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Difficulty with Freddd protocol (anxiety)

Hello everyone,

I've been on freds methylation protocol for the last 2 weeks and getting alot of anxiety that seems dose dependent with the Methyl b12. Here is my log so far with notes ;

Nov 19
100mcg mb12
100mcg metafolin

Nov 20
150mcg mb12
Depressed at night

Nov 21
9am 250mcg mb12
1pm 250mcg
8pm depressed

Nov 22 1000mcg mb12
10am 500mcg methyl b12
10am 100mcg metafolin
1230pm 250mcg mb12
440pm 250mcg mb12
8pm Anxiety, heart racing, needed xanax .25mg

Nov 23
720am 250mcg mb12
400mg potassium
3pm 250mcg mb12
400mg potassium
442pm little headache
150mg potassium

Nov 24
8am 200mcg metafolin
8am 250mcg mb12
230pm 250mcg mb12
7pm little speedy seems like threshold dose

Nov 25
100mcg metafolin
250mcg mb12
250mcg mb12

Nov 26
10am 250mcg mb12
150mcg metafolin
4pm 250mcg mb12

Nov 27
10am 200mcg metafolin
10am 250mcg mb12
4pm 250mcg mb12

Any advice? Thanks ahead of time,


Senior Member
Have you had your 23andme genetic mutations analyzed? You may not tolerate methyls well...
Have you had your 23andme genetic mutations analyzed? You may not tolerate methyls well...

I have not had it tested and can't afford it now that it's 200$. All I'm going by is my history and some blood tests. I took high dose injection cyanocobalamin and NAC and a multivitamin with folic acid for years. As for blood tests i had high Homocysteine 11.4(<11.3), high Hemoglobin and high b12 1200 but still had low b12 symptoms. I've stopped NAC only 2 weeks ago and believe my issue was due to my history with those supplements rather than MTHFR. But who knows
Can you swap out your methylcobalamin and try hydroxocobalamin?

I can try that, I was following Freddd's protocol I don't remember what he said about hydroxo but doesn't it not convert for a lot of people? Damn brain fog can't remember anything anymore :/

Niacin will stop methylation and the anxiety. I got it from too high metafolin

Forget the docs website. MTHFR help I think he talks about This exact thing.

In here.


I popped 1000mg niacinamide that somewhat helps but not enough. Xanax is the only thing that really gets rid of the anxiety from it. Is there a way to tag Freddd on here to see what he thinks? I don't know if I should raise metafolin or lower mb12 or what I'm so confused
You have to keep taking it. About 100 mgs every hour. The flushing kind till it eases.

Back down on everything and start over. Imo. If the balance is off you have to figure that out.

@Freddd @PeterPositive @Martial @ahmo might be able to help

I see, I do have a bottle of that kind I'll try it. And for when any of the tagged users see this I'm also hypothyroid and not sure if I should get that under control before starting the b12 and folate or if those deficiencies can cause hypothyroid? No idea what I'm doing and I've read almost all of fred's posts


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
It's very complicated. I couldn't do it. You have to start very low and very slow. That I know.

Niacin will stop the methylation. Get stable before you start again. This is not a race.
It's very complicated. I couldn't do it. You have to start very low and very slow. That I know.

Niacin will stop the methylation. Get stable before you start again. This is not a race.

Sounds good. Is it unhealthy to just stop the methylation supps? Since it's starting a healing reaction then stopping the supps to support it?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Don't know. I'm clueless but having intolerable anxiety isn't so great either. That's not healing.

Maybe just drop down really low until someone here can advise you.

Like I said. I stopped because it was too complicated for me and when I did manage to do it for a short time I got no benefit

B's are very complicated

Look in Ahmo's signature. I think she had s methylation for dummies link.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I'm also hypothyroid and not sure if I should get that under control before starting the b12 and folate or if those deficiencies can cause hypothyroid? No idea what I'm doing and I've read almost all of fred's posts
I don't think you need to fix your thyroid first. I don't know whether these deficiencies cause low thyroid, I don't think so.

Niacin slows down reactions from folate, but you say you're having problems w/ B12. When I look at your list, the place where you list speedy is the day when you took 200mcg folate. Folate is generally the thing that causes anxiety. I'm afraid I can't offer any suggestions. I've compiled many of Fred's comments in a Guide to Freddd's Protocol, the 2nd link in my signature.


Senior Member
Like I said. I stopped because it was too complicated for me and when I did manage to do it for a short time I got no benefit
Thats kinda my story. The anxiety was intolerable. I saw some benefit so I take it less often.

I was following Freddd's protocol I don't remember what he said about hydroxo but doesn't it not convert for a lot of people?
The 23andMe test would help you determine whether you need Hydroxy or Methyl because of conversion issues.


Senior Member
I used to have high anxiety when taking high doses of methylB12.
I tried some niacin, which worked great. But in the long run, it made me depressed. So I stopped doing that.
Then I tried GABA supplements. Those worked a bit (even it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier), but it wasn't all that effective.
Magnesium was also slightly beneficial, but the gains were very minor.
Then I tried lithium, because it can lessen mood swings and possibly also anxiety. This worked better than the previous things I tried, but even this wasn't ideal. If I took it for too long, it would make me sad.
Then @ahmo commented on my post about bipolar mentioning pyrrole disorder. It depletes B6 and zinc, causing depression, mood swings, digestive problems, anxiety, ... So, I started taking my B complex again. This didn't remove anxiety, even tho I felt calmer on it.
I ordered p5p (active form of B6) and the difference is massive. All anxiety is gone which is amazing. I can take 1300 mcg methylB12 and 600 mcg folate without any problems now.
I still need to do a pyrrole test.

PS: I always had anxiety, even before supplementation.
3 days off everything and taking niacin all day and my anxiety isn't getting better i dont know what to do..

I used to have high anxiety when taking high doses of methylB12.
I tried some niacin, which worked great. But in the long run, it made me depressed. So I stopped doing that.
Then I tried GABA supplements. Those worked a bit (even it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier), but it wasn't all that effective.
Magnesium was also slightly beneficial, but the gains were very minor.
Then I tried lithium, because it can lessen mood swings and possibly also anxiety. This worked better than the previous things I tried, but even this wasn't ideal. If I took it for too long, it would make me sad.
Then @ahmo commented on my post about bipolar mentioning pyrrole disorder. It depletes B6 and zinc, causing depression, mood swings, digestive problems, anxiety, ... So, I started taking my B complex again. This didn't remove anxiety, even tho I felt calmer on it.
I ordered p5p (active form of B6) and the difference is massive. All anxiety is gone which is amazing. I can take 1300 mcg methylB12 and 600 mcg folate without any problems now.
I still need to do a pyrrole test.

PS: I always had anxiety, even before supplementation.

Glad you fixed your anxiety. Is tried all the pyrolle supps and they didn't do anything. I had a test done too and i dont have pyroluria.


Senior Member
I noticed you only took Potassium on one of your days. I've found it to be calming when I am taking DQ supps and I sleep much better when I've taken mine for the day.
I noticed you only took Potassium on one of your days. I've found it to be calming when I am taking DQ supps and I sleep much better when I've taken mine for the day.

Oops sorry on that log I meant extra potassium in addition to the 500mg i take morning and night on an empty stomach