DID the FDA really take OSR1 off the market?

power grab

I can't believe we have turned into a plutocratic society, or maybe I just noticed. after all the stuff at the CDC, it is getting to the point where it is obviously out of control..

you can contact the FDA with an email if you have any comments about the sudden removal of this dietary supplment from the shelves.

Yep, I confirm that OSR was removed from the market. I got emails from supplier to stock up before the BAN effective end of July. OSR is not available anymore. I heard it might be available again as a drug if it passes FDA approval (so far it was approved as a nutritional supplement, not anymore), that is, when pigs will fly.

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
Yep, I confirm that OSR was removed from the market. I got emails from supplier to stock up before the BAN effective end of July. OSR is not available anymore. I heard it might be available again as a drug if it passes FDA approval (so far it was approved as a nutritional supplement, not anymore), that is, when pigs will fly.

The average cost to get a new drug FDA-approved is one billion dollars.

BTW, remember when FDA said Cheerios was a drug?
Well I vaguely remember someone saying that Boyd Haley said that if OSR does not get FDA approval (that was before it was approved as a supplement, when everybody in the autism community was eagerly awaiting its release), he would give us the recipe to make OSR in our kitchen from other available compounds... Then it got approval so we never saw that recipe. Bottom line is, there IS an easy way to make OSR in a kitchen... just don't know how...