Made one up before I got sick; had all my friends and acquaintances from school, work, other places on there. About 6-8 months after getting sick I deactivated it. I've reactivated and deactivated it at least 3 times since.
It's too hard. Too many old (obviously not as close) friends saying "OMG, I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN, WHAT, YEARS!? WE NEED TO GO HANG OUT/CHILL SOON!!"
And they don't realize. And it's impossible to explain. And if you dare try, don't worry about ever hearing from them again.
Not to mention looking through photos of friends all older, with girlfriends (or boyfriends), traveling, partying, having fun, experiencing new things, graduating college/uni (something I would have been doing with many of them a month ago had I not gotten sick), entering the real world and getting jobs. Basically, living a life that this DD stole away the ability for me to have.
It's tough. Too tough. Even though I've come to accept that I have this horrid illness and all of it's equally terrible consequences, it still hurts too much.
(I do... however, have a fake one with a made up name, just so I can keep up with news of various groups on there... and that's all I bare to use it for.)