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defend Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate from the FDA!


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Hi, Cort;
I subscribe to Julian Whitaker's Health and Healing newsletter, and have just received the latest issue, in which he states that the FDA, having areadly banned pyridoxamine, is considering an appeal from another drug company (unnamed) that wants them to ban P5P while it develops a spin-off drug based upon it. As you know, P5P is one of the components of the Rich van Konynenburg methylation kit, one of the few treatments for which there is any evidence of success. I live in Canada and so am not in a good position to act in any way, but thought I would alert you all to this latest threat from the FDA. Whitaker urges Americans to contact the White House Office of Health Reform, or visit whitakerhealthfreedom.com . Let's hope this evil force can be pushed back on this one! Best, Chris


Senior Member
Thanks for info

:mad:Very upsetting. It always comes down to money. My son takes this and I am trying to start taking it but do not tolerate it well. Next thing we know they will start charging for the air we breath.:mad: