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Do your crashes arise during certain sleep cycles?


Formerly PWCalvin
I have a feeling I might only hear crickets in response to this one..it's kinda weird, but here goes...

I often wake up around 4 or 5 in the morning for a toilet break, feeling fine. But then the crash will set in by the time I wake around 7:30.

What the heck happens between 4 AM and 7 AM that makes me crash? It makes no sense! Has anybody else noticed anything like this?


Senior Member
Manchester UK

yeah, me too, weird eh? We heal faster when we sleep I've read, and I had been attributing the effect to that/and or detoxing stuff in the night. Then I read Paul Robinson's book on the thyroid, and how he got over many years of hypothyroid with circadian dosing of T3. He reckons that that early morning section is a crucial crossover in terms of the thyroid producing stuff the adrenals then need to rare up for the day. My cortisol was very low for years early in the morning, now seems to be in the normal range. Hence maybe my ultra low energy by 8am? I m now trying T3, and it seems to be helping a bit.
PW, I'm a fan....no pressure, but anytime you want to spring another Hitler rant video on us, I'm all eyes and ears...seriously, thanks again for making me laugh, it really helped me on a dark day xxxx


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Not much to add, but my hunch is something to do with cortisol.
For me i am the opposite - i often wake in the night for the loo, or woken by a dreaming child and i always feel absolutely terrible - virtually paralysed, confused and unable to open my eyes. Although having said that - i dont feel great at 7.30 when i have to get up either.


Senior Member
Between 4am and 7am is the time that the low morning cortisol effect starts for me. 4am, fine, 5am, fine then 6am, sick, shaking, black spots in front of eyes and prone to fainting. 7am worse, then 8am bad, 9am bad, 10am getting a little better.

I call it the low cortisol effect because that's when my cortisol was lowest when I did two if those saliva tests. Also when I was seen in a NHS hospital for a adrenal stimulation test the bad effect went away immediately when I had their injection at 9.30am in the morning.