Hi everyone,
I'm the patient Roy referred to. I have been following the thread but not posting because I am preoccupied trying to find a living space that works for me. Living in car right now. I plan on joining in on the conversation once I find a place that works. Don't hold our breath though, that can take a while.
Just a short note: Xlear contains saline, xylitol (breaks up biofilms) and a small amount of grapefruit seed extract (is anti-fungal among other things) as a preservative.
I was starting to get better in the desert and then decided to ad sinus rinses with Xlear. The reaction was so bad (all my ME symptoms increased) that I had to stop because I need to function somewhat while living in my car.
That all being said, I had cross contaminated my car (former apartment had a mold problem) and started decontaminating it with ozone. While doing this I noticed when I would breathe in ozone, I would immediately start feeling better. Please don't lecture me, I know well enough myself not to breathe in ozone because it is dangerous. Sometimes when things got really bad, I would do it anyway, just for the insta-relief!
My thoughts then were, I definitely have something going on in my sinuses which contributes to my ME. If it is fungal and I am killing the fungus (with Xlear), the fungus will throw off lots of mycotoxins while dying and making me more sick during the die-off process. If I kill of the fungus and breakup the mycotoxins at the same time (using ozone), I seem to get better without the "herx". Since ozone is not a good option, I looked into photocatalytic air purifiers which like ozone should kill fungi and also break up mycotoxins at the same time. In a nutshell: Photocatalytic air purfiers work by generating hydroxyl (HO) which should be safer to breathe in than ozone. If that is all the way safe, I don't know. Hydroxyl doesn't work as fast as ozone because it is not as aggressive but will work on the long run to break down fungi. Anyway, I have been running an Air Oasis 3000 Xtreme air purifier in my car (while being in the car and breathing in the hydroxyl) for about two weeks now (especially at night when fungi thrive). I should mention the Air Oasis 3000 Xtreme is for 3000 square feet and really overkill for a car. Low and behold, the inflammation in my whole body including brain is getting better. I should also mention, breathing in the hydroxyl seems to work faster and better for me than just doing mold avoidance in the desert. I left the desert before I tried the hydroxyl. Disclaimer: I did NOT do any scientific research, the above is an anecdotal report of what happened when I was just throwing things against the wall to see what sticks. It is NOT medical advice.
I am still waiting on my HLA test results so I don't know what my genetic predisposition is. I do believe, if a person has a genetic predisposition for biotoxin illnesses, they should practice mycotoxin avoidance on all levels, i.e controlling environment, eating safe food, taking sequestering agents and clearing any fungal infections they may have. While we feel breathing mycotoxins more intensely because they go straight to the brain through the olfactory bulb, it is important to remember that they can also enter the body through the skin, the eyes and by being ingested.
There is so much more to say but I am getting a new apartment next week and really need to focus on that. This crazy situation is kinda stressing me out