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Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Virus and Human Herpesvirus 6 Infections in ME/CFS


J Med Virol. 2020 Mar 4. doi: 10.1002/jmv.25744. [Epub ahead of print]
Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Virus and Human Herpesvirus 6 Infections in Patients with Myalgic Еncephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Shikova E1,2, Reshkova V3, Kumanova А1, Raleva S1, Alexandrova D2, Capo N4, Murovska M5; European Network on ME/CFS (EUROMENE).
Author information

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disabling multisystem chronic disease. The etiology and pathogenesis of ME/CFS are unknown. Infections of cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) are suspected as etiological agents for ME/CFS.

This study aims to estimate prevalence and type (active/latent) of EBV, CMV and HHV-6 infections in Bulgarian ME/CFS patients. In the study were included 58 ME/CFS patients and 50 healthy controls. Virus-specific antibodies were detected by ELISA and viral genomic sequences in PBMCs and plasma samples - by nPCR. We did not observe any significant differences in virus specific IgG and IgM positivity rates between ME/CFS patients and control group.

In ME/CFS plasma samples EBV DNA was found in 24.1%, CMV DNA - in 3.4% and HHV-6 DNA in 1.7% of samples. EBV DNA was detected in 4%, CMV and HHV-6 DNA were not found in plasma samples of controls. The frequency of viral genome detection in PBMCs of patients and controls was 74% vs 78% for CMV, 81% vs 84% for EBV, and 82.8% vs 82% for HHV-6. The difference in frequency of EBV active infection in ME/CFS and control group was statistically significant (p=0.0027). No ME/CFS and control individuals with active CMV and HHV-6 infection were observed.

In conclusion, our study using both serological and PCR-based techniques for distinguishing between active and latent infection, showed high rate of active EBV infection among ME/CFS patients indicating that at least in a subset of cases EBV is important factor for development of disease.

CMV, EBV, HHV-6 infection; ELISA; Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS); PCR; active infection


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
In ME/CFS plasma samples EBV DNA was found in 24.1%, CMV DNA - in 3.4% and HHV-6 DNA in 1.7% of samples. EBV DNA was detected in 4%, CMV and HHV-6 DNA were not found in plasma samples of controls.

Ron Davis found more viral reactivations in healthy controls than in severely ill patients. :confused:

The type of testing Ron did was very interesting. Ron and his team used a PCR technology called "multiplex". Which is a highly sensitive PCR test and tests multiple regions on the DNA of viruses found in the blood, to assure there are no false readings-




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Ron Davis found more viral reactivations in healthy controls than in severely ill patients. :confused:

The type of testing Ron did was very interesting. Ron and his team used a PCR technology called "multiplex". Which is a highly sensitive PCR test and tests multiple regions on the DNA of viruses found in the blood, to assure there are no false readings-

View attachment 36372

Do we know if this PCR testing detects persistent nonpermissive herpes virus infection, something Dr Martin Lerner mentioned in his work.



Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Do we know if this PCR testing detects persistent nonpermissive herpes virus infection, something Dr Martin Lerner mentioned in his work.

I don't know. Ron does say in the video, if there's an active viral infection causing an immune response. There would be pieces of DNA from the virus in the blood, from the immune system attacking it. Which would be found by PCR testing.
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Senior Member
At end of month, hoping to do some IV ozone...
Specifically ten pass ozone sessions to help thwart long hold of viruses.

In past, cryotherapy and monolaurin and emu oil also helped


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Ron Davis found more viral reactivations in healthy controls than in severely ill patients. :confused:

The type of testing Ron did was very interesting. Ron and his team used a PCR technology called "multiplex". Which is a highly sensitive PCR test and tests multiple regions on the DNA of viruses found in the blood, to assure there are no false readings-

View attachment 36372

Ron's unpublished findings aren't significant. You need at least 30 individuals to be statistically significant, otherwise the sample size is too low. He should know this.


Senior Member
So what have people tried to tame the EBV? I have high titers for EBV and also I had high levels of EBV early antigen D. I've heard two different things from Dr's. One that it matters, one that it doesn't....


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
EBV is a chronic virus so it's integrated into the cell's DNA. The only way to fix is to kill it is through apoptosis immunotherapy or cut it out with PRIME gene editing (if they can make a way to delete 14k base pairs, currently can only do a few) and there isn't an approved method yet. I'm doing an experimental method using supplements and OTC drugs on my Self-Experimentation blog if u want to see my progress with periostitis. Hopefully it will be successful. I also think they should make vaccines for EBV and HHV6. Would probably prevent a lot of ME cases.
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Senior Member
EBV is a chronic virus so it's integrated into the cell's DNA. The only way to fix is to kill it is through apoptosis immunotherapy or cut it out with PRIME gene editing (if they can make a way to delete 14k base pairs, currently can only do a few) and there isn't an approved method yet. I'm doing an experimental method using supplements and OTC drugs on my Self-Experimentation blog if u want to see my progress with periostitis. Hopefully it will be successful. I also think they should make vaccines for EBV and HHV6. Would probably prevent a lot of ME cases.
Hi gbells,
I've seen your experiments. Looks interesting. What are you using to cause the ebv to go through apoptosis?


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Hi gbells,
I've seen your experiments. Looks interesting. What are you using to cause the ebv to go through apoptosis?

Mainly checkpoint inhibitors at each block to undo the viral bocking of apoptosis.

They're still experimental so I am not going into detail. However, curcumin is one of them. It inhibits Nf-kB as an example.
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Senior Member
U.S., Earth


Senior Member
Mainly checkpoint inhibitors at each block to undo the viral bocking of apoptosis.

They're still experimental so I am not going into detail. However, curcumin is one of them. It inhibits Nf-kB as an example.

So are you basing your experiments on the thought that EBV contributes to cancer? I read what I could of the article, but I am no expert. I'm researching for my specialist about treating my EBV. When you are ready to share your process please let me know. I've seen your results and read your posts after reading in another post about the universal antiviral meds somewhere on here. You seem to really understand this virus.


Senior Member
Conventional doctors are usually taught to dismiss those results. But some ME/CFS doctors have found them helpful for diagnosing a reactivation of EBV.

You may find this post helpful:

Hope this helps.
Thank you, it is helpful, but I'm trying to figure out what to do about it. I've been feeling better since doing IVIG, but I know that virus was active in my system for a long time. I'm scared I'm going to lose my progress and go backwards. So I'm hoping to see how others have treated this beast so I can have a back up plan ready to talk with my Dr's in case I go down hill again.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
So are you basing your experiments on the thought that EBV contributes to cancer? I read what I could of the article, but I am no expert. I'm researching for my specialist about treating my EBV. When you are ready to share your process please let me know. I've seen your results and read your posts after reading in another post about the universal antiviral meds somewhere on here. You seem to really understand this virus.

I've done a lot of reading on how chronic viruses disable the immune system through apoptosis checkpoints so they can persist. The problem with cancer immunotherapy drugs is that they only target growing cells while ME patients get viral infections of nongrowing cells-so it won't work. The bulk of useful research does come from cancer as this field is well funded and apoptosis is one method they have been interested in as a cancer therapy.
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