Disappointing Visit to Dr. Montoya's PA

Hi Irene. Yes, I did test positive for Mycoplasm Pneumoniae. Stanford want me to do 3 monthes of antibiotics. I haven't decided what to do yet....I want a second opinion. My family doctor said I would be crazy to do antibiotics for that long. Isn't it dangerous....wouldn't it disrupt my gut microbiome....and would it fully recover when I stopped? Have you tried the three monthes of antibiotics? How did it go?

Treat the mycoplasma. I was much better after doing so with Clarithromycin. I took Jarrow Probiotics to restore gut flora. It's not crazy to take antibiotics that long. You need to treat the mycoplasma pneumonia. After three months, go off the antibiotics for 2 months, and get re-tested. Go back on them if the mycoplasma is still positive. I really liked the Clarithromycin. Also the myalgia that long-standing mycoplasma infections cause is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia.