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Desperately Seeking Aussie Lymphaciser


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Any of you Aussies know where I can get a Lymphaciser? I'm amazed to find it so hard to find. Starbounding website, a major distributor, seems to be inactive, and the other inquiries I've made have come to nothing. Maybe the question I should be asking is WHY it's N/A, given it's said to be the only one with the springs configured to minimize harmful/maximize helpful 'electricity' generated. cheers, ahmo


Senior Member
Australia, Melbourne
Any of you Aussies know where I can get a Lymphaciser? I'm amazed to find it so hard to find. Starbounding website, a major distributor, seems to be inactive, and the other inquiries I've made have come to nothing. Maybe the question I should be asking is WHY it's N/A, given it's said to be the only one with the springs configured to minimize harmful/maximize helpful 'electricity' generated. cheers, ahmo
what is a lymphaciser ad how does it work please?
In Aus but never heard of this
I have a chi ancon machine - no help



Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Hi Allyson. A particular kind of rebounder. I've seen chi machines sold on same sites as Lymphacisers. It is, or was, made in NZ, so I'm perplexed that I can't find one here. Maybe gone out of business. cheers, ahmo


Senior Member
I have one....it's about 25 years old now. Still looks and works like new. A lymphaciser was one of the first things recommended to me waaay back when first diagnosed. I used to do two minutes gentle rebounding twice per day and worked up to ten minutes. I haven't used it for a few years, since we moved house. I guess I didn't find it made enough of a real difference on it's own to make a priority of persevering with it.
Yes the electricity aspect is important. I'm someone who always got shocks off a regular trampoline.....and from cars - even supermarket trollies on occasion LOL.
Other PWME were using them back in the 90's too I remember. Those more severely affected were sitting on them.
They're made so well, I'd imagine there must be a lot of second hand ones floating around.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Thanks Anne. It looks like I've got one from ebay, from the US. Otherwise, I've not found any source, new or used, in Au/NZ. I've been using a common garage-sale rebounder for many years. This year, after a long hiatus, I've been working up to 10" also. cheers, ahmo