I don't think real life is like that Leopardtail. Many of us retrain during a career in much more detail than the primary training in our BSc or PhD discipline. In a University Department of Medicine we are all expected to understand detailed presentations on everything from biochemical pathways to MRI to population genetics on a weekly basis. I probably know a lot more about the properties of uridine diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase than most 'biochemists' because I spent five years studying hyaluronic acid synthesis (before I moved on to immunology, which is not my original discipline either).
You have every reason to query the efficiency of the grant awarding system but knocking doctors just because they are doctors seems to me something to get out of one's hair. There are a lot of bogeymen in this story but they cannot just be identified by the letters after their names.
I admit to not being up to speed on the methylation story but my impression is that it will not have been considered for funding simply because nothing has even come on the general scientific radar screen that would make a plausible story - and I guess nobody has applied anyway.
My point
isn't and never was knocking doctors, what I am knocking is
the make up the panel - entire and relevant fields of science are missing as are relevant fields of medicine. I know my concerns are shared by at least two of the national charities. What
I am saying is that the panel needs to have doctors playing well with others who understand that other vital dimension much better and we need members of that discipline directly on the panel and building up their knowledge of ME - their presence and mutual discussion of applications would
create synergy.
In similar fashion to you I know a great deal more about the regulation of hormones in the limbic system that most professional endocrinologists. I also know vastly more about ATP synthesis and B-Vitamin metabolism than many (but far from all) biochemists. That however would prepare neither of us to judge the quality of a project that examined the interaction of some aspect of arcane biochemistry with endocrine hormones. @
alex3619 or any other biochemist would likely spot risk and opportunities that you and I would not.
Fatigue is a sensation generate by the brain to facilitate rest - fatigued parents can still care for their children. The body's energy management system is endocrine and complex. The bodies energy generation system is within the cell. The disease for a good proportion of us is about fundamental lack of energy generation - not about fatigue. The severe energy deficit (aka exhaustion) with severe ME is much closer to severe hypoglycaemia moments before going comatose when legs turn to jelly and one cannot choose to function or override the sensation. Both those detailed areas of knowledge are missing from the panel. This is analogous to Stevie Wonder choosing the Turner prize.
We are never likely to have good quality endocrine or intracellular research while the panel must work from the kind of impressions you expressed about methylation. This is why we are stuck in a situation where we have very small scale investigation, small numbers of medics with very detailed knowledge but a paucity of cold hard published (and repeated) science.
If we had a very large population of dedicated researchers itching to get into the field then this would concern me less. What we have though is a paucity of both researchers and funding sources. Were I a newly qualified researcher with special interest in ME, with a fellow student interested in Biochemistry would I come into this field or diabetes when both fields were missing from the panel? The make up of such panels creates practical issues at 'first filtering' of applications it also sends messages.
Somebody with your gravitas for example might well be able to get funding for the thyroid investigation you discussed despite the lack of expertise on the panel, I question however whether others would even feel it was worth trying. More so given the history of the panel and the sheer amount of effort such applications take.
Trying doing a pub-med search for anything (ME related) to do with energy generation, endocrine hormones etc and the reason why these disciplines need direct presence becomes all too obvious. What many of us know has not been investigated by science.