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Deplin absoprtion

possibly anyone with experience with Deplin know if it is absorbed quickly,just like regular 5mthf is (metafolin)?
im thinking it should not be too different. but need to know because i schedule when i take my b12 around when i take a 5mthf supp.
@Freddd do you know?

im thinking of going on Deplin and stopping Metafolin because taking 20+ piils of Metafolln per day isnt agreeing with my stomach - and im nervous that its just gunna get worse and soon enough my stomach wont be able to tolerate it/absorb it at all .

@Freddd not sure if you remember me, but i was the guy with the really bad histamine issue and having problems fixing it. -- its finally getting better now that im taking 5mthf(metafolin) and b12, taking it at the right time.

thanks all :)


Senior Member
Just curious what you mean when you say at the right time. when do you take your mfolate and mb12?
taking the Folate/b12 a few hours after ive eaten methylates the histidine i consume that meal - and thats where most of my histamine comes from for that day.. as opposed to taking the folate/b12 before i eat when theres less histidine to methylate because i havnt ingested any.

and i also take the b12 about 30-45 minutes after the folate to give the folate time to dissolve in my stomach and abosrb
and i also take the b12 about 30-45 minutes after the folate to give the folate time to dissolve in my stomach and abosrb
but this was what pertained to the topic - fyi, yall. (how much time should i give the Deplin to absorb before i take the b12? similar to Metafolin ?)
in case there was any confusion from the topic post


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Hi @GenDylan Good to hear of this histamine response. My understanding is that Deplin and Metafolin are synonymous except for dosage. I take many of my supps by footbath, to avoid gut disruption, which you could do with folate capsules. Freddd hasn't posted since before March. cheers, ahmo
Wow what a revolutionary post @ahmo ; I've been wondering how I could bypass stomach absorption due to my weak stomach, thank you so much!! Idk how else id be able to take as many supplements as I need to -- potassium and sea salt are definitely about to get foot absorbed!! Thanks :)


Senior Member
taking the Folate/b12 a few hours after ive eaten methylates the histidine i consume that meal - and thats where most of my histamine comes from for that day.. as opposed to taking the folate/b12 before i eat when theres less histidine to methylate because i havnt ingested any.

and i also take the b12 about 30-45 minutes after the folate to give the folate time to dissolve in my stomach and abosrb

Interesting @GenDylan. But for some reason, that doesn't seem to make sense. If you wait a few hours after you've eaten, then wouldn't the histidine have time to begin being absorbed by the body before you even add the methylfolate? If you took it before the meal, then it would be there ready to do it's job before any histidine (or other amines) could be absorbed.
