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DMG causing rapid detox and sores in mouth?

Hey fellers, I started taking dimethylglycine, but not for the methylation (otherwise I'd take TRImethylglycine amirite?). I don't take B12, or iron, or anything else that goes with it or is spoken about here. I heard of all the great things sarcosine and glycine do for the brain. I take 125mg 3x/day, and 2-3 days into this I got two bumps on the top of my mouth. They are only painful in the evenings. My eyes have also been a bit more sore (I've had blepharitis for a while) with my eyelids twitching sometimes. Now, I know DMG could cause a detox more powerful than many other things, but the interesting thing is that my larger bump is somewhat lined up with a small cavity I have. Or if you look at it another way, the bumps are both on opposite sides of the mouth, below the eyes!

So, is this normal? How long would it last? I've never gotten these bumps before, EVER, but my eyes can get sore sometimes, it's just been worse. Should I look into lowering OR raising the DMG dose, or add anything else to alleviate this?

Thanks Johan!


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hey fellers, I started taking dimethylglycine, but not for the methylation (otherwise I'd take TRImethylglycine amirite?). I don't take B12, or iron, or anything else that goes with it or is spoken about here. I heard of all the great things sarcosine and glycine do for the brain. I take 125mg 3x/day, and 2-3 days into this I got two bumps on the top of my mouth. They are only painful in the evenings. My eyes have also been a bit more sore (I've had blepharitis for a while) with my eyelids twitching sometimes. Now, I know DMG could cause a detox more powerful than many other things, but the interesting thing is that my larger bump is somewhat lined up with a small cavity I have. Or if you look at it another way, the bumps are both on opposite sides of the mouth, below the eyes!

So, is this normal? How long would it last? I've never gotten these bumps before, EVER, but my eyes can get sore sometimes, it's just been worse. Should I look into lowering OR raising the DMG dose, or add anything else to alleviate this?

Thanks Johan!

Hi Johan,

Methylb12 deficiency and/or folate deficiency can cause sores from mouth to anus and everywhere in between and skin lesions and many other forms of sores. In my experience here most things being called "detox" are a worsened deficiency of folate and/or mb12 and/or potassium.
Hoh really? Well, I took my Jarrow B-Right today for the first time in MONTHS, but my "deficiency" symptoms never occurred in my life until I started DMG.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hoh really? Well, I took my Jarrow B-Right today for the first time in MONTHS, but my "deficiency" symptoms never occurred in my life until I started DMG.

Hi Johan,

There are many cofactors in every biochemical or biological occurrence. So let us say that a process was stalled for want of a methyl group that DMG is now providing but now that it is provided, it runs into another missing factor almost as soon as it starts. This is a common problem that people who try to pick these things off one supplement at a time often run into. It's like trying to hunt a moose with a BB gun. Take a look at RED04's experience with his wife. She was tired of taking all those supplements and went to a multivitamin and crashed again shortly there after. When she went back to the "long form" she has since recovered.

A good place to start is to take a look at the the long list of symptoms and signs of B12 and folate deficiencies and find ALL the symptoms and signs that match yours. Understand that even after those are in place something like zinc, magnesium, D3, C, E, A, b-complex and other deficiencies can be a co-cause of all these symptoms.


Version 1.0, 07/13/09

mouth sensitive to hot and cold
sore burning tongue
beef-red tongue, possibly smoother than normal
sore mouth, no infection or apparant reason
teeth sensitive to hot and cold
canker sores
burning bladder (no UTI)
painful urgency (no UTI)
burning urethra (no UTI)
burning muscle pain
accumulating muscle pains following exertion
sore muscles
lack of muscle recovery after exercise
exercise does not build muscle
extremely sore neck muscles reversing normal curvature of neck
exercise deblitates for up to a week, making things much worse
painfully tight muscles, especially legs and/or arms
frequent muscle spasms anywhere in body
muscle pain especially around attachment points to bones
Eighteen severely tender muscle spots of FMS
dyspepsia - sick stomach, nausea, regurgitation, vomiting, bloating, not emptying
altered bowel habits
abdominal pain
loss of appetite for meat, fish, eggs, dairy, the only b12 contining foods, nutrient specific anorexia
intermittent constipation
intermittant diarrhea
irritable bowel syndrome
Crohns disease (direction of causality if any not established)
Celiac disease (direction of causality if any not established) - gluten sensitivity
Dairy sensitivity
sores, ulcers and lesions along entire GI tract or any part
reduced libido - loss of sexual desire
loss of orgasmic intensity
unsatisfying orgasms
inability to orgasm
loss and/or change of genital sensations - "gloved" loss of sensation
burning genital skin sensation
unable to become aroused
reduced testosterone
erectile disfunction
low sperm count
poor sperm motility
Poor sperm quality
Zero sperm count
post partum depression
post partum psychosis
False positive pap smears, noncancerous cellular changes
menstrual symptoms
Frequent miscarriage
child with neuro tube defects
rapid heart rate
heart arythymias
shortness of breath
heart palpitations
weak pulse
congestive heart failure
Widespread pain throughout body
Hypothyroid (direction of causality if any not established)
High homocysteine
High urinary MMA

dizziness - even unable to walk

SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder
mental slowing
personality changes
chronic malaise
poor concentration
mood swings
memory loss
impaired connection to others
mentally fuzzy, foggy, brainfog
psychosis, including many of the most florid psychosis seen in literature, megoblastic madness
strange "smells" that are not present like linen being ironed, burnt odors or tidal flats etc
strange "sounds" that are not present, rustlings, mummurings, detonations etc
deja vu experiences
anxiety or tension
impaired executive function
cognitive impairment
memory impairment
Hypersensitivity to touch
Hypersensitivity to odors
Hypersensitivity to tastes
Hypersensitivity to clothing texture
Hypersensitivity to chemicals
Hypersensitivity to body malfunctions, symtoms
Hypersensitivity to sounds and noises
Hypersensitivity to light and visual stimuli
Hypersensitivity to blood sugar changes
Hypersensitivity to internal metabolic changes
Hypersensitivity to temperature changes
Hypersensitivity to foods
mild to extremely severe fatigue
continuous extremely severe fatigue
easy fatiguability
severe abnormal fatigue up to and including apparent paralysis leading to death
spastic paralysis

sleep disorders
non restorative sleep
lack of dreaming
Night terrors
Prolonged hypnogogic state transitioning to sleep
Sleep paralysis
alteration of touch all over body, normal touch can be unpleasant and painful
alterations and loss of taste
alterations and loss of smell
loss of smell and taste of strawberries specifically
loss or alteration of smell and taste of potato chips specifically
roughening and increased raspiness of voice, mb12 can smooth it outin mid word
blurring of vision - can be sudden onset and sudden return
dimmed vision - usually not noticed going into it because change can be very slow or present for life
Visual impairment can be seen; ophthalmological exam may show bilateral visual loss
optic atrophy
optic neuritis
optic neuropathy
centrocecal scotomata
intolerance to bright light
diminished hearing - gradual onset or present for life, sudden return possible
unclear hearing, garbled
tinnitus - ringing in ears
always feeling cold
intolerance to loud sounds
intolerance to multiple sounds
inability to pick pick out one voice amongst many
Brainstem or cerebellar signs or even reversible (with mb12) coma may occur
neural tube defect not caused by folate deficiency or child with it
demyelinated areas on nerves
subacute combined degeneration
axonial degeneration of spinal cord
unsteadiness of gait
ataxic gait, particularly in dark
positive Romberg
positive Lhermittes
neuropathies, many types
progressive bilateral neuropathies
demyelination of nerves - white spots on nerves on MRIs
loss of detail and sensual aspects of touch all over body
paresthesias in both feet - burning, tingling,cobwebs, wet, hairs, pain, numbness, etc
paresthesias in both legs - burning, tingling, cobwebs, wet, hair, pain, numbness, etc
paresthesias in both hands - burning, tingling, cobwebs, wet, hairs, pain, numbness, etc
paresthesias in both arms - burning, tingling, cobwebs, wet, hairs, pain, numbness, etc
Loss of position sense is the most common abnormality (or vibration sense)
Loss of vibration sense is the most common abnormality (or position sense)
Loss of sense of joint position
hands feel gloved with loss of sensitivity
feet feel socked by loss of sensitivity
neuropathic bladder
unable to release bladder, mild to severe
urinary incontenance - occasionally to frequently
fecal incontinance - occasionally to frequently
sudden electric like shocks/pains shooting down arms, body, legs shooting down from neck movement
standing with eyes closed, a slight nudge or bump causes loss of balance
most patients have signs of both spinal cord and peripheral nerve involvement
The effect on reflexes is quite variable
Motor impairment may range from only mild clumsiness to a spastic paraplegia
slowed nerve impulses
decreased reflexes
difficulty swallowing
brisk reflexes
decreased deep tendon reflex
toes turn up instead of down in reflex to sole stimulation
Positive bilateral Babinski reflex
Foot Drop
impaired white blood cell response
poor resistance to infections
easy bruising
pronounced anemia
macrocytic anemia
megablastic anemia
pernicious anemia
decreased blood clotting
low hematocrit
MCV > 92-94 first warning, MCV > 97-100 alert
elevated MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin)
elevated LDH
big fat red cells (when said this way usually with happy or healthy modifying it completely misinterpreting results of MCV
platelet dysfunction, low count
white cell changes, low count
hypersegmented neutrophils
migraine headache cycles
inflamed epithelial tissues - mucous membranes, skin, GI, vaginal, lungs, bladder
inflamed endothelial tissues - lining of veins and arteries, etc
high CRP without infection
mucous becomes thick, jellied and sticky
dermatitis herpetiformis, chronic intensely burning itching rash
frequent infected follicles
Seborrheic dermatitis
skin on face, hands, feet, turns brown or yellow if anemia occurs
poor hair condition
thin nails
transverse ridges on nails, can happen as healing starts
splits/sores at corners of mouth
Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating
Bariatric surgery
glutathione, glutathione producing supplements such as NAC/glutamine
tegretol and some other medications
Relatives, grandparant, parent, sibling, child, grandchild ever needing b12 shots or supplement
brain atrophy with ileal tuberculosis preventing b12 absorbtion

