My experience with a PA at the Stanford ME/CFS clinic was positive. She was polite, concerned, upbeat, and helpful. She was also a good listener. Maybe you could express your concerns and asked to be see by another PA at the clinic?
Regarding LDN, the PA recommended the following:
(LDN compounded to 1 mg per capsule)
1 capsule daily in the morning x 1st week then, if tolerating increase to
2 capsules together daily in the morning x 1-2 weeks then if tolerating, increase to
3 capsules together daily in the morning x 1-2 weeks then if tolerating, increase to
4 capsules together daily in the morning and stay at this dose.
Stay at 4 mg daily for 1-2 months, then we will consider changing the Rx to 4.5 mg capsules.