive to things so I used a quarter of the ampule (I transferred the ampule contents into a sterile, sealed vial), injecting over the course of two weeks. From the initial injection I had improvement.

Going into partial remission after each COVID vaccine was an indication that immune stimulation/modulation is a key in my case. I have also had improvements with valacyclovir and oxymatrine.

I had the COVID booster on Sep 9th and the improvement lasted about 6 weeks. I then knocked myself back experimenting with something I had a reaction to and was looking for a way to stimulate my immune system like the vaccine. The cycloferon seems to do the trick. Of course, I realize I'm only two weeks into using it, and it shouldn't be used continuously, so it is too early to tell if it will be one of my permanent allies, but I am really pleased so far. The flu symptoms induced by the cycloferon where manageable and of short duration.

Have you tried any other Russian immune modulators? I was thinking to try some of the others to compare/rotate/complement with the cycloferon.

Anyhow, thanks for your previous posts on cycloferon and sharing your experience.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I had asked you about cycloferon in another thread, but decided to post a follow up here since it is more on topic. "LEO" code still works for a discount :thumbsup:

I ordered injectable cycloferon from cosmicnootropic and it arrived within the week. I'm quite sensitive to things so I used a quarter of the ampule (I transferred the ampule contents into a sterile, sealed vial), injecting over the course of two weeks. From the initial injection I had improvement.

Going into partial remission after each COVID vaccine was an indication that immune stimulation/modulation is a key in my case. I have also had improvements with valacyclovir and oxymatrine.

I had the COVID booster on Sep 9th and the improvement lasted about 6 weeks. I then knocked myself back experimenting with something I had a reaction to and was looking for a way to stimulate my immune system like the vaccine. The cycloferon seems to do the trick. Of course, I realize I'm only two weeks into using it, and it shouldn't be used continuously, so it is too early to tell if it will be one of my permanent allies, but I am really pleased so far. The flu symptoms induced by the cycloferon where manageable and of short duration.

Have you tried any other Russian immune modulators? I was thinking to try some of the others to compare/rotate/complement with the cycloferon.

Anyhow, thanks for your previous posts on cycloferon and sharing your experience.

That sounds great. I'm glad it's helped.
I'd say use it for upto 2-3 months with a similar time off.

The other immune mods I've used - immunovir/isoprinosine helped some and similar type of action to cycloferon in that it increases nk function. The normal dosage is 2 tabs 3 times a day. Can be hard finding a well priced source. It's also called neosine or neosine forte which I've seen cheaper but for me can't get it shipped here. You might be different.
Arbidol is worth trying. I remember it helping with some chronic sinus issues I had. Again I think it increases nk cells but I think has other mechanisms.
Imunofan I've also tried. Looks really good on paper but I didn't get much from it. But it is a product that needs to be shipped with ice packs etc. So that could have been an issue when I tried it as shipping took alot longer than any ice pack would last.

Plus just staying on antivirals has been my biggest help.

Cheers 👍


@heapsreal thanks for your experience and feedback.

Ugg, I just ordered Imunofan and now that I am specifically looking for the temp info, I am finding this on a page I translated from Russian (just like you said):
"Imunofan is stored and transported at a temperature of 2 to 10 degrees Celsius, otherwise it loses its properties and becomes useless."​
So that will probably be a bust.

I also ordered:
  • Ingaron (Interferon gamma) intranasal- I didn't actually mean to order these, I neglected to remove them from my cart. But now that I have, I might try spraying on back of my throat as well as intranasal.
  • Polyoxidonium (Azoximer Bromide)-https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fonc.2021.699546/full
  • Isoprinosine is now available from Amazon in the US at a better price than from rupharma or cosmicnootropic. I'm not too hopeful since I didn't do well with Inosine as a supplement, but still going to try it.
I'll post back with any results.
London, UK
@Shanti1 - how have you got on with your "haul"?

Like you, I also notice improvements on immune stimulants. Cryptolepis herb is by far the strongest one I have found (almost too strong). I've been thinking about trying some of the Russian immune modulators and might get some Cycloferon this week.

Out of interest, have you tried HRT at all? Estrogen is an immune stimulant and I'm looking into trying that route out also (I'm female).


Hi @tooth!

I've been thinking about trying some of the Russian immune modulators and might get some Cycloferon this week.
I still use Cycloferon and get benefit. Right now I do a 1 week course of injections when I start to have more lassitude than usual. I find that I am using it this way about once every two months. My injection dose is currently 0.5-1cc per injection.

I did end up experimenting with some of the other Russian immune meds, but I did not get a good result from any of them. The others that I tried were Polyoxidonium, Amixin, and Imunofan. Polyoxidonium actually helped with brain fog, but oddly made me more fatigued. I didn't notice Amixin or Imunofan, but Imunofan is temperature sensitive, so mine was probably shot from shipping.

I have some Ingaron (interferon gamma nasal drops) that I haven't tried yet.
Imunovir (inosine) is another that I have tried, but it causes such flu symptoms that I always stop it within a day or two. I'm not willing to push through to find out if it is a "worse before better" or a "worse before worse" situation.

Out of interest, have you tried HRT at all? Estrogen is an immune stimulant and I'm looking into trying that route out also (I'm female).

I am also female and premenopausal. I have experimented with Biest cream, progesterone cream, testosterone, pregnenolone, and DHEA. I am quite sensitive and, for me personally, I found that even at very low doses, the hormones seemed to throw me off kilter. I definitely had distinct reactions to each, but the down side out weighted to good. But that is just me, you may have better reactions, especially if you are post-menopausal and these hormones are low.

DHEA is very immunomodulatory and may be a good one to try, starting at a low dose. 7-keto-dhea is a non-hormonal metabolite of DHEA that also shows immunomodulatory effect that may be worth investigating as well. I actually haven't tried 7-keto before.

Cryptolepis herb is by far the strongest one I have found (almost too strong).
In your personal experience of this herb, do you think it is acting more as an antimicrobial or an immunostimulant?