delayed myelination
failure to thrive
delayed speech
frequent or continuous toncilitis
frequent strep
frequent pneumonia
frequent longlasting supposed viral illnesses that linger and linger and linger
everything goes to the lungs for extended periods
growing pains
skin problems
continuous swolen glands in neck
low grade fever for years
Night terrors
Prolonged hypnogogic state transitioning to sleep
Sleep paralysis


Senior Member
Scotland, UK
Out of interest my dad had problems for many months with eating hot and cold food. This was after he burnt his mouth on some hot lasagne. A week after upping the amount of vitamin C he was able to start eating normally again. I have no idea whether the vitamin C would've worked all on its own or whether it was working in conjunction with B12.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Out of interest my dad had problems for many months with eating hot and cold food. This was after he burnt his mouth on some hot lasagne. A week after upping the amount of vitamin C he was able to start eating normally again. I have no idea whether the vitamin C would've worked all on its own or whether it was working in conjunction with B12.

Hi April,

Vitamin C is very important for tissue formation and it's lack can prevent it. Low level scurvy is largely unrecognized these days. Lack of C can also cause frequent nosebleeds.
Sorry to resurrect old thread, but hoping you're still around Chziime. How long did it take for your bumps/zits/(hives?) to go away? Did they ever come back in your mouth when you took dimethylglycine?

After taking trimethylglycine, 4 "zits" formed on the back of my throat, behind tounge. I could feel them when I swallowed, they caused abrasion against my tongue. Throat texture also changed, significantly softened and reactive, less stiff. I was thinking they were hives that look like zits? They were not normal zits, that's for sure.

My cognition also returned for a 3 days with depreciating results, then TMG didn't do anything. Bumps eventually went away, and throat back to the same stiffness. I think that the my compensated for reason (chronic inflammation). TMG lowers homocysteine or something, lowering inflammation, I don't remember the details. But my guess is when inflammation was reduced by the TMG, the allergen/pathogen was able to spread, and hives formed, then the body cranks up homocysteine production to compensate as it wasn't producing enough to keep the thing from moving around. Chronic inflammation (elevated homocysteine) would cause cognition problems.

You wrote in a different thread too "I also often feel a tightness around my lower throat."

Do you have chronic inflammation anywhere?

Any follow up on your symptoms? You said you were highly active before this. Did you have dental work done? Any metal implants? Dental implants? Metal rods in teeth? Are you allergic (skin reaction) to jewelry/watches (nickel content)?

I came back here because it had been 8 months since I last took TMG (taking it a month later didn't improve cognition), and it greatly improved my cognition again.


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
But my guess is when inflammation was reduced by the TMG, the allergen/pathogen was able to spread, and hives formed,

Many people assume that if they take something and suddenly a visible sign of infection appears, it is because the supplement they took must have provoked the infection - possibly inhibiting the immune system, allowing an under-control infection to suddenly spread or worsen.

In my personal experience, it has always turned out to be the opposite. More than once, I took a supplement to boost the immune system, and suddenly visible signs of infection appeared. Without going into details, it became clear that the visible signs appeared because the immune system was suddenly strong enough to mount a strong response to an infection it previously could not fight.
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