Disability allowance appeal tomorrow


Fine, thank you
Others I know have managed an 'indefinite' award more recently but I'm not overly clear that this depends on anything other than the panel's opinion of the condition.

I got an indefinite award but everyone on DLA will be migrated to PIP so all that means is that I will be reassessed once my number comes up! Maybe in a year at the soonest. So even indefinite doesn't really mean that.
Hi furball I hope you have recovered from the ordeal of you appeal last week and once again congratulations!
I have my appeal on Wednesday! Terrified!! So any advice that you think may help would be welcome..

My key points were ( as people have stated on this thread ) that a lot of us struggle with repeating ,say , walking 50m or that preparation of a meal is possible but not always & ,myself would prefer someone around as I can get extremely forgetful . My mobility has become more of an issue but they took it from when the claim was 1st made & was slightly better then. They asked me about getting dressed to which I replied that as 6 out of 7 days I don't leave the house I rarely get dressed, I have no hobbies as I either physically can't or my mind won't allow me to concentrate , be that even tv, Internet or reading. I'm lucky as if my housemate is away for periods of time my neighbours always pop over, text or call to see if I'm ok.

I talked about all the things I'm trying or have tried to get better from Chinese tablets to starting hydrotherapy this week through the nhs. They'll go through the form u filled in ( I have to confess that I made a mess of mine ) I told them ( truthfully ) that this form really made me realise just how foggy my brain had become, it was a real chore .

Try not to worry too much, just concentrate on getting there & I'm sure it'll go fine.

Firestorm - I have it until march 2014 I think , I'm hoping ill be ok by then but if not ill cross that bridge when I get to it.

Thanks again everyone, I'm venturing out on Wednesday , dentist.... Can't wait lol :(


Senior Member
Hello furball, thank you so much for replying so quickly!
Your information has helped enormously, I too made a mess of my form!
I do feel a little less stressed as I feel a bit more prepared!
Enjoy your day out at the dentist! Lol... what exciting lives we leave!
best wishes Anna8
Wow that programme on Bbc 1 Panorama " The great Disability Scam" had some very shocking attitudes by social
Services etc.

Truly disgusting :(


Senior Member
I,m not sure if I'm sorry that I missed it or not! The whole issue gets me so angry! I won my ESA a few weeks ago! It's hard to put it into words how ridiculous! The whole system is! I don't know how it is being aloud to carry on!
I wish I could find the words to rant!! Brain fogg!
Hello all,

I hope everyone is doing ok.
As I've now worked out the mobile version of this forum I can post from my phone which helps when I'm in bed.

Anyways I have a visit from an ATOS doctor next week , this came about after filling in a novel / form. Has anyone experienced this type of visit? Luckily my Dad will be down next week so he'll be there for moral support .

I really find it disgusting that we are made to feel guilty for having this illness, almost like we have to prove ailments every 5 mins to some person , oh well.

So if anyone knows of what actually happens in these visits I'd be greatly appreciative as I'm clueless.



Senior Member
Cornwall England
Hello all,

I hope everyone is doing ok.
As I've now worked out the mobile version of this forum I can post from my phone which helps when I'm in bed.

Anyways I have a visit from an ATOS doctor next week , this came about after filling in a novel / form. Has anyone experienced this type of visit? Luckily my Dad will be down next week so he'll be there for moral support .

I really find it disgusting that we are made to feel guilty for having this illness, almost like we have to prove ailments every 5 mins to some person , oh well.

So if anyone knows of what actually happens in these visits I'd be greatly appreciative as I'm clueless.


Well I'm pleased you can access the forum from bed now, Furball :)

I don't have personal experience of this home visit I am afraid. Presumably this is for ESA? I'm presuming that because you've only just won your appeal for DLA and they can't possibly be after you for that yet - surely!

I believe ESA is an annual review. Although in my own case - and I won an appeal for ESA (as well as DLA) - they seem to have let me be for quite some time after my parents helped me complete the last 'Questionnaire'/Novel over a year ago now.

Not much I can offer you other than my hope that it goes well and proves not to be too difficult. Stay in touch :)
I got sent a new form which I filled in & then a letter arrived saying that I would receive a letter ( any trees left?) with a date for appointment for a ATOS doctor to visit me. It always seems so threatening whenever ATOS are involved , almost Gestapo-like . Most if them are desk sitting , pen pushers who seem android like when it comes to human emotion with their brains set to "doubt" ... I'm ranting ,sorry.

I feel better that my Dad will be here as he's witnessed my demise but it would be cool to have an idea of what weapon of torture they intend to use of me. :)


Senior Member
Hi furball!
How are you doing?
It's good to hear from you! What form did you fill in? Maybe it was something you put on the form! On the up side you don't have to get to anyway!:)

Hi Anna,

Hope your well

It seemed to be a new kind of assessment form & think it stated that its going out to everyone .

I'll see how I feel on the day but if I'm not doing to well he can talk to me while I'm in bed


Senior Member
Well I'll be looking forward to mine dropping through the door!! NOT

Glad you will have your dad thier, always good to have them out numbered!! Lol
I think it would be a good idea being in bed!

Is this form for ESA or DLA! ?

I've just been turned down for DLA! No surprise so I'll be appealing!
With what I have heard there are a lot of changes a foot!
It was a DLA form.

Well after my appeal , when the panel said that I should claim for mobility as my mobility has got worse since my initial claim, I sent a letter & was asked to fill in another form which was of course declined. I then sent them a letter explaining that it was in the panels advice that I claimed for this. They do have a bizarre system . Basically I have to go to the panel who advised me to claim and put my point across ( which is in effect their point too)

Maybe if they stopped all the bureaucracy & back & forth stalling they would save a lot of money .


Senior Member
Best of luck with it. For things that you cannot do reliably for most of the time, I would say something like "I'm normally to exhausted to do that", rather than trying to explain how you can do it on some occasions.

It seems really variable though, with a lot of ATOS people being pure lying bastards, and some being not so bad.

The new system is really disgusting.


Senior Member

I am trying to register on the works and benefits site but it wont accept any username I type in. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks.

ps I managed to get registered after emailing them.


Fine, thank you
Best of luck with it. For things that you cannot do reliably for most of the time, I would say something like "I'm normally to exhausted to do that", rather than trying to explain how you can do it on some occasions.

When asked if I can do anything - anything at all, such as walk 20m or lift a bag of potatoes or take a pen from my pocket, I always answer, 'no, not reliably and not when I choose and if I do it I always pay for it later' rather than, 'yes, if I wait until I feel OK and don't do it repeatedly and rest immediately afterwards', although both are just different ways of saying the same thing. Sadly, Atos and DWP seem to be looking for an excuse to tick that 'yes' box and if you use the word 'yes', you're helping to make it possible for them, I feel.