good luck! furball! you'll be in my thoughts tomorrow, i'm not sure were this is from but it always make me smile
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass..
it's about learning to Dance in the Rain!
I'm out..... Phew that was eventful. Having a well earnt coffee at the moment.
I got DLA... Will go into detail once I'm home... Long day. Thank you all so much for the advice.
Furbie XX
I'm out..... Phew that was eventful. Having a well earnt coffee at the moment.
I got DLA... Will go into detail once I'm home... Long day. Thank you all so much for the advice.
Furbie XX
Well I'm back home & having a lie down.
So, they " awarded" me the lowest rate but backdated from July last year, they did state however that I could appeal to have it upgraded as its clear that my condition has decreased since then & they suggested that I do so ( I thought that was very kind of them)
They have 2 sittings a week of DLA appeals where I went & they said that at least 1 a sitting is ME related , which concerned me .
So, beers on me then... But I think I'll need a day or two to recover from today's ordeal
Thanks so much xx